Best country

Best country

The Good:
>Gun rights
>Lax Tax
>Right-wing gov't going even further right
>Four languages
>3 Distinct delicious cuisines
>Great wine
>Awesome beer
>Beutiful alps
>Ludicrous wages
>Majority of "Non-Swiss" are from white countries

The Bad:
>Cities have more more niggers/muzzies than they should
>Food is 1.5-2x more expensive than other non-meme tier countries
>Housing can be difficult to find
>Our southern border is covered in Italians

That's not Finland.

>Majority of "Non-Swiss" are from white countries
>Cities have more more niggers/muzzies than they should

Pick one.

They don't contradict each other.

Even if 80% of foreigners are white that's still 20% too many niggers.

You should add women to the good

Also I can't understand you cunts half of the time when you talk

the flag is also a big plus

No complaints to make about Switzerland, 10/10, would fuck

Isn't that country litterally European Israel?

>Gun rights

Do you have any idea what is the process like for immigrating to Switzerland? I'm learning German right now and go to a good school in the U.S. for a computer related major, but have no clue if I would be better off trying to immigrate right after graduation or if I would be better off sticking around for a few years to get work experience, especially if the rules about citizens of EU member states having a higher priority than immigrants from other countries are as strict as they seem to be

Said the burger with States like commiefornia that can't even have an ak47

Dafuk? We don't have that many jews. At least if you consider we have high income and jews generaly occupy all high income area.

I can have full-auto easily.
I won't say it's better than the us (not OP), but depending on where in the US we have good laws. Not mentioning the rest of the world.

>wanting to be 'neutral' mountainkike

>American education

Finland is cool. Their gun laws are shit. And they're EU.

One of the lowest jew populations in Europe. They're still buttmad about """Their""" gold.

Hard. Google it though.

>implying its better to fight in kike manipulated wars


Our gun laws are far superior to americas as a whole, worst than certain states like wyoming or montana. Also we don't have ATF to kill our dogs if we accidently duct-tape a stock to a pistol

If you opened borders for hitler he might have cleansed europe of kike filth.

Stop complaining that food is twice as expensive when you make 4 times more than most countries.

idiot don't say those things
we're already full and don't need more foreigners

No. That's ridiculous. We helped him as much as we could without risking our sovertiy. Hitler lost because the kikes manages to manipulate the americans and the anglo have always been traitors.

It's not a complaint. Just a negative. I have no qualms with our food prices.

>implying they would be allowed to immigrate
Have some faith in dear old UDC.


Stop making excuses for being a coward.

Ist es schwer als Österreicher in die Schweiz einzuwandern?

Eine Bekannte von mir hatte vor ein paar Jahren nicht sonderlich große Probleme, das ging ganz fix

Are you faggots able to conceal-carry or it's allowed for certain people only?

das problem ist nicht einwandern sondern eher dass die bevölkerung dich nicht akzeptieren wird
wir haben jetzt mehr deutsche auswanderer als einwanderer weil sie sich nicht "willkommen fühlen".
was hast du für eine ausbildung?

Have you eaten Cat before?

>Great wine

Stop being an edgy faggot. Every Swiss serves in the military. Have you?

no we eat immigrants that are sentenced to death


You don't know anything about history and are just spewing tired memes. Does your country even have a military?

It's very hard.

This depend a little on the canton. But generally no. Carrying loaded weapons in public is against the law. If our crime rate wasn't so hilariously low I might be opposed to this, but it is, so I dont really care.

No. I'm from Fribourg, not the romansch territories. Have you taken your mandatory daily diversity training course, binned that knife, and voted for a muslim as mayor of your capital?

What does a Texan know about wine exactly.

Of course he hasn't. He's an underage edgelord on Sup Forums


>Majority of "Non-Swiss" are from white countries
Since when is Albania a white country?

I heard you been having trouble with that immigration referendum though.

Yep. shit's underfunded though.

Our albanian population is tiny, a fraction of a fraction of a percent. Most of them went to germany since we don't give welfare here.

EU has been throwing a shit fit about it and we've had to move delicately to avoid having our economy raped by "not a dictator" merkel.

>Swiss Education
It isn't a right when you have ask for permission from the government you stupid mountain Jew.

You cant drink muhamad.

>The Bad
You forgot
-it's full of Swiss
-Democracy (i.e. every retard gets to vote, no matter if competent on the issue in question or not)


We don't though. Worst case is
>Shall issue
A policy a majority of states in the United states have. Except say, liberal states, where guns are defacto banned.

Good post.

you're a gay dumb faggot

I would if I could to Swiss land,but I know that will probably never happen

Get a little experience first I think. It will be easier.
Learn German as much as you can and save some cash for when you move. Immigration laws vary from Canton to Canton. It can be difficult to find a job if you dont have a permit. And they only give those to people who are studying or working here. So you need to find a company that will be bothered to fill the necessary paperwork with the state for you. And for that to happen you need to have experience and good recommendations. And speak the language. And not every company even does that, but the big multinationals have no problem with it. So the bigger the company you apply to, the better in your case.

Applying for a buying permit in Austria or Switzerland is not "asking for permission". It is merely formalizing the background check, there is no entity involved that decides randomly if he shall "grant the glorious privilege" or not. That's what "shall issue" means, same as in the US.

And you cant make wine.

Why not move to China then?

Because they are commies, full internet surveillance and noguns. If I wanted that I'd might as well go to Germany.

>ywn be swiss

You are confusing shall issue concealed carry permits with getting a permit to purchase. No such permit is required here, nor does my state require a permit to carry. I can purchase a pistol privately without needing a background check or permit and carry that pistol daily without anyone from the government being involved. That is how a right works.


I would have more of a problem with the Frenchies than the Italians

Read my question again.
>Since when is Albania a white country?

No need to go into offensive mode, Ricola

But you just said you hate democracy..

I'm pretty sure you can't (legally). That gun show loophole myth of private reselling is extensivly debunked.

All these butthurt Austrians cant cope with Switzerland being superior.

>A policy a majority of states
That is for concealed carry you moron and many states do not even require a permit to carry.

I'm an Amerilard vacationing im Switzerland and I can confirm it's pretty great. Feels like the country white people are supposed to grow up in. I even saw a "end white genocide" sticker. Too bad I don't speak the language and its tough as nails to immigrate.

Democracy / rule of the incompetent is not the same as having freedom. If the unwashed masses decide that if you post on Sup Forums the police shall kick your door in and take your children, as it is in Germany, it's not a good thing.

Yes I can and do. I won't tell you about Austrian law, so please don't tell me about mine.

Go to Austria, as long as you stay out of the big/univerity cities you can get the Switzerland feels for half the price.
Unfortunately the big cities is where the elections are decided, so it may not stay this way.

>shall kick your door in and take your children,
kek. what are you on m8?
>unwashed masses
thats the thing tho. Switzerland basically does not have those. Anyone who can vote has been through superior Swiss education. Immigrants cant fucking vote. You know how hard it is to get Swiss citizenship?

To clarify, it is not a loophole. The "loophole" part is what is a myth. Private sales are legal and sometimes occur at gun shows. What isn't legal is doing it as a business without being licensed.

Selling a few each year or whatever is perfectly legal and requires no government involvement.

Good post.
Thanks poland. You're ok too.
No. French people are respectful. Don't mistake parisians with regular french folk. They talk weird, and are a bit arrogant about their culture but they're civilized.

You're free to ignore states that aren't convenient for your argument, but clearly we have a whole number of "Free" guns which only require a BG check, and then many more which are shall-issue permit.

This is a silly pissing contest. I'm not interested. Enjoy your ATF. Keep your dog safe.

Yea it's great. Thanks. Ignore the Austrian shitposting because we denied his Visa a few years ago.

Not that hard compared to how any other sane country handles it (notably being born there isn't enough, 10 years of minimum residence, not being a felon, doing a language and culture test - same as in Austria). Frankly the only country where immigration is ridiciously easy is Germany.

lmao @ the democracy point. Not that we're very democratic, but when there is the occasional vote, the people more often than not vote with the conservative/rightist parties. If you're a Sup Forumsack you should support this.

Switzerland seems like it would be really cool place to live except laws forcing you to pay alimony to your girlfriend if you break up is untenable IMO
pic related posts on another forum by a Swiss guy

It's pretty close sometimes e.g. 50% in favor of keeping criminal foreigners.

another post same Swiss guy

>10 years of minimum residence
Well in Switzerland it's 12. And it's much harder than in Austria.
stop shilling against the Krauts this isnt even the topic of this thread and Im not even in Germany

Don't be a degenerate then. Problem solved.

>gun rights
Doesnt the government horde ammo and mags from the public so they can't actually use them?


You mean the years in Switzerland are harder than they are in Austria? Explain.
Because of the bants? :^)

it's not referendum, it's an initiative. Meaning, you can make up any random change to the constitution*, find 100k signatures supporting it, and then there will be a national vote, and if the people vote in favor of it, the constitution's changed.

*pretty much irregardless of whether it would introduce a contradiction with other parts of the constitution or stuff like UN law or deals with the EU, which is why the mass immigration initiative is causing problems.

facing jailtime for not paying alimony to your ex-gf is untenable

I mean the test. Is conscription also compulsory in Austria?

Austrians have always been buttblasted about being the chinese-knock off brand of Switzerland. Giving them (you)'s is more than they can afford, be kind, ignore austrians.

If you're a degenerate that has one-night stands, doesn't use protection, has sex out of wedlock, you deserve every bad thing coming your way.

You also need to be working full time those 12 years, and be sponsored.

Of course it is.


Soon we are going to make it possible to send terrorism supporters that come from conutries in war like syria or iraq back.

See this picture. Stop believing memes.


>no empire
>no colonies
>no slave trade

What the fuck did your nation do these last 500 years?

Watch "Die Schweizermacher".
If you're an immigrant applying for citizenship and we see you don't raise our flag on sundays, your "immigrant status" gets lowered.

Swiss prison is about the most chill place you can imagine. Our soldiers have it way worse than our prisoners.

I would agree with you but this is like dangling cash and prizes and rewards in front of girls, your girlfriend gets rewarded and paid for life for just breaking up with you. this is giving incentive to girls to get with you and break up with you just so they can get the rewards and benefits.

You don't carry publicly weapons anymore


Chill. Make money. Ski. Rinse repeat.
>Met a great woman
>From Bulgaria
I hope he loses all his money and dies homeless in a ditch.

You need to read the law closer instead of depending on reddit for your information. It doesn't work like that at all.

We do. Just with the ammo not inside the gun.

>The Left is trying
>The Left
The left in switzerland. (((reddit)))

If it's anything like Austria
1) you don't need to because being attacked on the street is extremely unlikely, you rather slip on a banana peel and break your neck
2) Police doesn't care if white people do it. They may stop you and say "oh vey, that's illegal without Waffenpass or proper casing" but they don't do anything.

>covered in Italians
Believe me, there are more Italians in my New Jersey town alone than in your entire country

I heart argor heraeus

invent the internet duuuh
look at san marino they are 1000 years old and they're happry

hoard cows as well as your money and control the alps (the N-S route, because of which we've been declared a neutral state in vienna two hundred years ago or something).

I've never heard of any of these things. My brother has a (unintentional) kid with a woman he's never been in a relationship with, she does almost all the raising-up of the kid (kid comes here once every 2 weekends, de facto we could probably have him as much as we want). He pays 10'000 CHF a year (no idea if that's the amount of money he *has* to pay, or if they decided this bilaterally), which is reasonable in my opinion (he also has a higher wage than she has iirc).

so this is not true about girls in Switzerland?
>her question was "would you marry again?" Its obvious that women know that if they can get a ring on their finger in Switzerland, then they are set for life.

The beer in Switzerland is shit and fucking expensive

These reddit posts are just ridiculous nonsense. The law does not work like that at all. Posting reddit shit on pol should be grounds for a 3 day ban though.

There are at least 250 000 albanians in Switzerland. What are you talking about? That's 3 % of the population

>4.5% beer anglo
Good post.
This is counting 2nd gens. There's too many but it's hardly geman levels where 50% of the population immigrated there after the war.

We have so many french and Italians that those two languages have been declared national languages. Because switzerland is a "Willensnation" (nation of will), as opposed to a nation of culture. We're our own state cause we want to be "a unified people of brothers", not because we share culture. Hence four different languages.

That's cool. Like I said I think Switzerland seems really cool, but I just wanted to verify whether these allegations of Switzerland has crazy feminist laws is true or not.

Lose cores

Stop spewing bullshit, Hitler HATED switzerland, and the german swiss hated hitler because they saw what was comming. The french part of switzerland did like hitler because they were further away and had this romanticised image of him. Like the frenchs before he attacked.

He hated Switzerland because we weren't ruled, because we didn't want to be part of an empire and that's how we were born, for him Switzerland was an anomaly born from the weakness of the HRE and we had the audacity to let the people be free and decide against the authoritarian states around us.

Switzerland represent freedom, we are the only nation where democracy is still alive and that's what we must defend, all the neonazi idiots are missing the biggest point, an authoritarian gvt is shit and you should refuse it.

We took arms to claim our independence and we had a democratic society in 1291 (for the US it was in 1783), fucking respect that and stop with your little mustache man.

Hitler wanted to fuck us, badly, all the people in his gvt told him it was a shitty idea because we were very well protected. In the end he couldn't afford to do it and all I see here is "muh neutrality is weakness". No, fucktard, neutrality implies to defend yourself and intimidate potential enemies, belgium was neutral in the begining of WW2, didn't work well for them without mountains and 600 000 armed men entranched in them.

No. We're right wing. We have a few stupid leftist parties like all of the world but they get 2-3% of the vote and are irrelevant.

>A wild kike approaches

Albanian genocide when?