Do you want your little Ahmed to have this as his teacher.
Do you want your little Ahmed to have this as his teacher
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She dresses reasonably imo, can't be helped that she's got curves.
That class will have 100% attendance from all male students. Fathers of the students will always show up to parent-teacher conferences. The mothers will be pissed but who gives a shit.
She has a big round ass, is she supposed to wear a potato bag to cover it?
n-no, i cna't be getting a boner from a black woman, i-its impossible.
Bot really, caked in makeup, skin tight dress, booty jeans. Remembering back, I had curvy teachers also, and they wore baggy clothing, making them look more modest without looking like a landwhale/unattractive.
Don't lie Sup Forums. You'd fucking breed that niggeress.
She's buxom as fuck but I don't think it's inappropriate
I bet some fat old bitch in a moo moo complained
Now in my younger days I used to sport a shag
When I went to school I carried lunch in a bag
With an apple for my teacher 'cause I knew I'd get a kiss
Always got mad when the class was dismissed
But when it was in session, I always had a question
I would raise my hand to make her stagger to my desk and help me with my problem, it was never much
Just a trick, to smell her scent and try to sneak a touch
Oh, how I wish I could hold her hand and give her a hug
She was married to the man, he was a thug,
His name was Lee, he drove a Z,
he'd pick her up from school promptly at three o'clock
I was on her jock, yes indeedy I wrote graffiti on the bus
First I'd write her name then carve a plus,
with my name last, on the looking glass,
I seen her yesterday but still I had to let her pass
Wouldn't care, those clothes don't seem inappropriate or provocative to me.
Her being black is what would actually annoy me, not the way she dresses.
Males aren't gonna care at that age, but goddamn, THIIIIIIIIIIIICC
>you never attend a parent teacher conference with a T H I C C misses
I'd send her to work on my labor camp if you know what I mean
This and checked.
It's a place of education, not her high school or modern college campus.
I don't think she's dressed inappropriately, she's not showing cleavage or too much skin, the dress and the jeans only shows she's hot as fuck, I don't think the kids will notice.
Wew she looks very fertile I wonder if she likes white conservative males :3
I'd cum on her face
Hang this nigger real fast.
Get the rope out.
We cannot have these apes teaching our children how to chimpout
I would stuff her up for sure
I wouldn't stay though
I think she looks ok.
Would masturbate in the mornings to -tier.
fuck I miss schoole.
>Most of the complaints are from women
How do we stop these sexist men from slut shaming?
>dressing inappropriately
AKA the other female teachers/parents are jealous that men turn their head everytime she walks by
>doing the baby-makey-shake with a nigger
Maybe you would amerifat.
I remember in high school I had this extremely thick Spanish teacher
Racemixing with chimps is beastiality.
This is degenerate.
I wonder (((who))) is behind this post.
Yeah mexicans get pretty fat
Where the fuck were these teachers back when I was in school!?
I'll stick with thick white girls.
your pic related is disgusting, but good on you for sticking with white.
they were around, but the teachers thought you were disgusting and didn't want to fuck you.
Do you even have thick girls in Finland?
fuck maybe. breed no
Naw that dress is way too tight to outline her body she could wear more modest dress like pic related, those dress are not meant to outline the body and are still very good looking on women and very modest.
Shes in no means a landwhale. That thin ass waist with them wide ass hips.
No user that is high test. You must be lacking.
A lot of the girls in Finland are short and slightly thick. Best girls IMO.
I was unaware people still wore clothes in Atlanta.
A teacher in my Catholic elemetary school always had massive cleavage, drove the mothers insane.
Give him some slack, in America this broad counts as skinny and athletic.
That girl is a coal burning wigger hahahaha
A cuck looking down on white men that would BLEACH a dinduesses. Funny.
Chlothinf like this is irreverent now. Girls feel the need to dress like a tart.
even with that dress you'd still see her curves
honestly since it's 2nd grade it doesn't really matter, her curves ain't sexual for them yet
I remember my highschool fired a teacher because she was literally too attractive.
Yes I would. I believe in bleaching the races.
Ofc. Black woman > white
The irony is that some Tumblr landwhales probably got mad that she was better looking than they are.
Sauce, for possible heresy.
She's obviously a whore.
Do shills & fags listen to van halen?
I want to get her pregnant
I brought my pencil, give me something to write on.
t. user
>Sup Forums thinks this is an appropriate picture to be taken at school
Middle pic is fine, just unprofessional, right is inappropriate
Where is her liberation head scarf and why is she teaching, where is the male
Are the mudlimes complaining? Please let that be the case.
The mother's have absolutely no reason to be pissed unless they are prudes. things like this will simply prove to them that their sons are straight.
or at least dedicated to learning.
Only people who have a problem with this are jealous women
case closed
This. Unless she's twerking or doing sexually inappropriate shit the only people who give a shit about this are women.
KYS Tyrone.
I don't think Jessica Kylie's white desu. Great fap material tho
She's got a single dad fetish, homewrecker fetish, or she's into another teacher working at the school.
Bleach and then leave desu