Why Live? edition
Why Live? edition
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first for phd inquistition
Not Classic Dalek edition.
Another missed opportunity.
Somehow this gives me both sadness at the destruction of the episodes, but hope from the rediscovery of them.
for the love of god philip morris please find something soon
Doctor who needs a cute animal minion knockoff to compete with the porgs
It's no secret that Doctor Who isn't as hyped up show as it used to be.
Do you want show to become #1 discussion topic or you like it kind of niche as it is now?
The last thing we need is a szechuan sauce incident of our own
I'm perfectly fine with doctor who not being fodder for fandomfags that latch onto whatever community is the most popular at a given moment
pic related.
As long as we aren't cancelled we're fine.
I'd like a bit more popularity so we get more figures and a Tardis set.
Is Capaldi going to have the most kino set of final episodes of any doctor?
Is Capaldi going to have the most kino set of episodes of any doctor?
fixed that for you.
Do you really want show not to be popular? Is this the most contrarian thread ever?
Why is the show being popular an inherent good?
Typically, things that appeal to the largest amount of people are the things that target the lowest common denominator. Niche things are often a higher quality, but they don't appeal to as many people
Yes. God help us if we reach EoT levels again.
Judge for yourself Eot or WEAT/TDF?
What is it user?
Still valid all night! There's nothing you can do to halt the relief of pointless scripture!
WEDNESDAY EDITION (cont'd) (cont'd)
Shit Trips 2 is here, so let's engage in some community self-love by reading and appreciating some of this mammoth work every Wednesday and Sunday. We'll be going through the whole thing in order.
>Item #: SCP-6062
By Catharticspurious
>Thirteen Avenues To see
By Arwyn
>A Cruel Fate
By Bored Hermit
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Feedback from last (last) thread:
I want the show to be extremely popular, but I don't want that popularity to cause the BBC to meddle with too much.
EoT's quality wasn't caused by it being popular.
Series 8 only had 2 bad episodes (Kill The Moon, Forest)
Series 9 had none. (Woman had a shitty rushed ending but otherwise was okay)
Series 10 had two (Pyramid, Lie)
People were just blinded by RTD nostalgia to appreciate Capalkino.
I remember being so happy when EoT aired. When WEAT/TDF aired I just thought it was pretty good but wasn't really that excited.
>It's a 'everyone pretends The End of Time wasn't a comfy episode' thread
I'd like it to be popular enough to keep on ticking over and not get dissed by plebs
I would only be happy with it being the talk of the nation IF it was 100% kino, rather than the trashy nonsense which is usually the talk of the nation.
>Series 9 had none
I agree otherwise
It's like fast food it's nice at the time but you won't remember it like a real meal.
Why do people hate the spoon scene in Robots ? It's a classic doctor moment and perfectly in character. He doesn't use weapons that often and happened to have a spoon on him so he had a little fun.
Is it just because of the "I am the doctor and this is my spoon" line?
I'd say so, yeah. It's the kind of scene that's actually alright in concept but the execution is just a LITTLE too self-indulgent.
I remember that I wanted to drop the show after watching End of Time part 1.
>fast food
that's the perfect way to describe the rtd era
it's the "lolsorandumb" that people don't like out of principle
I don't mind it myself desu
Is the new tardis console here yet
>not using the Robin Hood from ten years ago.
I've rewatched this recently with friends and it's very funny. I may do a page for your wiki.
Marion wears digital camo.
It's a pretty goofy line, but there have certainly been dumber ones.
>"Obama's going to end the UK recession!"
disdain for plebs
Not gonna lie, I completely forgot that episode existed.
I have not seen it since airing and skip it on rewatches.
You are right though. That was a bad episode.
I wasn't necessarily saying EoT was bad--I honestly need to rewatch it again b4 i say. But it's quality, good or bad, had little to do with the popularity. Popularity doesn't automatically create bad eps.
But I liked it.
>Marion wears digital camo.
Wait. What time period is that meant to be set in again?
>Popularity doesn't automatically create bad eps.
Yeah I agree
Also Robin Hood and 12 snarking at each other in that episode was great
>watching Robot with your parents
>they think it's a crossover with that Robin Hood show from 2007
I don't mind. I'm completely uninterested in the show being popularity for popularity's sake, I would genuinely prefer the show go really interesting directions and then get cancelled then limp on forever repeating itself with bored showrunners not putting their heart into anything. If Chibnall Who is popular, that's great, I'm glad lots of people will enjoy it (hopefully including me), but I have no investment in "the show must remain popular to remain 'healthy'" type thinking. The last 2 seasons of Classic Who being some of the best shouldn't be handwaved away. Many of the best DW stories ever being obscure ear or book stories is no small thing. I don't see the show as a sports team to root for and hope it "wins" and gets popular, I'm interested in enjoying the actual stories, and have a particular interest in the show's length being weaponised as part of its storytelling. In any case I've already had my perfect version of the show, I hope it goes on to change and become the perfect version for somebody else, and on and on.
The show is going to get cancelled again one day, I have no care to thrash or rage over that, it's obviously inevitable. Showrunners trying to avoid that by playing it safe is the last thing I'm interested, I want the people behind Doctor Who to want to make their Doctor Who, not to just hit certain ratings. In the meantime I'll keep watching, and extended media will keep trucking on for a very long time.
you know what grinds my gears, how I constantly see people say 12 was "inconsistent"
he has a pretty clear and defined arc but people act like he just changed randomly or something.
and the series 8 revisionism is really weird, people act like he was edgy dark the entire series and that the s9 personality came out of nowhere, even though he had plenty of lighter/funny moments (gif related for one) and the whole arc of 12 in that series was him trying to find himself and growing culminating in dih.
Also history is Sheriff Washed.
He created the first Casino!
>I hope it's a crossover
>it isn't
The show is batshit silly.
There's a volcano under Nottingham castle, illusions out of place suits.
I very much agree
>tfw Doctor Who is now revamped to appeal to the Doctor Foster audience
Once again I feel like people are hating End of Time too much. There's a lot to like.
Jesus that show was dire. Some of the dialogue was laughable.
I can't believe people take it seriously. ( and don't who)
True. Honestly, the only episode in which he's really dark/edgy is Into the Dalek (which might have been influenced by the fact every guest character in that story was military), for the rest of the series he's just kind of grumpy and possessive.
Like what?
The only good parts in the episode were the scenes with Wilf in it and the "It's not fair" speech.
Good post, if old.
he was pretty dark at the end of kill the moon. but then we had that scene in forest where he does the opposite and quotes clara from when she yelled at him "i breathe your air etc" was part of his development.
>he was pretty dark at the end of kill the moon.
He's well-meaning/smug at the end of KTM though, as opposed to in ITD where he's constantly making digs at the human characters and is totally unsympathetic to their existences. It's witty as fuck and Capaldi delivers it perfectly but it comes off a bit like he's given up on life.
Ten in bondage
>and the "It's not fair" speech.
I thought this scene is generally disliked here.
Everyone gave their best performances. One of the strongest Tennant episodes in terms of acting, if not the stongest. Rassilon is fabulous. Great balancing of silly cactus people christmas episode and epic era-defining moment.
The scene where Doctor and Master talk about their childhood on Gallifrey is great.
I love all of 10's angst and pettiness in that ep, it's one of the few times 10 really worked for me. I love the regeneration as death take. Rassilon was great. I don't like most of the other stuff though. But 10 and the Time Lords were great in it.
Tbqh, i'm kind of excited for Chibnall to take over just so all the "le evil moffat ruined doctor who REEEEE" kind of talk can die down a bit. Like I get it, some people really don't like his writing, that's fine. But all the hate he gets as a person is really weird, like its just a TV show, relax.
It'll spike back up if/when Moff does another Sherlock series. And maybe when Dracula comes out.
Reminder that some people here unironically insult RTD here every day.
sherlock is dead
Wanna bet?
It will all just switch over to Chibnall once he's one year in.
Reminder that Moff's first series received overwhelmingly positive feedback from literally everyone
Yep, and then after one year the fatigue started to set in and before long he was loathed by the millions.
Chibnall's first year will probably get all kinds of passes on the basis of "w-well at least he's not Moffat, haha!". His second series will be where people turn on him. (Not including those who already hate him because he cast a FEEEMALE.)
What I don't like is how the final line undermines that whole scene.
He has his big angst moment, realizes hes acting like a big dick, says its his "honor" to save Wilf but then at the end hes sad again about regenerating and says "I don't want to go" Makes that scene with Wilf feel really pointless.
If his final lines were different and more supportive of regenerating, even something cheesey like "Allonsy" or something it would have made the scene with Wilf a really nice end to his character.
honestly he should have just regenerated in the glass chamber, would have been pretty kino
Broadchurch S1 got very very very good reception and good ratings too. I think he has it in him to do a crowdpleasing-nearly-everyone S11, I have no idea if he will though.
He stops acting like a dick to Wilf but he doesn't stop being scared of 'dying', I don't really see a conflict.
>Missy ended up being the best master we've gotten so far
>Capaldi has the most consistently good run out of all the NuWho doctors
>Nardole is Jack tier
>Clara had one of the best companion arcs
Why do we hate him again?
Because he hates Doctor Who. He's made a fucked up parody of it.
Series 6, 7 and the 50th.
Also the 11th doctor.
But he redeemed himself with what you mentioned.
I remember after Christmas Carol people acted like Moffat could do no wrong.
"A fantastic series AND a great christmas special, hail to the Moffat god"
And then like halfway during Series 6 it was like the lid blew off, and everyone went in the complete opposite direction. "REEEE MOFFAT SUCKS THIS IS SHIT BRING BACK TENNANT BRING BACK RTD REEEEEE" And it pretty much lasted until now...
I have a theory that a lot of people haven't actually watched the Capaldi Era and are just basing their opinions on Series 6 and 7. I've seen a lot of criticisms thrown at S8-10 that literally only apply to the mid/late Smith era.
I don't think that's widespread but think it might honestly be true for certain users of certain websites
fuck this shit
All these episodes will be lost in time, like tears in rain.
post qt moffs
1) We don't
2) All your points are subjective
I remember it too.
I think it's because "Let's Kill Hitler" was so rules-breaking that it split the fanbase.
Did we already know K9 Timequake's director?
is moffat mofFAT? some pictures he looks average but then in others he looks pretty big.
I think the "adult drama" tone of Series 8, along with the comedy episode of Robots of Sherwood, and the effects of Kill the Moon's bad science, totally destroyed appreciation of 12's era for some people.
"Let's Kill Hitler" seems to be the exact ep where opinion on Moff went down. "Wedding of River Song" is where it took a permanent hit.
I really hope this movie gets finished. It would make for the world's comfiest stream.
I never said that it wasn't subjective.
I'm literally figuratively unironically ironically hyped for it. I'll be first in line.
Looks like some sorta weird toy you'd find in some shady backalley establishment.
£60 to ride K-9!
>"Wedding of River Song" is where it took a permanent hit.
Followed by The Doctor, the Widow and the Wardrobe... Oh boy.
how will this movie even work? like K9 works because hes a side character and the doctor always yells at him. how is a robot dog with no personality going to carry a movie???? how is he going to defeat omega??????????
is this why moffat couldnt use k9 in last christmas like he wanted? because bob baker is hoarding him and omega for a movie?
>We don't
Have you ever been on here during on-season>
I have no idea, but I'm confident it's gonna be fucking hilarious
Moff wanted K9 for Last Christmas??
am I the only one that like wedding of river song? like its not a great episode or anything but I always thought considering how messy S6 was that the ending was fairly decent/setup and at least made sense to some degree. it's better than name of the doctor and some of rtd finales imo.
>is this why moffat couldnt use k9 in last christmas like he wanted?
I liked Let's Kill Hitler and Wedding of River Song.
The awkward closeups in the River/11 confrontation because they couldn't afford to go back to America to actually shoot the Lake Silencio stuff kill me every time, they look goddamn horrible imo.
But sorry user I really dislike the episode.
I think even the last of time lords makes more sense and is better structured than wedding of river song, I'm sorry.
>the logo
what is going on here
I think it was just a cameo. presumably I assume bob baker gets a paycheck if they use him so I guess it probably wasn't worth the budget money.
>no st john's ambulance logo
Has the transition to the Chibbers era begun?
>“I love K-9! I nearly put him in Last Christmas,” he revealed. “I had a whole scene where the Doctor was pointing out how ludicrous Santa Claus is, having a reindeer with a glowing nose and so on… And then in comes K-9. Completely daft, but he’s brilliant.”
>Speaking to TV & Satellite Week, Moffat doesn’t go on to explain why he cut the scene, but does say that, “I’m totally up for K-9 when we have the right idea.”
I highly doubt the cake designers know, would need to know, or care what the new exterior looks like.
I'm not sure if it's popular or unpopular opinion but I think that Grant's Great Intellifence is terribly boring and uninspiring villain.
I think Grant has always been terrible in Doctor Who, though he's of course been fantastic in other things. But Shalka and his GI sucked, imo.
>tfw no kino Twelve/K9 pairing
why live
His performance in Shalka I mean. There was some cornellkino ideas in there.
i don't think that's unpopular at all, richard e grant phoned the fuck out that role. granted, script wise he didn't have much to work with but still. i think doctor who was just a paycheck to him. too bad.
Can you see the Moffat plot?
It's only wafer thin.
Do you like the Moffat plot
Now that we're three years in?
Will there be a Moffat plot
when all is said and done?
You're waiting for the ending
But it hasn't yet begun.