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>70% of men are obese
What the fuck America
And despite all of this, we're managing to oppress them?
Either we're better, or they're oppressing us.
They better make up their mind quick.
Because men are physically better.
Too bad this is 21st century, you nigger gender.
McDonalds is just so irresistible!!!
>smarter/more degrees
getting doctorates in gender studies doesnt count as being smarter. Also there are countless organizations propping women up when it comes to education.
>live longer
women do less dangerous things than men by far. women join the military less and commit less crime than men.
>men more obese
I know tons of men who are obese and are landscapers/construction workers and work their fucking ass off 10-12 hours a day. Women are biologically more fat than men
wtf I hate men now
going to Everest college doesn't make you smart.
>get more degrees = smarter
actually post 2002 it's been the opposite, especially given that women are 80% liberal arts majors
Why is everyone so goddamn fat what the fuck!?
Yet embryos have been formed using sperm cells and skin cells in mice... No female eggs or cells required. Feminazis are destroying every reason men have for keeping ladies like me around. Well except for sex I guess.
Kek, currently enrolled at Everest
But if women are so smart, why do we still refer to everything as "MAN-MADE"?
Kek at the guy who thought a circle was needed to see what is wrong in that picture
>Britney gets an A- in Gender Studies and Lindsey gets 200% more financial aid and college grants strictly because of her genitals.
>Eric gets a B in Chemical Engineering and Chad decides not to go to college and becomes a police officer because he doesn't have enough money to attend.
Sexbots my friend
And it only takes a few billion dollars a year in scholarships, grants and programs!
And women are taking half of them without any effort. How is that not smart?
>Smarter/more degrees
So why are they whinging about STEM being 'too male' so much then? Oh don't tell me these figures are based off grades from shit-tier social sciences, education and business studies degrees? Qualification is a poor indicator of intelligence, otherwise there wouldn't be any need for IQ. Especially in an age where degrees are pretty much are gradually becoming as common as secondary education.
>Live longer
Tell us something we didn't know. Already established fact and probably only genuine advantage of being female rather than male.
>Men more likely to be obese
Calling immediate bullshit. Every statistic I've ever seen has women noticeably ahead in obesity rates.
>More likely to die of serious health conditions
Still better than facing the absolute shitstorm of degenerative but not fatal heath problems women get after the menopause and over the age of 40 in general. I'd happily take my higher death risk than osteoarthritis, diabetes and depression. The latter of course a distinctive female problem that men have never suffered in anything near the same rates.
> Women earning the bulk of degrees
> Women blew up the student loan bubble
> Smart
I can't wait for that to pop.
so why do we need feminism again?
>t. the philosopher grocery bagger
Taking half of what?
I was referring to the expression:"man-made" as in every made by men because men make everything.
Of course I'm not including factory workers, because the machines they use in factories were invented, and made by men.
fuck. I'm one of the last generations of freely born females thanks to bitches like Eve. I always felt like it was a bit of smoke and mirrors anyway, how women talk about empowerment and superiority. Other than sexual appeal and childbirth, nothing we do can't be done by a man and now those are gone. Seriously, how much longer do I have?
>"man-made" as in everything made by men because men make everything.
Because male STEM undergraduates are brutally raping women by not purposely failing the math section of their SAT so women can replace them in the "E" part of "STEM."
Vast majority of the obese are Mexicans and blacks. White America's obesity is on par with most of Europe. Over 80% of black women are obese, for example.
Mexico is the fattest country in the world, has been for a decade.
LMAO! Men are 7 to 1 vs. women at genius level IQs. Get out of here, cunt.
We don't just exterminate people who aren't useful enough. Hopefully it'll lead to a second stage sexual revolution that puts women on a truly equal footing to men, i.e., no more special treatment.
>Useless degrees
>Death statistics skewed because men are 90% of workplace deaths.
Women don't work hard jobs
I've met men who were legitimately depressed, and a couple who decided to end it.
Of all the womem I've spoken to who supposedly had """depression""", I'm sure all were lying.
'im shaking so bad rn im literally crying' is the most common, and just about only, complaint I've heard from women. But from men, I've mostly heard some variant of, "it's worthless/hopeless/not what it (the world/society) used to be." I could go on about the differences between the two.
Or, if you don't want my anecdotes, you could look at the overwhelming success men have when committing suicide over women's success rates.
Yeah that's the main problem with feminism. It claims to argue for equality but also wants special treatment for women.
who the fuck made this infographic? fucking retards
Was thinking the same thing. Clearly three additional hearts is seven hearts while the first three hearts are clearly 72 years.
>implying the average female life expectancy isn't 144
what the fuck is wrong with you
Two days ago, a girl called into work at my wife's store because her cramps were too bad.
who even fucking cares? women can provide for themselves now, and US women have better security than anyone else in the entire world. they don't need men anymore, so men drop out of school and the workforce because hey, who the fuck needs me right?
>what the fuck is wrong with you
Butthurt Everest fag detected.
The Obese stats are stupidly sewed because it doesn't take muscle into account.
Also quality > quantity when it comes to degrees. How many women are graduating with engineering diplomas? Not many.
Same for the T section tbqhh famalamadingdong. Tech's super easy and they still fuck it up constantly.
I have worked retail and a lot of women always caused drama and half of them were too dumb to change a receipt roll. These women would always be fighting and making lies to upper management about eachother
>wimin studies and other arts "degrees"
>affirmative action benefactors
>smarter than men
They are probably too dumb to see the irony
Also fuck of JIDF.
Is it time for us to protest the matriarchy?
>women can provide for themselves now
no they cant
its in their biology they always need a man to tell them what to do, "providing for themselves" just means the male figure is replaced with TV, tumblr, woman memes, or tinder
hmm reely maed me tink. looks like im a #cruisemizzle now
it should say overweight, the percentage of obese adults is about half of that
I'm an honors list student but a fine arts major, which means jack shit. Honors is easy as fuck to get with lib farts tracks. Graphic is reaching and vague as fuck on purpose.
"Hur women are still second class citizens but we're better than men!" Literally what?
I said they CAN, not that they COULD.
there's a reason most single mothers are on welfare.
>because masculinity and physical strength has brought us unimaginable success and prosperity, we must now abandon it
>countless organizations propping women up when it comes to education
Girl I knew in grad school failed a class 3 times and still wasn't kicked out. I would have been out on my ass.
Women engineers, not even once.
women couldn't even feed themselves in a world without men.
There's about a 20lb zone in which most people are considered "correct" weight, after that you're immediately considered overweight and anything 20lb over that zone is "obese"
Which means if you work out, you're obese.
Good, so then women no longer need gibs. Maybe you cunts will stfu about wage gap nonsense. Maybe I won't have to hear the words glass ceiling or patriarchy ever again. Oh wait, nope. Women are whiners and are both physically and mentally weaker than men. You're lucky to have a pussy or you'd all be useless.
>going to a fancy university instead of working and getting experience
pic related.
>Of the 72 causes of death,
>who the fuck made this infographic? fucking retards
A woman
>t. projecting faggot
look at the disgusting watermark on it. it was either made out of corporate greed or a woman's narcissism
Anyone who isnt a skinny lanklet is counted as obese
What is the source of this image?
I need to know, because reasons.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!!!!
>ten thousand woman hours in paint
Spared no expense
But women are totally oppressed, right?
Seems like sexism.
>data threads sample in huge letters
>You reply to obvious bait
Wait. What about all that systemic sexism that's keeping women down?
>gets preferential admissions
>brags about more spots at top universities
and this is why affirmative action was a mistake
I'm 6 3 and about 200 lbs. A lot of it is muscle because I work out.
I'm considered obese by BMI.
Don't try to downplay it, the majority of Americans, including whites are fat as fuck
Fun fact: Saudi Arabia has an even higher ratio of women to men with degrees or in college than the US, and a much larger portion of them are STEM too. There's more to women in college than western policies.
Great hvac program
> Wah muh sexism
> muh soggy knees
> hurr durr womyn are better than men
Women truly are honorless creatures
The obesity one is false, I just google it.
no you're not.
Each of these statistics are absolute shit
Number of degrees, Percent of honors degrees and school are all very insignificant when you consider major. A gender studies degree from Harvard has less value than an engineering degree from almost anywhere. If the average man earns 23% more than the average woman with this differences, it indicates that women are making shit choices.
What's that in front of the big mac??
That thing that looks like a deep fried envelope of some sort.
>men are better in something
>women are better in something
See, shitlords? you are just deplorable and useless! bow down to the matriarchy. that is a fact and if you say otherwise, you are obviously a misogynist.
Basically the pay gap boils mostly down to having kids more than anything.
Women without children make more money than men without children between 20 and 30.
I believe it is a piece of fish.
Well, they're not better at being humble nor quiet.
its an apple pie
hashbrown, nigger
>more degrees
>more intelligent
Apparently none of them ever picked up Huck Finn
women are honestly sub-human at best, they are nice to look at but their only purpose is to be fuckdolls for men and raise kids.
Its brutal but its true
Please get banned.
That image is 500% retarded and not even worth dissecting.
The problem is, devious underhanded men using the chicks against other men.
Good, I'm glad. Maybe these bitches can fight their own wars now. Lol, can you imagine the women of the world storming the beaches of wake island? Fucking sluts. I love Trump with all my political heart, but I almost shat myself when he gave these whores 6 months payed maternity cheese. One day... one day men will have had enough. I call it: The Day of the Rape.
>Women less obese than men
www cbsnews com/news/women-overtake-men-in-u-s-obesity-rates/