can dr. duke count on your support, Sup Forums?
Can dr. duke count on your support, Sup Forums?
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I'm a liberal but I'd vote for him.
care to explain why?
He has my bow.
There was an interresting argument on him yesterday. I saw that /pol was quite divided.
I am french and don't really know him, but he seems to be good.
Fuck off KKK stormfaggot scum. Pic related is you.
Because left wingers have always supported the KKK.
Controlled opposition.
Not the guy, but I'd vote for him because he fights for his own people.
Very rare to see from a politician. I guess he did he rich off it too, but he's been an advocate for the White community since the beginning.
He's not a racist or anything like that. He just doesn't like Israel's influence on American politics.
Jewish women love BBC and jewish men LOVE to watch
Donated some cash to him. He's a bit of a loon, but I like his policy ideas
do you think he can win? Louisiana is a bit strange with its run off elections
>He's a bit of a loon
why exactly?
you have to go back
lets just say some of the things he says he can't say legally in your country
Always bet on Duke.
Yes. Sup Forums loves you.
Thought the rebel flag was a southern pride thing, no affiliation with white nationalism or racism? Making the connection just justifies the leftist normies in banning it's sale.
any idea when Geert will rule the world yet?
I support david duke
No. He's a parasite that leeches off Trump. I despise him completely.
>use money that's supposed to be for fighting for white nationalism on getting your titties tucked instead of exercising
This. The rebel flag is the flag of black nationalism.
Anything is possible. Robert Byrd served on senate until the day he died
The leftist normies will be eating shit all day if trymp gets elected.
>Making the connection just justifies the leftist normies in banning it's sale
no it doesn't. First amendment protects it, even if they think its "Hateful." Swastikas aren't illegal either, just difficult to come by. When I display the Confederate Flag, I'm implicitly saying I'm white and I'm not sorry
The Dutch elections are next year. I can't wait to see the same reactions from the cucks here as to a Trump victory in America.
our patience has reached its limits
no I don't support racists like duke or obama
No, he's an attention whore.
when will this symbol of hate be abolished?
I really hope the far right sweeps Europe next year in the elections. That would be incredible
>democrats are the real racists!!!!
Stop with that cringy stuff
I sent him 20 duckets for the lolz. But hes totally an idiot in bed with Hilldog. He never shuts the fuck up about Trump. I hope the Don/Viacom silences the little reject
Controlled opposition
not an argument
shills out in full force
eat shit. Dr. Duke is the real deal
>Extreme leftism has made Right-wing extremism as something thats positive
Will Centrism ever be reality
>Will Centrism ever be reality
Centrists are cucks
they don't believe in anything. They just try to act above it all by not having a firm stance on anything
Dr. Duke IS an anti-semite by the mainstream definition though. I haven't seen much of him, but from what I saw, I can conclude, that he would most probably be in jail by now and his existence ruined, if he lived in Germany.
David Duke clearly wants Hillary to win.
If he was a clever guy (which he isn't), he would have bitten his tongue until November.
Yes but I dont live in the US
no jews are cool
Geert is totally pro Israel and Jewish himself though. So it might not be a good idea to yearn for him, if you like David Duke.
fuck off kike
It will certainly be the future of the reps though. Especially, if Trump loses.
If the party survives at all.
Im a leftist liberal jew and Id vote for Duke.
>Controlled opposition.
Unlike Milo? If he was controlled opposition he'd be give far more attention and his arguments would be weak. Dont get me wrong the controlled opposition is real.
What's the long game? He's been around for 30 years at least and he now rejects the KKK(you fags repeat the media lies).
Yes, he'll truly unite us all.
No they like to live in a fantasy of being neutral on a moving train.
Support him
Ah fuck I didn't know you were going to be all micro machines (lost it)
gum gum and shit that whole episode was great.
Sam and company are doing God's work. I love it.
when he BTFO the hopes and dreams off that buzzfeed fuck oh man.
they call me doorway
He's a cunt
>If he was controlled opposition he'd be give far more attention
He gets plenty. Have you not been monitoring the MSM for the last few months? Every time "le Trump racist" is pushed in the media, Duke comes out with a glowing statement praising Trump's ideas as benefiting white nationalism.
>and his arguments would be weak
But they are. Jared Taylor makes him sound like the cosmetically-enhanced intellectual Ken doll he is.
That FBI plant can go fuck himself
Never trust someone that's a convicted felon; he has someone holding charges over his head and that's why he did a sudden 180° from opposing and shitting on Trump last year.
No. Fuck him he's a retard. What he's doing just harms the new conservative/nationalist movement.
If he was smart he'd have kept his cocksucker shut till after this election.
>t. ADL
This is fucking retarded and he's a Clinton plant, undoubtedly taking money from them bc he's broke as shit.
IF he shut his mouth, let Trump win and then let things settle down and see if his past Klan involvement would wipe from his past (as with Robert Byrd.
The timing of this makes me 100% believe he's taking money from clinton to damage trump/
I still like nupepe and yippity dingle doo
Based Finland
"Centrism" is often a short word for cuck having no idea what's going and making shit up as he goes along.
Both parties are dead or splintering no matter what happens this election. Republicans got a taste of a real leader after 30 years of limp wristed faggots, and dems got to see just how corrupt their party is.
>Every time "le Trump racist" is pushed in the media, Duke comes out with a glowing statement praising Trump's ideas as benefiting white nationalism.
But that hasn't worked which is why Hilary used Milo and not Duke in her speech.
>Jared Taylor
I dont agree. Have you read Dukes book? It makes a great case while not cucking to kikes like Taylor. You think he sounds smart because he avoided the "conspiracy theories".
Trump is a centrist
Jesus Christ
Too much power level
Too much
I used to have a negative opinion on him, until I actually heard him speak for more than just 2 minutes
he's not the awful man that he is portrayed as, its not like he went around lynching blacks or anyone who wasn't white
he's the same guy as many many black leaders, just someone who looks out for the people and the culture that he is apart of and loves
He is pro-life, even though 50% of black babies in america are never born due to abortion. Would he really be pro-life if he wanted to exterminate a race?
I would vote for him if I could. Sad there is so much disinformation about him
this. in spades.
> his past Klan involvement would wipe from his past
You people dont know shit. That will never happen because they will never let it be forgotten.
>Just around the corner, right guys?
Now is the fucking time. Either way we win.
Has anyone actually read or learned anything from David Duke?
>In the last decade of the 20th century, to criticize the Jewish people, religion, or the nation of Israel is considered the worst of moral crimes. Jews are the most sacred of sacred cows, and anyone with a negative word about them finds himself labeled an “anti-Semite.” Once a man acquires that label, true or not, nothing can redeem him from what the mass media views as the ultimate sin. So, irredeemable as I am – I have the freedom to write and speak openly about an issue that few dare to broach. I am not an anti-Semite and I reject that epithet. However, I must address what Henry Ford called the “world’s foremost problem,”[1] a problem now critical to our people’s survival and freedom.It is almost impossible in our Holocaust-saturated world to even say the word “Jew” without arousing emotion. The mass media of the Western world have made that so with their unrelenting packaging and repackaging of the “Holocaust.” [2] The Holocaust has gone from being a sidebar of the Second World War to the point where the war has become a historical.
> During the one year before this book’s publication, which is well over 50 years after the end of the war, my local (actually “local” is a misnomer, for New Yorkers own it) daily newspaper, The Times-Picayune, had dozens of news and feature articles exploring varying aspects of the Holocaust. In that year, the same paper had barely mentioned the Soviet Gulags where between 20 and 40 million people died, and had only one story that mentioned the Cambodian murder of three million. Not a single article appeared on the slaughter of 30 to 40 million in Red China. Looking through old newspaper microfiches, I discovered that during the late 1990s there are at least 10 times more news articles on the Holocaust than there were in the late 1940s or 1950s.Rarely does an event become more talked and written about as time passes further from it. For instance, the subject of the Second World War took up a far greater proportion of movies, TV programs, documentaries, books and magazine articles in the late 1950s than in the late 1990s. Not so for the Holocaust: the further we seem to get away from the event, the more it bludgeons us.
It would be a Herculean task to even count all the Holocaust-oriented television news stories and specials, the documentaries and “docudramas”, the books (both fiction and nonfiction), the magazine articles, movies and plays. Tales of Holocaust victims, relatives, survivors, war crimes, criminals, reparations, Holocaust-related art and literature, remembrances and memorials bombard us almost daily. A multimillion-dollar Holocaust museum stands in Washington, D.C. It is right on the most sacred soil in the American Pantheon, the Mall near the Smithsonian Institution, financed in no small part by our tax dollars. Interestingly, it was built long before there was any real effort to build a memorial to the Second World War. It is a massive, modern version of the Chamber of Horrors at Madame Tussaud’s Wax Museum.
The Holocaust is not the only Jewish trauma of which we all must grieve, for we see many painful historical accounts and dramatic Hollywood productions about other historical persecutions of the Jews. Jews are victimized by Arab terrorists in the Mideast, by fascists in Europe, and even by Klansmen in the United States. There is a virtually inexhaustible supply of books, articles, movies and plays about individual Jews who have suffered from evil anti-Semites.
Even if he is, he still preaches a racial message, go with the flow until it's time to detach, lest you be a sellout too.
>tfw you forgot to greentext
>Each year, tens of thousands of stories about intelligent, compassionate, unselfish, creative, moral and courageous Jews fill two-foot TV screens and 30-foot movie screens; our newspapers, magazines, and books; our playhouses, pulpits and podiums; our radio waves and satellite transmissions. There are thousands of portrayals of persecuted Jews as innocent, noble and heroic; while their opponents are portrayed as the embodiment of evil. No group on Earth has better public relations than do the Jewish people.
>Whether it is Pharaoh’s army with swords unsheathed, chasing the Hebrews or the Czar with his anti-Semitic Cossacks, Hitler with his SS minions dressed in black, an unnamed Palestinian terrorist trying to kidnap Israeli schoolchildren, or the more intimate story of a sensitive Jew mistreated by an anti-Semitic businessman – we have all seen the anti-Semitic stereotype, seen the skeletal bodies, and we have all shared the Jewish pain. I know of this firsthand, for it was true for me as a young man.
A centrist society is a society that is in the midst of transitioning from one side of the spectrum to the other.
You can run a nation based on being a fence sitting cuck
this faggot is sabotaging trumps campaign to get more publicity
yeah, Duke isn't even anti black like people claim. he supports racial pride and preservation for every race.
he's actually a really good man but people ignore it because of his past.
he could be considered a cuck by Sup Forums standards.
hell no. drop dead
#ImwithHer and I'm with him.
I'm pretty sure he can only add that to his name because he was technically awarded a doctorate, despite the fact that it was from a notoriously ideological school in Ukraine.
>he's worked for 40 years and held public office
>all so he can support trump and have zero effect on the election
He supports trump because its the right thing to do. Trump is simply a vehicle for our message. He is not the goal.
>ideological school in Ukraine
What was ideological?
>20-40 million killed in the GULAG
I'm not sure that 20-40 million even passed through the GULAG system.
How can he criticize Israel and deny the Khararian theory at the same time. It's a well known fact that hundreds of thousands Khazars converted to Judaism and later spread out all over Europe after being BTFO'd by Slavs.
Denying Khazarian theory means justifying Israel, (((David))).
>In September 2005, Duke received a PhD degree in history[98] from the Ukrainian private university Interregional Academy of Personnel Management (MAUP), an institution that has been described by the Anti-Defamation League as a "University of Hate".[99] Duke's doctoral thesis was titled "Zionism as a Form of Ethnic Supremacism".[98] However, the PhD program of MAUP was not accredited by the Higher Attestation Commission of Ukraine and is not accredited by this state body's successor, the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine,[100] so the PhD diplomas issued by MAUP are not recognized by the Ukrainian state power as academic degrees.
>The Anti-Defamation League claims that MAUP is the main source of antisemitic activity and publishing in Ukraine,[101] and its "anti-Semitic actions" were "strongly condemned" by Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk and various organizations.[102][103][104][105]
>Duke has taught a course on international relations and a history course at MAUP.[106] On his website, Duke now refers to himself as "Dr. David Duke PhD." and "Dr. Duke."
same here we know what it means, i have one on a tag on my front bumper personally, loud and proud.
the conservatives who beat around the bush with the whole"muh heritage" argument also know what it means but are scared to say
He got my vote
good interview with that shit eating kike blitzer
Are these posts bait?
>Denying Khazarian theory means justifying Israel
No doesn't. Nice attempt at putting boundaries on the debate you fucking kike.