I'm a white Brazilian, my family came from Italy during the world war, and in this niggerland I have to live scared, I walk in the streets scared of being robbed and shot, I'm worried if my mother is going to be raped in this niggerland.
But you know, I can't go back to Europe even being ethnically European, while those sandniggers immigrate there in mass. Why do you accept shitskins but not your own race???
There are 90 million whites here suffering just for being white, the nigger has to take our job, otherwise it would be racism, the niggers take our opportunities in colleges and everything for white debt.
But you Europeans can't even accept your own race while you have a populational problem and are fulfilling your countries with sand niggers.
Fuck you euro cucks
I'm a white Brazilian, my family came from Italy during the world war, and in this niggerland I have to live scared...
i will make a land for us
É uma merda morar no Brasil, né? Mudei pra ca no começo do ano, foi a melhor coisa que fiz na vida. Depois do nordeste, São Paulo é o maior centro de preto sujo do Brasil... Odeio aquela cidade
you have an iphone go fuck yourself
& if that's actually you you have a nose ring go fuck yourself
You're not white
please come to usa
Sup, Murad
nice fuking piercing and eyebrows faggot
Oh no, so what am I you ignorant
you look to have indigenous admixture friend
>But you Europeans
Aha. We.
>claims to be white
> has sandnigger eyebrows
nice try mehmet, you'll never be white.
why is your nose pierced
why are your eyebrows waxed
dude just
That is one disgusting faggot.
i'm sick of these "muh whiteness" threads
>live scared
Start lifting then, you sissy twink faggot.
Thats it. All i can handle, call me when its time to start gassing.
Fare thee well pol
You know i love south europe but a portion of you guys are discusting, eugenics will make the place cool as hell.
Also you know that noserings are discusting and only ads to your puke inducing brazillian aura?
The question is retarded, read about the world and you will kno why you idiot.
I wish this is bait.
you look like a trap, also you're white for Brazilian standards, out there you're no white than any Syrian refugee
Are you McLovin?
Its the eyebrows you idiot, fix your shit and help your country lazy banana snorting sand nigger.
Why? me too but tell me more im interested.
Would you let me fuck you?
If I'm not white, Italians are not white. Stop changing the topic you morons, I like my eyebrows that way
Its just pathetic, a strong group of people shouldn't need to reassure themselves of it 'white pride' is a sign of weakness imo,
obviously I dont think whites should be ashamed of being white though
muh whiteness
you are nor white nor Italian
some brazilian mutt deciding who is white
Oh yeah, my family last name "bertelli" came from Africa then
> implying "white" americans aren't mixed with native
italians are not white m8
porque você usa o cabelo da ana maria braga?
Pretend you are portugese descendant and come to portugal, get portugese passport then go to italy
Neither x nor y
If your family was really italian you would be able to request for a second nationality. You are just shitposting, come back to whatever favela you were living
T. Luigi
if your family came to Brazil from world war II you can easily get a italian descendant passaport to be an italian citizen
if he is Italian why the hell would he get a Portuguese passport? also Portugal is full stay out
Yeah sure, i think its bad when its baised on bullshit. Memes are enought, a little bit of banter etc is lovely (even though i cant join since im mixed ;_;). But like you said if they come out of too much insecurity its weak.
That's the problem, unless you have your grandparents that fled from the war documents you can't. So, that's it
There's loads of Brazilians emigrating to Ireland now. Send us some more of dem big booty bitches.
Enough of this shit you moron
Oh yeah of course and this is an anonymous website so naturally people are going to vent dumb shit without consequence, I just wish Sup Forums would cut down on the "how white are you, nigga?" threads
we should more focused on western supremacy
Probably 90% of brazilians in portugal used fake documents to get it.
Also just travel as a tourist on tourist viza and then just stay. Its not like anyone gonna deport you or anything like that.
i agree, but i take more of a joke than anything serious, clearly in 20 years or less the northern part of europe will no longer be "white" everywhere in the western world actually will just become a giant Brazil with Islam as main religion unless they take action soon.
I see, i think that there is a place for al of it, just that we get owerflooded by faggots.
But you said focus on western suprmacy, which maybe implies we are agreeing.
Nose rings are degenerate. But no man should ever have a nose ring. I don't care how degenerate you are. Get prison tattoos.
Yeah this is also true and its definitely an issue, but it can be reversed without mass genocide with sensible immigration and citizenship laws.
at least for now.... the situation in europe isnt quite as bad as Sup Forums would have you believe and many of the muslims and welfare immigrants can be removed
this dude got purple hair
Nice divide and conquer you filthy jew.
You look mixed. Fuck off
i doubt they will ever take back the refugees, they will continue to wreck havoc in european cities until a more high test population has had enough and starts beating/killing them
>hue hue
Yeah, and we are also the 2nd place in the world with most Germans outside Germany
>Shitposting this hard.
Puta que pariu muleque.
You're qt, I would bang you
Kill yourself faggot
>a brazilian making a thread about living in Brazil and wanting to go to europe
>posting from the Usa
Thank you, I appreciated Hurrr derppp "Southern Europeans aren't white" duuur
You're not white you fucking mudskin
It's Vpn, I'm not on the us
And btw there are no white people in brazil.If they were trully white they would have european passports, and if they did have european passports they wouldnt remain in Brazil.So all "whites" that live in Brazil are either heavilly mixed race or to dumb to get a passport.
Stop spreading shit you don't know, to get a passport you got to have you immigrants ancestors documents, and refugees from war don't bring documents usually, I already paid some stupid immigration agent to trace my ancestry but it's very hard and I'm waiting for more than 2 years
How is he not? Name one feature that makes him non-white
And of course there are, all the German, Italian and Portuguese villages in the south still intact but not everyone are able to get a passport due to many generations in this country
it is 100% plausible that he is Italian, this means that not all italians look like that but it is still a plausible italian look.
and italians are not white
He's just talking buckshit because in the US white means Germanic
That's tough luck dude I know tons of argentinians that got themselves Spanish and Italian passports and came here easily
Mixed with?
Not potatoes like you at least
It's a very tough process when your ancestors fled to here, because it gets really hard to trace yourself until them, and that's how someone becomes able to get citizenship in Europe(unless you are Syrians and Europeans give you a free ride)
Nah,dont bullshit me, it literally took only 3 months for me to get an Italian passport and i am by no means white.If I could do it that easilly, surelly those "white" brazilians could acomplish the same even faster.
How did you trace your ancestors then? I'm waiting for more than 2 years to begin the process but I had no answer
This really sucks, dude.
Your parents running away from war proves you're a true Italian.
>But you know, I can't go back to Europe even being ethnically European
bullshit. If your grandparents are both Italian you can get citizenship no matter where you live, it's the law.
You are just shitposting and making shit up amerinigger
OP is just a burger shitposting.
Why are you even arguing with that retard, he doesn't know anything about brazil.
Probably your ancestors immigrated here by conventional ways and not fleeing like mine, I know it gets easier
Very nice. I'd go for a European citizenship, but by brazuca law I can't have more than two citizenships
I already said that I'm using vpn you moron
>and i am by no means white
You look like a hot Jewish butch lesbian. Youre not white
you look like a gigantic faggot
see If you really have Italian roots there is no way you will be denied a passport. You are just shitposting
you don't even need both
You're talking to the wrong guy.
true you just need Italian blood. Although now I'm not certain if it concerns great parents or parents only
Its damn funny user.
Can you look any gayer? Milo probably jizzed on his screen looking at you.
Fuck man. You've got bitch eyes... literally from a woman. Nose piercing.
Fuck man, join a K-POP band and a male model for the Final Fantasy game.
Nah, i am fine living here,dont want to live in Italy.the only reason i got this passport was to be able to travel without visas and skip lines in the airport.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
as I mentioned, argentinians have been for a time using this to come to spain because of eu law
Even if they have 1 half Italian grandparent they still get it I think, but I don't even mind, most argentinians are alright
He's not white because he looks Jewish?
Ok thank you for helping preserve Italy
Read my past reply and understand why it is tough to me, I already explained that
"We wuz Phoenicians/Canaanites. We evented the phonetic western alphabet. We wuz white."
Post face
Is that pic of you? Lmao what passes as white in Brazil.
In Canada you'd be taken for a sand nigger.
Fuck off monkey.
Not true, I know that there are many Portuguese immigrants and probably living as white people
I want to kiss you, suck your dick and fuck your ass.
no homo
>non white
pick one
In what way does he look non-white?
>tfw 25% white