when they say "white supremacy", they just mean "white people"
When they say "white supremacy", they just mean "white people"
>(((Tim Wise)))
Another Kike misleading white people down the road of self-hate and self-destruction
That filthy kike has ridden that fake 'evil YT attacked my jew temple to Mammon' shit his whole life. He lives in an all white gated community where his only non white neighbors are asian.
literally every time
What racism in America? Don't these pathetic faggots see how easy they have it?
The internet is full of fucked up racist shit, calling for genociding minorities and such, and the fact that IT DOESN'T EVEN HAPPEN IN REAL LIFE should give you a hint, shouldn't it? They all act like they are enduring the worse that could happen to a person. You're a first worlder, the most pauper nigger in New York still has it easier than the average pole, shut the fuck up.
Damn, that guy is mentally ill. Somebody needs to call the child protection authorities on this marxist maniac.
haha, classic
This evil piece of shit honestly deserves to die.
I think this is pretty much common knowledge, I think I probably would have gone after him myself if I lived in the US, he is promoting genocide and should have been executed by the UN years ago.
whos dan?
lol the buttfluster is real
Dan Schneider.
The Minor Divider Schneider?
Some guy who wrote a criticism of something NDT said that was stupid, probably related to his rhetoric about "were all just humans" and "borders are man made, they shouldnt exist"
I dont know, I just saved it to demonstrate the types of things he does, and the amount of zealous supporters he has at his command.
Why don't children of color get to remain ignorant to durr racism? WTF is this goofy kike talking about? I look forward to a hearty laugh when Tim's feet swing gently in the breeze.
Have you ever actually met a black child?
Despite what you read on WWW.Justice4Trayvon.Co.uk most black children (0-8) do fine. Its when poor kids become teens that they have risk for being thugs.
Turns out most black kids don't get shot by police, its when they reach middle school problems begin. 0-8 for poor kids can be sheltered.
Both of those dude look like evil mother fuckers.
What are you talking about man.
That is not how a child smiles.
Its how a killer pretends he is human.
here's the cunts kikebook account
You cant be a fly nigga if you raise your hand.
Shut the fuck up niggerlover
They're subhumans from birth
I was going to edit the faces of those 3 kids over a picture in a news article about some horrific crime I randomly found on google, implying those 3 kids brutally tortured a white woman or something, but instead I found this story from 2014 and I think its probably more appropriate of a response.
>Four black people are in jail tonight in Detroit for robbing, stabbing, shooting, torturing, and killing three white people. Then burning down their house and stealing their car.
>the choices I make as a parent matter
So living in some ghetto neighborhood and ignoring your kids is the best way to demonstrate this? Who does this faggot think he's fooling?
Black kids >8 actually have slightly more advanced brains than white kids of the same age. They can also sit up and support their heads weeks earlier as infants. The gap that occurs from ages 8-13 has nothing to do with environment or poverty, it's the fact that they mature earlier and their brain plasticity disappears, impeding their adolescent and adult intelligence. They evolved for less parental investment and to be independent at a younger age.
Same reason that chimps mature much earlier than humans and are more intelligent at 1-2 years old.
He's a nigger too, he can't be rayciss
i was there and that is literally not true. fuck my school and the fucking faggots that spread that bullshit. they ruined my only chance of seeing trump
I really can't stand ndt.
There was literally videos of a "anti-violent activist" throwing punches in an attempt to rush the stage
can anybody forget about how crowds blocked ambulances and injured cops?
peaceful my ass, total fucking liars
Isn't he the one who cried after shooting an AR15?