Is France the first country in Europe that will have a race war?
Is France the first country in Europe that will have a race war?
The french are too soft, i know them, too gay to resist, what you are calling France is just a future part of glorious Algeria.
Corsica maybe
Go away Amhed
Your grand-daughter will be a private property of my grand-son in the future Islamic state of France.
lmaoing @ your life
>will France have the first race war
The only race wars in France is to see who can run away faster.
it's too late, we are already outnumbered in most urbans areas. The jewish mafia took the control since too long in France, allowing them to destroy our race with our own money. Now it's just a shithole filled with mudslimes like or fucking niggers.
On a national scale, the non-whites babies are 60% of the births... it's even worse than US
>implying you'll live past the age of 20
How's that oil low price treating you Algeria? Ready for the shit hitting the fan yet?
and what Le Pen wants to do with it?
The brightest days of Algeria were when it was a french departement.
>overthrow the aristocracy with nothing but farm tools
>birth one of the best generals/leaders of all time
>lose to a bunch of algerians
It's not fair
Sadly this is true.
Look at Corsica, they are way more extreme than most of french, and yet nothing happened.
Something may happen one day but it will take a few years to have a strong resistance movement.
No, French are fucking pussies. It will be Hungary, Poland, or Finland
>glorious Algeria
Opération ronçes quand?
>On a national scale, the non-whites babies are 60% of the births... it's even worse than US
>il croit ce que dit Zemmour
Marine, not enough, to reach a national level of popularity she softened a lot what her father did. And the party is totally full of crypto-juden and controlled opposition since forever.
It's just a scarecrow to push ppl to vote 'politically correctly'. It's especially true since the FN (Le Pen party) have seats into the EU parliament, they don't want anymore to leave european union (12k€/month just for letting jews ruinning the country even more and nothing else).
But hopefully Marion is not only aqt waifu, but also a real nationalist, who is really close to her grandfather and traditions. Maybe the hope is more on her side, but it will take time before she have enough financial supports to really making changes.
That wasn't a too bad bait after all, merci pour la satisfaction :), grance a vous je passerai une bonne nuit, bisoux amis cucks, et payez bien vos impots, mes coreligionnaire on bien besoin de toutes les delicieuses allocs que la Republique sait si bien octroyer :3
i was hoping for it too be sweden but it feels like its to late..
It will take place in Corsica
what a time to be alive, when you are more lucky to be born in Poland than in France
>overthrow the aristocracy with nothing but farm tools
more like the bourgeoisie paying peasants to fuck the monarchy and blue blood families
user is referring to this map which he didn't read carefully. The 34.4% figure is an evolution. The real average is 23.7% which is already too much, I agree.
Sure thing bilel,now say it to my face alone and don't bring all your cousins and other thugs friends you have because I never saw an Algerian fight in a 1vs1
Handing the control of the only real alternative party to a woman, as well as making one a deputy is the reason FN will never amount to anything in the next ten years
Polak friend, watch and learn, a lot of your countrymen may be worthless bydlo, but at least they're your own blood. People here have run this country to the ground, with joy and pride
>implying it's harder to have the french ID than ordering a happy meal
nice try Shlomo
you have us, again
What cities in France are worth visiting? I've always wanted to go but it looks like a shithole now, well Paris does at least. Are there any cities that haven't been invaded by rapefugees and mudslimes?
Brittany is not as much invaded as the rest of France and it has nice places. The biggest cities are not braunrein though.
Brittany, if you like wind and rain (and dumb leftists)...
Rightful English clay, please return at once.
what can we do beside watching our country being stolen ?
why no vigilente or militia in france and paris ?
Algerians are truly the most pathetic people on the planet, they have no fucking pride
Brittany is relatively untouched, but there's fuck all in it aside from Rennes, St Malo and Brest.
Some of the Loire Valley is still okay as long as you avoid the shitty banlieue (but why would you even go there?). Uneducated maghrebins couldn't settle in Tours or Angers because the cities are too expensive.
I haven't been there in a while but Alsace used to be okay too, aside from Strasbourg.
Ask them, I'm pretty sure they'll tell you to bugger off.
France will be the first european country to fall. This will be good for the rest of Europe though because they will get to witness first hand the failure of multiculturalism...and then the fires will rise.
Truth is i don't see them that much , they just stay in the shittier parts of the town , and those who don't are civilized
Buy guns and weapons...
et de l'essence et des allumettes pour mettre le feu aux camps de migrants
Si tu fait pas ça alors tu es aussi un problème
Do the same as corsicans I don't know be creative
Comme t'es bonne bonne bonne
Mais comme t'es conne conne conne
C'est quoi cette opération ?
nice meme
I'm sure if Brittany had to choose between being overrun by Muslims and pledging fealty to the Queen, they'd choose the latter.
Aquitaine forever !
Zemmour sort sur RTL qu'un contact (anonyme bien sûr) dans l'état major lui a parlé d'un plan pour "néttoyer les regions et quartiers dangereux".
Comme par hasard, tous les détails sont dans son livre qui est actuallement en vente :^)
You can call me what you want if it makes you feel better about your country's doom.
And because they don't deal with the fallout, vote strongly and reliably Socialist.
You really don't know them, do you?
Lel :^) mais les effectifs de l'armée française me semblent trop faible pour un contrôle total du territoire.
This is what happens when you try and keep too much of your Empire france.
You have millions of people in a free travel area with france in africa and south america what the fuck did you think would happen?
Why do you think we got rid of all our mudslim countries, unless you can keep culling the local population and control them completely they'll fuck you over.
Yep, they are nice people but damn they are retarded. They used to also be the most pro-EU region (because muh CAP, muh pigfarms) and now they are all butthurt because Germany BTFOed them.
Mr.60% white dare to give his advice
Paris is not France. Every major world city is totally demographically, ideologically and culturally separated from the country around it. London is almost as bad, so is New York, etc.
Paris is a lot more extreme in demographic differences, but it's not a set of problems unique to Paris.
The city/country division is the real problem. For example London was seriously talking about becoming an independent city-state post-Brexit.
The cosmopolitan young lefties in the cities are becoming more and more divorced from reality and from their nations, and the sad state of the cities in which they live are a reflection of this fact.
>Is France the first country in Europe that will have a race war?
Why would france have a war over something they actively want and encourage?
The handful of frogs that whinge on Sup Forums aren't 'the people' of france. Frenchies love their enrichment.
Je te parle d'une milice, et donc d'un groupe ayant un apport financier (d'une puissance étrangère?) et un soutient logistique. Un homme seul ne peut rien faire, il faut une présence durable pas un coup d'éclat
Entre ça et le fait que ça nous couperait de tous nos alliés, qu'il y aurait sûrement masses de sanctions internationales, la réaction de l'Algérie ou encore la Turquie, c'est pas très difficile de voir que, comme d'habitude, Zemmour raconte n'importe quoi pour vendre son dernier bouquin.
>windy and rainy
>Rightful English clay!
Color me suprised. I forgot to mention it stink almost every day (true)...
Compared to Pécresse, Morano, NVB etc? Seriously?
A supposed operation to remove kebabs in case of civil war. There must be a lot of scenarii like that, it's their job to plan this kind of shit.
Don't bet on it
Bah y'a pas de milice du tout alors.
Tu trouves des gens qui pensent comme toi et vous vous financez vous même.
Pretty sure Germany had one in the 1940s
I can't wait to go to war against Jews and Muslims.
I wish we could bring trainloads of machine guns to French people.
Morano is either a PS plant to undermine the right OR a comedic genius.
T'as oublié de dire que le plan a été, d'après ses dires, conçu avec l'aide d'Israël
France is not dead. Traditions are not dead.
Fuck niggers and sandniggers, we're full.
look at this faggot
c'est vrai que ça ne peut pas être du pur Zemmour si il ne glisse pas un petit message pro-israel, et quelque chose sur l'importance des juifs de France
It's make sense because the jews are living in civil war like times so they know a lot about mudshits
t. EU kommissar
wutt flagg
I thought the brightest day in Algeria was that nuclear test you did.
Jesus, Martin where are you? The meeting has started 10 mins ago.
Don't worry, we will remove the cucks and create a true home for the French people. We only want to help fellow whites.
but that's the same thing
france is just fucked. their nation/culture doesn't even have the concept of "race", they are completely blind to the genetic replacement that's going on.
god damnit Joe
You got it...
No it's obvious that it exists, there must be also a plan to rekt the far right, the Corsicans, the Basques, every risky population. Zemmour is just Captain Obvious selling frightening novels.
>nice places
>Don't worry. We only want to help fellow whites.
This is a good point actually. The EU controls national politics by giving good goy politicians cushy jobs with lots of budget for restaurants, cars etc
>Hungarian race war declared
>Fight 4 black guys in a car park
>War over, decisive Hungarian victory
It will.
You have no idea.
That gif
My sides are gone
maybe they need some foreigner to clean the streets...
Friends in the police/army.
That's all for today folks ( hello DGSI ).
Must be tough man!
That's why Malasians, Koreans, and Filipinos are flooding Japan?
You don't have to let ANY in.
My state is 85 %
>( hello DGSI ).
>implying you'd give a fuck if helter skelter was for tomorrow
the last time france "woke up" they built a mechanism specifically designed to sever one's head from their body
Was a thread yesterday about this. Some conservative French writer leaked a bit about a military coup to cleanse France. The military generals can't take it anymore
>inb4 dickillotine to stop the algerian takeover