This is probably the worst thing I've seen in a while. Thoughts?
I am saddened
What's sad about it?
Welcome to Africa America. He probably grew up without a father, and as it turns out he takes after his old man.
What's sad about this? This is maximum degeneracy.
Vote Republican if you want to change it.
Kek, white women.
This is why every other race sees your women as trash.
lol he would still get charged with the child support jew
Fuck off, colored scum.
Republicans are against abortion and that's the number one killer of blacks only second to them killing themselves.
Now if we could shift the party stance to pto abortion I would be all for it.
I gotta give the nigga credit where it's due. He asked. She obliged.
No he's right
that shit is no joke.
when i went to court to fix the amount to be in compliance i saw 3 niggers get hauled off to county. one for 9 months hahaha
Sorry m8, not gonna happen.
Seriously though, you guys need to get a handle on your women, better hope Trump wins, otherwise the amount of beta cuckery will continue to rise until it's off the scale.
She's worth less than a nigger.
Hard to say which one is more mentally ill.
I know some nigger who was arrested for 6 months and got out on good behavior if he got a job and started paying. 1 week later he quit his job and tried running. He got caught and is now doing 2 years.
Womens rights>Everyone elses
Need to learn that people.
Doesn't matter, he's still winning; spreading his dirty genes.
eh... pay your shit, be a good dad.
A. wear a fucking rubber
B. accept the consequences of your actions
I personally agree with the idea behind child support and I pay 600 a month. Spend one hour in family court and see how many fucking scumbags dont take care of their kids. Mostly all niggers too.
>fat girls
just say no
damn 600 a month, how much do you make man
We even see our own women as trash, that's why we've all switched to asians.
Or find a women who want leave you and take you to the cleaners for child support.
1. That probably doesnt excuse you from paying child support
2. The female is barely enjoying it, that guy is a full pledged homo
3. >nigger logic
Good on you, Asian women are pretty top tier.
I feel kinda sad honestly, white women are just so genuinely awful that I can only imagine how bad you guys must feel about them.
They're basically emulating nigger women.
I made about 60k last year. Officially I made 45k
This isn't the interracial porn board.
yeah well that too... in my case i was the degenerate. i wouldve left my ass too.
shit happens man. youll never have your perfect world.
>modern family values
Who cares? It's another fat white giel
This is so fucking disgusted.
Lmao, look through all his tweets though. He just uploads himself saying funny shit whilst hitting girls from behind
nigga this is obviously a joke
you people are so disconnected
Which would be better for a son with a white father? Being Mulatto or half-Asian?
her panties is not even off
they're making a joke and you people fell for it
do you guys not realize its a joke
>implying they need to be removed
virgin detected
>i was cheated on and I can't watch this without relating it to my own cuckdom
a fatherless nigger make another fatherless nigger.
abortions will literally decrease the numbers of niggers.
Fucking KEK
where can i find more amature stuff like this
Would you EVER wanna be a nigger?
I'll happily take being Asian
This is hands down the best pro abortion PSA I could imagine. After this, how can you NOT be pro abortion?
the world wide internet highway
>f-fuck off colored scum!
>muh white women aren't trash, it's da J-Jews fault that they're degenerates
>accept the consequences of your actions
Exactly. Women who fuck without thinking and allow useless men to cum inside them should bear the full responsibility of the subsequent child.
B-but its just a j-joke..!
Nothing about this is funny.
so they should accept all the resposibility?
what kind of NEET bullshit is that? get a fucking job dude. pay your shit. be responsible for your actions.
nice satire though.
>He just uploads himself saying funny shit whilst hitting girls from behind
Nah, it's that mixed in with Twitter drama and him fucking girls from behind.
This is what a lot of niggers use Twitter for.
fucking degenerates
>so they should accept all the resposibility?
Considering they can avoid all the responsibility with an abortion, yes.
Better question is, who cares? When the Mudslimes take us over this'll all be irrelevant since women who fuck before marriage or even think of getting an abortion will be killed.
>Being a coalburner
It's fake, you dumbass.
>when the mudslimes take us over
thats not going to happen, neighbor.
>People are bumping this shit.
If mods wont delete it there is only one other option. You know what I'm talking about.
black men's perspective is 100% hilarious
You are responsible.
It's your fault Schomolo
You kikes promote this shit. And don't give me that "isreali jews are different" lie
LMAO Sup Forums is furious.
His voice and cadence sounds like Martin Luther King. He's getting deep in your fellow white woman's vagina. YOU MAD Sup Forums LOL. keep typing angrily. White women love black guys.
Stop funding single mother outreach with your taxes. Let that whore feed her MUTANT breast milk until it's old enough to steal its own food.
You should allow abortions to avoid the worst which is more useless niggers
me on the left
I looked at the video closer than I wanted to, but, it doesn't look like they are actually having sex. Their underwear isn't moved around to allow penetration and you don't see a second of dick.
I don't know what the point is, but it's fake.
thereĀ“s something hypnotizing on that gif.
abortion is legal here russfriend. unfortunately the majority of women who get them are white.
Gonna get child support from a nigga that don't work, and who's government name you don't know. All she is gonna get is gibs.
Looking at his twitter account, he has made like 4 videos with this girl doing "comedy" routines like this where they have sex and talk about something stupid.
Coalburners will be coalburners. I thought it was real for a split second, should speak volumes about the quality of women like this.
Yea, we'll see.
With the way liberals and women are, I wouldn't be surprised.
Another white woman into the trash.....
When will it end lads? I dont want to abandon my own race but the degeneracy of white women is just overbearing. I can't take it anymore, i think im catching the yellow fever. They are friendly and and cute.... But if we breed, my children wont be white anymore? Maybe ill just kill myself and be done with it..... No, thats exactly what the jews want. Maybe this is the way its meant to be? Maybe this is part of gods grand design? Asians and whites mixing to create a hybrid race that will become the true gods of man kind. It must be so. Im going to try my best to find a japanese qt to impregnate, i suggest you do they same, as to not invoke gods wrath upon thee.
She looks fat and trashy
Damn, son, what's your secret?
>we're such weak cucks who can't control our women that we've switched to androgynous pan-faced jungle monkey gooks
well, i have an anecdote about that.
when i went to court to adjust my child support i was in a sea of niggers and white women. i think there was only two black women there getting child support from black fathers.
it was literally all white or hispanic chicks taking niggers to court for money.
point is, white women seem to take nogs to court for funds owed more so than the nog women who simply want the gibs.
here have another
there isnt enough amature on the phone with boyfriend/husband stuff....its my favorite.
It's beautiful isn't it.
White people are universally considered to be smarter and even in some cases better looking. Yet they are also universally known as passive submissive betas.
The most common joke about white people is how cowardly, passive aggressive and spineless they are.
I don't care how smart you are, I would never want to be led by a bunch of pussies. You whites are more to blame for the majority of modern issues than the Jews ever could be. It's why the Jews use you guys to perpetuate all leftist ideas that we see spammed here everyday, its you morons that perpetuate that shit.
Yea spics niggers and brownies have their issues, but you never hear about them being cucks and their women are kept in line.
she probably is on the pill
why is he hiding his dick in all the videos?
>600 a month
Lucky bastard... that'd be cheap for me. Only 1 kid w/her too! Not that I would mind paying if she spent half of it on my kid...
I work for a pool company in the Chicagoland area. Its a short season so we get a lot of hours between april and early october.
its a lot of rich people since its custom in ground pools and i get tipped quite often. the tips with side jobs and clients of my own bring in the extra 15k.
pic related. its a customer of mine.
nah they can keep the fat skank white females
> Asians and whites mixing to create a hybrid race that will become the true gods of man kind
We call them Supreme Gentlemen
>you want that Maltese in you
what did he mean by this?
its 20% of your income. Im not lucky, I just make less than you.
The ex actually makes more than I do. Shes a shrink. The kid has half his college saved up already and hes only 9.
Works for me.
>I'm such a buttangry blown out white roastie that I'm not even going to try and hide it
like you need give that much to a child. I have a child and i know how much it costs a month to have well fed, well dressed and well entertained and it not even half what your giving. You realise your literally giving about $400 to the mother to spend on dumb shit?
Just exterminate the white race now. Please. You don't deserve to live any longer you worthless cucks.
>I personally agree with the idea behind child support
Spoken like a true cuck.
It isn't just irresponsible men that his affects you asshole.
Tons and tons of innocent, honest men get their lives and fortunes ruined because of flat out evil women. Child support is a fucking crime against man.
The problem is that they let their women get too much power.
Women in power WILL destroy a civilization.
Most other races realize this, but for whites it may be too late.
>its a crime to take care of your child
sounds like you got a bit of jew in you
the guy on the phone was a nigger too...he was cucking a nigger named "apex"
blacks fighting each other is ok
>coal burner getting what she deserves
>people thinking thats not a latina
go get laid senpaitachi
Did she divorce you cause she thinks you're an idiot? I would.
Of course she's ready to be a single mother with all the welfare gibs.
Without welfare, women would cling to responsible men who would be able to take care of them and their children, as nature intended.
I think you are coming to the wrong conclusion. Niggas with jobs get taken for child support, street niggas might get taken but are generally not worth the effort. What you're seeing is the whites and Latinas are getting knocked up by nigs with jobs. The black woman that fucks street niggas play both sides, collect under the table with the threat of taking him to court, and collecting gibs. I've seen it a million times.
Whites racemix less than all other races, nice try though.
>American "white"
that women would not be considered in any real white country.
nah. i was a dick. lost interest in her. didnt really give a shit. still dont honestly. i was with her since highschool.