So sick of you stupid DRUMPFNIGGERS getting uppity every time there's a blip in the polls. NOT A SINGLE PERSON I KNOW IS VOTING FOR DRUMPF. Hillary is not sick, but even if your cooky theories are true I would still vote for her. PROVE that she is losing when you can't and WON'T change my mind.
Getting fucking tired of you DRUMPF NIGGERS everyday
Nathaniel Brown
How can you be so angry on a board so peaceful?
Jaxson Murphy
>it's babby's first month in Sup Forums
Don't worry we were posting ironically for a few months.
Owen Harris
Brandon Foster
stop me
praise kek
remove kebab
Camden Powell
The unedited version of the frog is much more offensive than your shitty attempt at 'looking cool' and 'edgy' with it. Liberals have been shown to be unable to predict the behavior of Republicans, where Republicans can predict the behavior of Liberals.
Logan Davis
To truly understand the will of Kek, one must undertand that there will be greater chaos with Hillary as president and hasten his coming by aligning with his true will, chaos.
Kek has blessed Hillary and forsaken his false worshippers.
Jaxon Hughes
Fuck RepubicLickers and DemoFaggs Both are fucking puppets.