>The absolute state of Capeshit
The absolute state of Capeshit
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I'm struggling to picture any scenario where Justice League isn't awful. The trailers are just so bad.
problem is dcucks now have a perfect scapegoat on whedon. anything that sucks will be automatically flagged as whedon's doing
>posting cam source when bluray rip has been out for weeks
There's nothing wrong with this compared to the 2 Wonder Woman clips posted.
then do us a favor user and remake that webm for us
from what anime they stole this scene?
Why do they always do that shitty zoom?
WHAT THE FUCK Is that real? Hoe can anyone defend CGI after this? Look at Iron Man's face
tfw M. Night Shayamalan of all people made a better superhero movie than both Marvel and DC
that looks like absolute shit
>it's whedons fault that ben is a bloated alcoholic
Why the fuck is Cyborg in Justice League?
He was one character in the Teen Titans comic.
why does it seem like everything is green screen in this shot? like, not even the ground they're standing on is real and just a green stage. were they too cheap to find some concrete platform in a city and film on it for a few hours so the movie doesn't look like a video game?
of all the Sup Forums meme shots ill say this is the only one that made me laugh when i first saw it in the theaters.
Not Even the AirPlaneBane scene in DKR made me chuckle
but watching the that trailer blast off into the air made me have to stifle back laughter.
In 2006 they promoted him, then with all the reboots they started saying he was a "founding member". The best part is they kicked out Martian Manhunter for it, because he wasn't black enough.
because if they used green lantern then it would be too white despite a black green lantern already existing but they don't want to use him because that would be too awesome
Looks like one of those cardboard signs ya poke ya face through
no fucking way OP's pic is real. You can see Stark's ear sticking out.
I fail to believe a VFX team getting paid millions would allow it.
what's wrong with this??
>this one isn't as shit as those other shitty clips
please capeshit is capeshit bottom of the barrel trash
buckle up buckaroo come Sup Forums shit on the capeshit
this, rdj has better ways to spnd his tim than suiting up
This was really one of the fucking stupidest and unwarranted ways to end a film
>Her trajectory changes to her arcing down
>Next shot she's flying straight up at the camera
>if they used green lantern then it would be too white despite a black green lantern already existing but they don't want to use him because that would be too awesome
would suck left iron mang's big metal dick
>tfw the first Justice League movie will not be the Origins story
>Could have ended it with Superman coming back and kicking martian ass at the last moment
Robert Downey Jr's ear is clipping through the armor on the right.
This looks like total shit. But it will make a killing in the box office because every child and virgin (aka men that need feminism) will flock to it like the zombies they are.
It all went wrong
>grown ass men watch this, have earnest discussions about it online and in person, and buy all the affiliated merchandise
The fuck is up with her head
Such a strange shape
This guys got Bolls!
CGI was a mistake