How smart is he REALLY? Obviously he has to be pretty intelligent to do as well in business as he had, but on the other hand he talks like a complete retard and doesn't seem to have any filter.
How smart is he REALLY? Obviously he has to be pretty intelligent to do as well in business as he had...
a fucking leaf
Its the demographic hes trying to appeal to.
>he doesn't use big unnecessary words to make him sound smart like a nigger
He's literally a genius when it comes to marketing, branding, and communication. What he's doing is unprecedented. Books are going to be written about this guy for centuries.
If you're talking straight IQ, the guy graduated from Penn. He's far from dumb, his IQ is probably closer to 150 than 110. Look at the things he's done.
If you've ever done business, you'd understand.
he has a 4 and done retard degree and his dad gifted him literally everything
>shitty ROI
>gifted everything in life
>fired from TV
wait, what has he done?
>What he's doing is unprecedented. Books are going to be written about this guy for centuries.
Absolutely can't disagree with that.
High INT and CHA. Mid to low WIS
What have you done?
majoring in real estate and being fired from TV?
fucking leaf
Trump grew up at construction sites, mostly in NY; the fuck you think he's going to talk like?
Oh, I don't know, user.
Taken a million dollars and turned it into billions of dollars, become a household name who stayed relevant for decades, written untold best-selling books, became the Republican nominee despite having no previous political experience, starred in a top-rated reality TV show (that he was begged to come back to, and wasn't replaced until equal time laws forced NBC's hand).
Other than reaching the top of the business, television, author, and political worlds, I suppose not much.
What have you done?
I'm honestly starting to think the "he's just playing 4d chess" people have been right all along. He's making his opponents appear more and more like crazy, fearmongering conspiracy theorists lately without even doing that much
Pacing and leading.
He is now leading.
>Doing well in business
But he hasen't.
Hes gone bankrupt several times
He might not be very smart himself but he knows how to surround himself with the right people.
Which is the most important thing for a CEO and a president.
He has never gone bankrupt.
Only 3 out of like 130 businesses he owns have
It's ALWAYS guys that look like that and have accomplished nothing that say he's not successful in business, it's kind of hilarious.
>do as well in business
Lmao you mean by making less than he would have if he invested in the S&P500
You mean like when his daddy bought chips at his failing casinos to artificially inject millions into his shit
Or when he over-expanded and built too many casinos in one area and they all went bankrupt because he was competing with himself
There's more but I'm lazy
>he talks like a complete retard and doesn't seem to have any filter.
You could say the same about Hillary spouting buzzwords and pointing fingers.
The only difference is that Trump actually talks politics, recent events, and his policies; Shillary just wants war for Clinton Foundation donators.
How many businesses has he had? He actually has a really, really good success rate.
Holy shit. It has been so long since a leaf has made a good post. Why are you guys so consistently shit?
More like how he is ultimate example of campaigning at the right place at the right time.
People of all walks are fed up with the glossy smiles and lies we've been fed our entire lives.
A large majority of America wants literally anything besides what we've been given. Whether that's for better or worse we'll have to find out after trying something different.
It is insane and reactionary, but that's kind of the point. Time and time again the powers that be, whether left or right, have proven they don't give a shit about our well being.
hes a TV clown and the whole thing about a ROI of 1000% is just a joke. a lie.
>top of business
his dad gave him everything and if he put it in the lowest yielding mutual fund he would have 8 times his present wealth
>million dollars and turned it into billions of dollars
literally anybody could do this user, its not impressive at all
Going from nothing to a million? Now thats fucking impressive.
>written untold best-selling books
LOL, implying trump can write at a level higher than 5th grade
> became the Republican nominee despite having no previous political experience
thats the only reason he became the nominee, because he doesnt have political experience
>become a household name who stayed relevant for decades
After 2016, the Trump brand will be known for losing
Dude graduated from Penn, that's far from retarded.
Hillary on the other hand, was given hand outs because muh diversity from her school, which has always been super liberal.
Actual intelligence and problem solving, Trump for sure.
if he's managing most of his PR he might be a genius. he's absolutely incredible at branding and persuasion and he's a terrific strategist in general from what we've seen.
Donald Trump is smarter than you, me and 99% of the people browsing this board.
You don't achieve what Donald Trump has if you're not incredibly brilliant. He's been working 10+ hours a day, 7 days a week for the last 50 years.
He can say stupid shit, but that's what happens you've been a boss man for decades. It wasn't a perfect transisiton because in the past when he said stupid shit everyone around him would just have to nod their heads and say ok.
But the fact that he took down the GOP Establishment and has played the Mainstream Media for fools is amazing.
>literally anybody could do this
>this is why millionaires are non-existant, as they can become billionaires without effort
>this is also why every winner of the lottery has gone on to become a billionaire
>tumblr image
>swedish poster
>smug condescention without making a point
>no refutation of the argument
the perfect storm
Trump knows his audience and populism is a quite useful tool, isn't it?
Ban all leaves. I'd take the bullet too if it meant less low-quality shitposts.
I think he likes to keep things very surface level in discourse, especially when a camera is around. In his own time, he's abstract and prone to deeper, more intellectual pursuits. But we'll never see that side of him. I think he compartmentalizes a lot, and is perhaps a little bit dark triad (very, very Machiavellian).
Its not to say that he can't be a good president or a good man, this is just how I rationalize him and how he's achieved what he has. Viewing him this way just makes sense to me. And I totally support him in the race. I hope he'll be a great president.
Are you kidding me? Its anons like you that make me realize how bad the privilege problem here on /pol is.
You should have some holistic empathy and organic compassion towards Sven. He's had a long day of caring for his wife's sons. He even bought plenty of coco butter for their skin.
He's too exhausted from spending all of his energy on progress, so he can't refute the obviously refuted racism of supporting Trump.
Im actually a girl. you know the type of humans you losers will never talk too
He went to Wharton, so pretty fucking smart.
If you are a girl, which I doubt, you must be a reject to be here. Worse than any guy here.
An actual human female, on /pol. gr8 b8 m8
Here's your (you), fag.
According to people on here, at the time he took the SAT you could determine the persons iq and based off his score it's in the 160s
>Are you kidding me?!
>You're a fucking RED LEAF!
>he should have stayed in his bedroom and collected free money instead of building an empire
wow, you came up with that one all on your own didn't you? really crunched the numbers yourself huh?
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
>doesn't seem to have any filter
how very refreshing
no i heard about this place on Tumblr so i wanted to see if you idiots are for real. You are fucking dilusional if you think Trump is a smart or that he is going to win.
Vox did it awhile back. It's not a hard combination. He was left $250 million decades ago. If he put it in an index fund he'd have slightly more than what Forbes estimated his net worth as.
Too be fair though, IDK if all $250,000 million was liquid assets. It probably wasn't. It's not a totally fair comparison. That said, he has not gotten impressive returns compared to many other inheritors of great wealth. He's about even. Getting $250 mil in 1970s bux pretty much assures reaching billionaire status if you aren't reckless.
Wow. A tycoon like yourself privy to such knowledge coupled with your business acumen has yielded you a fortune.
Oh wait
On French TV tonight they said he is dangerous, unpredictable and dangerous (again).
France 5 "C dans l'air", a serious show.
> And Paris Hilton is a super genius too!
Inheriting a fuck ton of money makes it super easy to get famous.
Trump inherited a business worth over $200 million in 1971, or $1.18 billion adjusting for inflation.
You don't think you could get a TV show with $1.18 billion? Even doing fuck all with it, it'd be easy to grow into $10 billion by 2030. WOW WHAT A GENIUS!!!
Lottery winners inherit liquid capital.
Trump inherited a well staffed, capital generating enterprise.
Oh just stop the ploy, its too on the nose at this point Sven.
Yeah, I think he is a smart. And despite the bullshit rhetoric, American nationalists are about to win the presidential election. You've got to understand that I've heard this sort of thing for over a year from the Evangelicals and the (now politically destroyed) Neocons, how we are stupid and delusional. Now we're just hearing it from the politically fractured and corrupt democrats. I'm sure it makes you feel righteous and intelligent to say that sort of thing, but its just a source of keks for me at this point.
Get some rest, Sven. You've had a long day of progress, and another waits for you tomorrow.
Let me guess, you thought George Bush was stupid as well?
Are you inferring Trump's intelligence from his political values and his public speeches? If so, that shows you're just as stupid as some of the racists on this site- just replace skin colour with political values.
Cant even get a proper haircut. Got all that hair transplanted from an asscrack. Fucking degenerate
In all honesty I think he is an arrogant moron, the most annoying combination possible. He is probably still better than Hillary, but god damn is he bad.
i dont really know what to think about trump now when hes 70, but just watch his interviews from like 80s
being smart is for cuckolds. I like trump because he's down to earth, just like you and me, and isn't afraid to "stand his ground" against spics and niggers.
going to JEWniversities is something libtards and feminists do. No way trump went to one.
DAE trump is st00pid? Anyone can get a 450,000%+ ROI on a million dollar loan. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to start my shift at complaining that other people have more stuff than me.
>someone who is more intelligent than you is a moron
and you sit here jerking off to frogs on a turkish rug making site.
Also, there is the fact that a lot of extremely smart people have no speaking skills
I don't see how he is above average intelligent. Sure he might play to be a moron, so that people underestimate him and the brainless masses cheer him on. But I highly doubt it. You can be intelligent and still talk the language of the people, but trump says inconsistent and completely ridonculous things all the time. This doesnt look like the plan of an evil master mind to me. Just look at what Goebbles and Hitler did. Compared to them Trump isnt even worth mentioning.
trump for new president of Mensa
check em
Guess what? Most of the general population doesn't like to be talked down upon, his speech is like that for a reason. He went to one of the best business school's in America too, he is a bright person.
I doubt he's unintelligent tbqh
His uncle was a physicist
>gifted everything in life
from 1 mil to 4 billion, he surely is a retard
Hitler was an imbecile
your mother was an imbecile
And you're a med kit.
>156 IQ
Holy shit
More than you, tendies babby
Not that it means shit but I've always had a very good radar for people who are really smart. A g-dar, if you will.
Like you, I looked at the Trump I'm seeing on the podium at the rallies, loudly spouting off overly punctuated simplifications about complex topics and thought, sports presenter-tier intellect.
Then I watched a documentary featuring an unguarded Trump, in his younger days, being asked about running for President.
There's a particular type of music to the speech of very smart people. It's not just the cliched stuttering, words-tripping-over-each-other, hyper-fast vocalisation you see on tv. There are a number of styles composed of certain giveaway attributes.
One of those styles is melodically and rhythmically uniform, but with a quietly locomotive fluency where you can hear the speaker's train of thought is far off in the distance, way ahead of what they're currently speaking about. They speak like super cars going 30 miles an hour. Way below their actual capacities. This is what Young Donald Trump speaks like. To be honest, it scared the shit out of me. Because, not only is he naturally that smart, he is smart enough to be able to disguise those subtle vocal intelligence "tells" from someone who normally picks up on them effortlessly.
That, right then, was when I had my coming to Jesus moment.
Underestimate the guy. It's exactly what he wants you to do.
Says the guy who's not a charismatic patriotic leader of any country
well put, user
>talks like a complete retard
The retard demographic is yuge.
so much this
When you are intelligent, you have to dumb down your speech so simpletons can understand, if you want to get your message across. Trump is a master at this. If you don't do this, you won't reach the majority of americans who are fucking morons, a lot of people barely speak english.
>t. wageslave
Business has never been about brains, its about aggression mixed in with 5% brains
Trump is a fuckwit though. Still better than Cunton but we're fucked either way.
Trump is a genius. And I've noticed that only self-important idiots don't see this.
Good to see Trump still get a fucking beating on Sup Forums, I thought this place was finished
Criminally underrated
>big unnecessary words
how insecure are you?
he's a 70 year old new yorker... trump was 40 years old when the movie taxi driver came out.
He is at such a level (above 145 is what we can extrapolate from what he has told in regards to his intelligence level) that you would be over 99% likely to be less intelligent than him.
>on the other hand he talks like a complete retard and doesn't seem to have any filter.
That's part of the image he cultivates. He puts on a Brooklyn accent and says what he knows other people are thinking.
I bet you fell for Bush 43's "dumb hick" act too.
he's smart, fucking get over it.
he is like a really smart person.
he knows words, he knows all the words.
Trump, how are you finding Sup Forums
you come off as pretentious but having watched a lot of trumps early interviews i agree and respect your opinion
It's going well, I am really loving those digits, praise kek.
If you knew anything about business you would know that declaring bankruptcy is actually a really smart decision. By declaring bankruptcy you can structure the way you back back debts and protect your other assets from being taken by creditors.
He's a goddamn genius persuader/manipulator. Follow Scott Adam's blog for him to outline just how good he is at persuasion.
>literally anybody could do this user, its not impressive at all
If anybody could do it then why don't they? Why aren't all of the millionaires in the world billionaires?
>but on the other hand he talks like a complete retard
Thank you for:
Candidate CLINTON
and the
C.T.R. Initiative
have deposited 2 Shekels into your account.
You've earned a chance at a BONUS*
D U B S: Lord KEK breeds the autism out of your line.
T R I P S: You never existed.
Q U A D S or Higher: Hillary strokes out after 1st debate.
Do you know how smart you have to be to talk like a complete retard, seem not to have a filter, yet blow 16 people the fuck out on national television?
Trump is a genius. You foreigners all seem to think that in order to be smart you have to talk like Noam Chomsky. Well Noam Chomsky talks smart but he's a fucking retard who thought Venezuela was a great country. His track record is worse than Madam Cleo's. Literal witchdoctor scam-artists are better at predicting politics than Chomsky.
Trump speaks in a language everyone can understand, sounds distinctly like a New Yorker, and never sounds defensive, angry, or scared. He just comes off as a strong savvy businessman who's trying to do the right thing. The only people who have a problem with this are word-salad addicts who judge the merit of a speech solely by how often the average man has to reach for a dictionary to understand it.