Another Nigger football player rapes a white woman. Seriously how fucking cuck'd is the USA that they put up with these niggers running amokk?
Another Nigger football player rapes a white woman...
Leave our precious protected pets alone.
We love parading them around and making them dance for us. We also love pretending to like the gibberish music they make.
The animal kingdom is an amazing place full of amazing things like them.
I can't watch football anymore.
i didnt know chezh had niggers
>those hoop earrings
>"raped" by niggers
you shouldn't its a nigger sport like basketball. watch hockey.
>be white bitch
>get drunk at party/club
>hook up with wealthy black athlete
>get mad when he kicks you to the curb after fucking
>cry rape
Seen this happen so many times it isn't even funny.
Large hoop earrings are the classic sign she is a coal burning whore.
na it was a nig it was rape
I care more about their ability to play than I do about white women. Fuck them, he can rape all he likes if he plays hard . Football is more important than some whores vag.
fuck off nigger/niggerlover cuckold.
>attacking the victim
Good goyim.
I think a big reason for the pedestal that niggers have is due to three things:
1. The image the media portrays of niggers being cool and fun
2. Lack of racial pride
3. The "One person doesn't make their entire group bad" argument, which is extremely digestible to an idiot/normie
This. Wouldn't surprise me.
she looks like the most generic whore ever
burn the coal
When will nig footballers stop trusting these white sluts? Today's consensual sex is a violent rape tomorrow.
When will niggers learn???
White women aren't special but a talented wide receiver is. I am an Alabama football fan and I don't care if the universities run a train on white women as long as they win.
i love how they never specify the race of the guy who raped her
but they are quick to accuse of some innocent white kid of rape in a heartbeat
They don't. That's why most football programs have a handler of some sort that follows these guys around to make sure they stay out of trouble.
They were both drunk as fuck, left together to have sex. He probably fucked her real hard- choked her and shit. Friends see that shit the next morning and insist she was raped. To save face and not let everyone know she was just being a kinky slut, she cries rape. Another good boy who dindu nuffin put away.
The cognitive dissonance about shit like this is always fumy.
Pol hates niggers, but they also hate when women make up rape claims.
If she made it up, then a nigger is innocent of a crime which the stats claim he's more apt to do, but if she did actually get raped, then a woman actually told the truth about rape and that doesn't go with this board's preconceptions about women and false accusations.
Lol, no. He may have a scholarship, but that's it.
You go to parties with a lot of rich black athletes.
my god she is UGLY.
imagine going to jail for that piece of gypsy shit
So what your're saying is, that swede is correct
Man niggers are niggers but a rich nigger knows that he can buy some whores, it's more likely the bitch wants money. Even if the nignog could prove to be innocent it would still hurt his career so he'll probably pay her to shut up. In 2-3 days she'll drop the charges you'll see
I actually don't care about the rape I want to win football games
We're pretty cucked on the homefront
Nah, I don't care. The university has an obligation to win football games. Rape her or not if it hurts the team she has to go
Wow she is fucking ugly. Holy hell niggers will rape anything
I'm not gonna lie, I'm a UNC alum, so it makes my school look bad, so now I have to hear it from all the fags at Duke and State, but eh, like most of this, it'll get blown over. Also, in terms of football, he's not a big deal. He's a special teams guy, for the most part.
What kind of faggot cares about football?
Which are you.. a retard, or a nigger?
Lets say this is choke play, doing that kind of degenerate shit with a girl you just met is a special kind of retarded.
Now of course it was a nigger, so it's far more likely it was simply rape.
A guy like him doesn't need to rape.
What sort of a faggot in America doesn't cAre about football? Get picked onbabpot by the football players in high school?Jealous they get laid ?/Don't worry when you have you STEM degree you can marry their leftovers and raise their kids when your wife cheats on you with them
she just wants money breh
Maybe he wanted to do her in the ass and she was saving her anal virginity for the team captain. No one is perfectly predictable, not even women.
>college nigger who is primarily a special teams guy
>having money
You're a cuck in denial cuck-shaming someone who was rightfully cuck-shaming you. You really need to end your life.
Fucking kill yourself you piece of human fucking garbage. You are the biggest fucking goyim imaginable. Watching (((FOOTBALL))) and letting the football players rape girls as long as they win. You are a sad fucking excuse for a human being. You have no goals or fucking aspirations and co-opt the victories of other people. You glorify them and allow them to get away with shit like this. I can tell you don't have a family that loves you, a differentjob in the last 10 years, or any semblance of a future. You watch a box as other people succeed and anything else is a "distraction" because you're a "fan". Let them fuck your wife and kids to get them pumped for the game! Gotta get that test flowing WOO GO REGIONAL FOOTBALL TEAM. You dont deserve to live on this planet you worthless sack of shit.
Trolling and baiting aside, if you legitimately give a fuck about sportsball more than literally anything else on the planet, your opinions are automatically invalidated. Strap a helmet on and go sit at the kiddie table with the rest of the mouthbreathing retards and watch your ball-throwing, ass-grabbing, product-placement fagfest with them. Let the grownups discuss actual issues.
>why isn't it working? i keep calling him a nigger and a retard but he isn't admitting defeat!
I was one of the kids getting bjs from bitches in my car while you showered with men you fucking faggot.
Only niggers, faggots and retards like football. And also retarded faggot niggers.
There's isn't a single football fan with an IQ over 95
>Whores knowing anything about football
bitch prolly thinks he is a future NFL star
Eh, true enough. Then again, I wonder if she has a boyfriend and she cheated, causing her to claim rape.
Sure you were Clarence.
Pic doesn't show what she was wearing at the time.
>What sort of a faggot in America doesn't cAre about football?
Ones with actual priorities, and who don't have a room-temperature IQ. I was friends with a few foosball players in high school and had family members that played. There's nothing wrong with playing a game, just like playing a video game (or watching someone playing one), but to put these over-paid, under-educated, spoiled manchildren on a pedestal and worship them like some kind a god is beyond gay and pathetic. How many intelligent people with respectable degrees, careers, and lives consider themselves "rabid" or "hardcore" sports fans? Very few. Coincidence?
But he is literally a retarded nigger faggot!
Most words have specific definitions, that's why I use them. Faggot
Lol calm down man, don't want t you to go Supreme.Gentleman here. People care about football because it is entertaining. Let me know when you manage to get 70,000 people together to watch a kid take a math test. The athlete at a university is worth way more than some social reject in the engineering dept.
>caring about dancing field niggers that play with balls instead of all white women
Bitch looks like a gold digger
Lots of people do. You are just jealous because those athletes can do things and Fuck women who wouldn't let you near them.
You seem smart and U bet you work hard but none of that matters when you are compared to a top athlete because there are millions of peep who can do what you can do but only a handful can compete at that level, which is why they have.their pick of women while "smart"men deride sports and have to jerk off.
Don't feel bad, once women get ilder they will let you smart guys raise their kids.
to be fair to him, the state of Alabama has nothing else going for it. Without his precious football team he has nothing else to live for.
I bet you're also impressed by a guy dunking on a 10 ft rim... when he is 7' 5" and all it involves is coming up off his tippy toes for a moment
People like you don't deserve to live
Look how mad it makes you people enjoy something you don't. Get laid.
I bet you're impressed when a woman doesn't reach for pepper spray when you talk to her
i always wondered what kind of person would pay for subscription. Now i know!
>losing the argument before he even enters it
The irony of your post is palpable
Looks like I hit home. Do you want me to tell you what a pussy feels like?
>10 ft rim... when he is 7' 5" and all it involves is coming up off his tippy toes for a moment
>People like you don't deserve to live
I was trying to defend you bro. I was merely implying that if the Alabama team plane crashed and they all died you'd probably commit suicide. It's ok I understand. Alabama is a shit state that, other than the Crimson tide, has nothing to be proud of.
That's not what i said you drooling troglodyte. You're commenting on a political issue of a person playing football and saying their actions are okay as long as a football team wins. I played cornerback in high school. I get that it's entertaining to play and watch. It's a community activity and fun as a group. My extended family gets together to watch the talking fucking jew box every sunday for NFL.
The fact where you don't even care about the suffering of an innocent member of society because co-opting the success of a fucking football team is more important is a problem. Co-opting success generally entails a lack of personal success. It lets you feel "glory" and activates the reward center in your brain because it thinks that IT is succeeding. If you haven't even fucking won or competed in anything before, you don't understand how to dissociate yourself from that feeling. Football fans, soccer fans, twitch video game/poker streamer viewers, youtube game watchers... All in common. This allows for people like this to get away with shit because it's millions of nothings. Millions of people that will never, ever compete or succeed in their life. Do shit, play in an city football league or something. That at least doesn't let football players act with impunity because football fans would be OUTRAGED if anything happens to the team they co-opt
>hoop earings
kys Mahmoud
Football and basketball are nigger sports and any white man who watches them is a cuck
back in the cuckshed Sven
>thinking my response is a valid affirmation to your assumption
Nice try cuck. Again, you only know what it is like when people change their tone of voice when you compare them before and after they've fucked your wife.
>I don't care if niggers run rampant and rape as many white women as they want as long as I get my bread and circus. Thanks Mr Goldstein
>He is a football player, a very masculine profession
>but he is also black
Oh Sup Forums, it's fuckin' hilarious seeing you in a dilemma like that.
What are you going to do now?
On one hand he is a man and raped a western degenerate woman but on the other hand he is a nigger and raped
>muh white woman
What do, Sup Forums ?
Easy. Arrest the nigger and shame the woman for being a whore.
its not so much about the victim's race/gender/earrings Mohammed, its about the fact that if we allow nogs to run wild unchecked, eventually EVERYONE will be a rape victim.
you should know something about that by now, yes?
could happen
not in this universe, sadly.
Look at her. Hoes like this practically invented nigger dick.
No shit, Jack, I'm well aware of that.
It's still kind of a dilemma for many Sup Forumsacks here.
Whatever pussy I bet that fancy talk la carte.The women. Have fun jacking off in
In the dark alone
he got gangbanged in this thread and now he is so bootyblasted he cant even type lol
now you know how your wife feels after the team comes over on the weekend.
>The athlete at a university is worth way more than some social reject in the engineering dept.
And maybe that's exactly what's wrong with our society.
Have fun jacking off in the corner while your wife gets pounded by nigs
archive or screencap. I want the CNN propaganda machine to die.
Dude wtf....he did not have to rape her...white bitches are notoriously whorish and will also cry "rape" the quickest. She probably said don't cum in me and when he did she cried RAYYYIEP
Always the same leftist/nigger faggot from czech republic correcting the record.
Does watching sweaty men slap eachother's asses get you hard? It certainly seems you associate sexual arousal with football more than the average heterosexual man.
But he choked her. Do you think that was consensual too?
Implying it wasn't the other way around. The bitch wanted him to cum into her, impregnate and leech his money till the end of time. He pulled out, she cried rape.
You are the worst kind of human filth. I hope you get anally raped by a pack of ferals and your balls chopped off.
last one here (wasn't rape, just abuse) got btfo because the girl's bff ratted her out for making all the shit up and gave the police her phone(texts)
>What sort of a faggot in America doesn't cAre about football?
I would say probably most in America don't care about football. Never saw the appeal, otherwise I would have played. I think it's the IQ above 90.