Is a college degree Jewish scam?

Is a college degree Jewish scam?


Depends on the degree..

definitely my alt-right goyim
don't go to college, just go work as a plumber or something :DD:DD:D

yes it is in your shitty country
in europe it is not

yes even the good ones are a rip off


Don't listen to this kike fag, there are a million better options besides going to college.

>implying trades aren't the way to go anyway

Only if it's in Liberal Arts

No, goyim. Go to college.

state colleges are being shit on to no end. Private colleges are worth it

I pay 100 USD per semester in the best university here.
I seriously doubt even a thirld world university is 500 times worse than Oxford. Maybe 20 times, sure. There's no way university actually costs as much as it does.

It's all certainly a scam, especially when taking into account the rising cost of education and colleges operating more as a business than as a place of higher education and taking into account interest rates, but it can more or less of a scam depending on the degree that you're getting.

It's less of a scam if you view it as your ability to pay it off. A degree is an essential point of entry and minimum qualification in many fields, but it will, in many cases, pay dividends.

Humanitarian studies are.
You know that cliche joke
>forget everything you were taught in whatever
It's because people really start to learn to do shit only on their work.

Trade meme needsto die, it was proven withfacts a long time ago that getting a degree was the supirior choice, depending on the degree


Also, there's no way a gender studies faggot requires the same amount of resources as a chem engineer.

Trades are the best option if you don't want college but you're retarded if you think education is a jewish scam. While the education system is extremely lefty, a degree is invaluable regardless of whether or not they attempted to indoctrinate you in the process.

>t. Public Administrations Major working on becoming city manager for the biggest city in my state where I'll make a salary that rivals the fucking POTUS (not even trolling)

Honestly in my country being a plumber is better than being a graduate from history or arts where you might be unemployed for 5 years or work in Hofer store.

Also if you have a lot of customers you can earn a lot working as a plumber. You can earn like 3 times the average salary.

O-Okay, Goldberg.

state colleges are for sure.
just went to one recently... i have never been so shocked by the dystopian lib-cucked state of affairs.

they already had "gender neutral bathrooms" or "inclusive bathrooms" or some buzzword, politicized bullshit.

it's just awful.

the private universities are basically just as bad now too.

higher education has just become an arm of the liberal establishment.

well of course it's the way
I need you to clean my AC once in few years and do some other simple shit

can I have my pumpkin spice latte already my sweet barista friend?

okay I will just tell you something
america claims to have the biggest IT market/best programmers after college etc. MIT claims to be the best academy
and whats the truth?
fucking china has the best programmers while USA is 2 fucking eight
i dont know about other areas as this one is mine, but i guess shit goes the same

you just have good economy but that will finish when you run out of oil and this country will be left with dumbfucks, tumblr girls and edgy kids

It's not just that, it's also the way that choosing to go to college signs you up for years of kike slavery- what's the point of the education when a. you can barely find a job with it these days anyways b. the schools are shills like you said and c. you'll spend forever struggling to pay back your debt?

My husband and I didn't go to college, we freelanced online for a few years before he found a good job at a local bank as a loan officer, he gets paid extremely well, has great benefits, and is already about to be promoted after his first six months- if he wanted to, he can stay here and basically be set with a banking career for life.

When you become a city manager you must place subtle redpills and pepes around the city. It is your duty.

A plumber makes what, 40k a year? Not bad in my book.

Well because you're from post soviet yugoslavian shithole.
Although graduates from history or arts here in US of Ayy probably make less than plumbers too. Unless they know how to sell their skill with irrelevant diploma



You're probably being sarcastic, but where I live plumbers make $80,000. Taxes are low in this area too.

Depends on where you live. Here in the fly-over states trade jobs are plentiful and pretty lucrative.

russia does better than US as i mentioned you have geopolitical advantage
USA never invented anything special, you are just consumers for goyimg economy and things produced in vietnam

>40k a year
>not bad
good good that's exactly what you need to think

If you go to Uni, you are in fact being shilled beyond belief.
No jobs, tons of college debt, sneaky merchant rubbing hands behind desk.

Looking purely from what's benifitial for a society and how valuable you will be as a person for after the 3rd world war, STEM-fields is the absolutely best way to go.

STEM people actually innovate and make society what it is, without these people we wouldn't have smooth internet, good pipelines, electricity everywhere we go and so on.

If you're not a thinker then sure, you can do maintenance work such as being a plumber or roof-fixer. In the end, theres people who create and people who maintain. Who are you?

gib monis plz

Due to excess scholarships they're literally paying me to go to a large state university

Soooo I think it's worth it

>loan officer
>median salary 59k
>extremely well

Knowledge and intelligence is a Jew plot.

What are you talking about? When we left yougoslavia in 1991 we were one of the countries who were improving the fastest.

Then in 1994 we took as many refugees from Bosnia as 4% of our total population (as if Germans took in 3.2 million people)

And we were still doing better and better until the 2008 crisis. And even in crisis we still do much better than "post soviet countries"

That's like $30 an hour, more than enough for a mortgage and a car. What more do you need?

not really
In Germany it's really just the opportunity cost

some degrees are utterly useless though, even if they retain an aura of honest work like Law

Probably not

I think the biggest issue is that there are simply too many people getting degrees because of subsidization, making them worthless

If anything is a scam, it's government subsidization and the universities that profit of of this

I was paying 3500 per term at 12 credits.
That was a few years ago though.
I kinda dropped out to work full time.

>become a plumber
>make 100k a year after 4 years

>go to college
>go 400k in debt after 4 years

gee tough choice, faggot

Seems to be heading that way. My father was the first in his family to get a college degree, and it was viewed as somewhat of a big deal. Now college is just "the thing you do after high school" because we believe we're somehow above blue collar work (meanwhile I make nearly 55k as a fucking 3rd year carpentry apprentice, which will let me do contract work, start my own business, or just flip houses like my aunt who makes $150k average doing it).

You fell for the "you can only be happy/successful as a multimillionaire" meme. If you and a significant other make that much, you can live very comfortably in nearly any flyover state.

>Can't find a job
Research your degree field and job outlook become wasting 4 years of your life in a Liberal Art and protesting the 1% on wallstreet because your Lesbian Dance Studies degree can't get you a job

>schools are shills
Yeah mate but no one is forcing you to eat the bluepill

>you'll take forever paying off debt
Possibly. But that goes back to picking a degree that WILL get you a decent job and not taking on Student loans. Apply for grants and scholarships (latino so the govt loves giving me free money) and never take a loan unless you know your job will position you to pay it off.

It's not a perfect system, and you were able to make a living for yourself without it, but it's never a bad idea to be educated.

Oh no, I intend to make headlines that rustle jimmies for ages to come


Your country was broke before ww2. You basically jewed your way into power by mass producing weapons and selling them to european nations.

You are a country run by jews who profited from destruction of european nations. Not to mention that you had a whole unused continent unlike europeans who exploited their land for thousands of years.

>it was proven withfacts

Hmmm... care to post some sources Rashid?

how much money do you need kike? we have enough to afford everything we own and have oodles of cash to spend on fun things, so what are we lacking exactly? Our in laws both make over 100k and lose most of it to taxes immediately, woo hoo so awesome.

good luck getting laid working blue collar :)))

I only learned two things in college:

1) My 3 years on campus taught me that degeneracy and cultural marxism are endemic in liberal institutions.

2) My 1 year studying in Japan taught me that Xenophobic High-IQ monocultures are the most superior form of society.

can you learn plumbing online?

okay, tell me about it, what is the good degree? when we started out freelancing, my husbands plan was to work until we could afford college and he would go for computer programming or something similar. obviously that was bullshit but he did all of his research and that's where he was directed.

It˙s USA one of the most degenerate nations on this planet where you can get laid even as a fat fuck who works at mcdonalds.

EU literally spoonfeeds you with money
yet you have shitton of commie blocks and all you guys outside of warshawa look like ja pierdole
keep talking shit my butthurt slav friend

>30 an hour
mfw no face

I've had 2 IT degrees from abroad and didn't pay anything
my wife graduated in USA with engineering degree and she have had several thousand dollars left in her account from her stipend or how it's called in USA
only idiots getting into college debt
>hurr durr I just wunna be radiologist and make 140k a year
>100k a year

We invented landing on the moon you worthless cuck. Nothing is more pathetic than trying to hate on the last hope for the white race.

i think you mistaken poland with some kind of mongolia or idk, 1970 is over

Why are there no attractive jews? Real talk here without posting Slav girls and claiming that they are jewish.

Every jew i have seen so far had this look to him like there is something wrong with him like he was born with a birth defect.

>Go in-state
>Go to a smaller school
>Commute to campus
>Rent textbooks
I paid around $12,000 per year, it's not fucking rocket science.

I went to Regents university in London
>this triggers the Brit

How the hell is a 60% white country the last hope for the white race?

We can only hope that non whites chimp out in your country soon enough so it sends a clear message to our people.

Fucking spouting memes instead of giving an answer. At what point is your spending frivolous? I wouldn't know what to do with $100 a year.

>Silly goy how can you call yourself a man if you don't drive a Lexus?

this is just temporary. remember back in 02 compsci was the shit and people were making loads of money and now you could barely get a job out of college doing that.
its constantly changing, the more irreplaceable you are the more you are worth

>Ditch College cause I ain't going into debt for a degree that can't get me a job becuase I don't have muh experience
>Learn a trade (electrician)
>Bust my ass as an apprentice for four years
>Become certified and become a contractor
>Charge people $50 an hour for thirty minutes of work

Most white collared jobs are being outsourced or automated. Blue collar jobs will probably be the last on the chopping block

oh really?
and what did it change, except your government spent huge ammounts of dollars on it?
it was just to counter russian propaganda, nothing more kurwa
greece, france, italy, russia, UK, japan, china, germany- those are the countries that actually DID something for humanity

Yes and no. All trades require entry into meatspace -- real robert hours -- plus book learning.

I have money so I can afford it. It's fun too

compared to european girls? not so much.
a 7/10 girl here is a fucking godess.
everything you hear about jewish girls is a propaganda. that's just in terms of looks, i don't know if you prefer their character

And yes trades require you paying and years of training as well just to clean a toilet

Depends on alot of thing but business mathematics and advertising are all decent things.

College is still pretty valuable, just know what you're doing, and have a realistic career path.

Like literally everything else in life, it is and is not, depending.

The way I see it, there are three types of college degrees:
>typically STEM, but not necessarily
>focused on developing marketable skills
>in-demand careers accessible
>useful to society or business
>difficult to all but the gifted, and even they have to work
This is what colleges are designed for. You improve your skills, become smarter and more hardworking, and enter the labor force (or academia) with a clear-cut path to success and better job security than most trades. This is a degree that's worth the effort, albeit perhaps not worth the money depending on how much you pay and how much financial aid you get. This includes art as well, if that "art" includes graphic design; again, things that the ordinary person would find difficult to learn on their own. The key distinction here is utility.

>pursue interests with no regard for their utility
>no marketable skills
>typically humanities or social sciences
>no obvious career prospects
This is the typical millenial's college degree. Go to school to "broaden your horizons" and "expand your mind" meaning have lots of sex and partying and a good "college experience" then beg Daddy to give you an entry-level position that doesn't require a lot of work. Not worth the money, although if you get financial aid it's sort of a wash, and congrats on wasting 4-5 years of your life.

>go to college because parents want you to
>enter whichever program has fewest requirements
>also includes for-profit colleges
Some would argue that this is a variant of Type B, but the distinction is that these degrees actually make you less appealing to employers. This is below-the-mean garbage, your degree is literally toilet paper. These are people who "go to college" simply for the sake of "going to college"; Scott Adams would call them "word-thinkers" who think that "just having a college degree" does anything.

> t. Burgerflipper

If you dont live in burgerstan it is not.
I study in Germany and pay like 200euro/anno for tuition.
Going to be a teacher, salary is good enough to not ditch it (4-5k)

Any degree is worth it if you can prove youre good in your field.

>Yes goyim, it is a scam!
>Get a trade, become another cog in the machine!

>working for someone else

Maybe in the USA. There are definitely valuable skills to learn at university (assuming you are in STEM) but the cost of tuition is ridiculous. You might be able to offset the costs by outperforming your peers, but that's only possible if you're already somewhat intelligent and willing to put in the work.

You should only consider studying the liberal arts if you live in a country with close to free tuition. It's not rational to accrue debt for something that doesn't even make you employable. The majority of BA degrees are garbage.

> Go to state university from 2009-2013
> Tuition was $2,600/semester when I started and $3,200/semester when I finished
> Lived with parents to save money
> Finished with only $5,000 in student debt
> Already have most of it payed off

Stay cucked idiots. If I moved out and went to a UC or a private university I would have been under debt, but I'm not. Instead I work in a lab that does cell analysis of crime scene evidence for courts in LA county and get paid well enough for it to save up money for a mortgage down payment.
I'm going to buy two condos in Long Beach and start renting it out for that long-term passive income.

Yea Canada covers 80% of your tuition. A liberal arts degree can only be useful if you're not a faggot and can power through to a Law BA by the time you're 25

Does it involve money?

Years ago I entered a program that xferred me to an 'elite' private highschool in Manhattan. Nearly everyone was the spawn of 1%'ers and quite a few of my peers were the children of very notable actors, Wall St. execs and so on. Also like 99% of them were Jewish. I think the school brought in like 4 'disadvantaged' (a.k.a. black and working class) kids each year for tax breaks or to appeal to benefactors/philanthropists.

You could imagine how ridiculous the college app process was. My eyes were opened at an early age to just how bullshit the system was: many of my peers were rather.. below average. One chick was the dumbest of them all and everyone joked about it. But guess what? Her pops, and his pops before him went to Yale and were big donors. She got in despite having a shit GPA. Most kids had parents who knew the game and got them summer internships and community service gigs building huts in Ghana or whatever to pad their apps.

Left and right I saw kids being fed the "you can go to college and study anything! study pottery! women's studies! underwater mongolian basketweaving! make your dreams come true!" and for them, it was their reality. Their parents could pay the full $250k for an Ivy or whatever for multiple children. Many parents were donors. My best friend got into a big local university despite not reaching their GPA standards because his dad literally donated a new building/wing.

Most of these folks graduated and ended up working for their parents or friends of their parents. For them, the dream was real. They got to booze and party and study English for 4 years then advanced to a cushy business job.

These are the same folks who grow up and parrot the mantra about how you need to get a degree at all costs, even if you have to take out a loan you'll slave away the rest of your life paying.

It's a sham, really. Most people are better off studying a trade or apprenticeship or teaching themselves a valuable skill that translates into a job.

>just to clean a toilet
This grinds my gears because I come from a family of plumbers.

They also get called in to install and solder gas lines, set up boilers and heaters, set up building pipes such that the pressure is sufficient to get hot water to the top floor quickly, fix and replace various valves, and make sure appliances are properly connected to gas and water.

>all while I'm shitposting from my cubefarm

>Silly goy how can you call yourself a man if you don't drive a Lexus
that's pretty much what people like you do to compensate and play on appearances

>I wouldn't know what to do with $100 a year.
well because you're consumerist shit
for you concept of money is only related to spendings and purchasing shit

>I didn't become a success in life because college is a jewish conspiracy

We live in a new economy. If you are not getting a new economy degree you are wasting time and money.

Also go to a state school. You the same goddamn degree for a few thousand. Nobody should ever buy into the bullshit that you need to go into a quarter million dollars debt attending a "prestigious" school when you can get the same shit done locally. Most state unis have surprisingly good programs too and share professors with the 'big name' schools.

tldr student debt is an false obligation forced onto kids who don't know any better by the jews, predatory loan services and/or private institutions whose presidents' wallets have become bloated from all the dolts literally paying hundreds of thousands of dollars for garbage humanities degrees.


Another thing is about it is the status and class thing. University graduates legitimately consider non university graduates to be subhumans. You won't find yourself in the same social circle of you don't have a degree preferably from a good university. You won't get invited to the country club and you and your family will be working class

Payed my student loans off one year after college. I had to live with my parents for the uear, but it was worth it. The people who are crippled by student loan debt are just retards.

Yes. I'm making 60k in the trades and my spouse got in to real estate apartment leasing at 19 and is now managing high rise office buildings for >$150k. 4 years of school would have fucked up both our career progress and put us in debt.

Some degrees are valuable but in general, liberal arts degrees are a scam.

yes, and (((they))) did it so well that you need it to survive

Well, it depends on your degree and how well you network while in your last 2 years of your studies.

This guy has the right idea - However it all depends on context. Computer Sciences and Technologies are a good field although be advised the field is looking to get oversaturated, however your husbands experience may put him above the other candidates there.

Mathematics is in very high demand however if you're like me you're terrible at math so there's no way in hell that will happen, so what you do is you figure out what you like to do and find a career that stimulates that. Then you find a degree that would help you prosper in that field.

For example, user wants to go into Law Enforcement, but doesn't wanna patrol the streets all his career, so user gets a Public Administration degree so he has a hell of shot of making Chief one day.

user doesn't wanna be Chief? He wants to be a detective. So user gets a Forensic Science/Criminal Psych degree to help him in that field.

It depends on you. Just stay far away from Liberal Arts or your best shot is being a teacher

Shit i goofed, i meant to quote

>Not majoring in the International Jewry, aka Finance

And you people call yourselves redpilled.

Not everyone is smart enough to get a real degree though. Someone with a 95 IQ can't become an engineer, but is better off becoming a plumber than getting a degree in sociology.

Is earning more money for less work a scam?

If you're not retarded and you're not studying feminist bs you'll be fine and glad you did it

Tho as a wage slave you can live comfortably and nothing is expected from you at work