It's gotten to the point where it's not even funny anymore, you're approaching USA's levels of degeneracy
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Did we meme them too hard?
How many actual niggers are there in Sweden?
5 million, i'd guess as that would make up half of Sweden
I wish i was amused at this video, but i cant. Its just too much
They're doing it on purpose now aren't they?
probably 3-4%
Immigrants can be repatriated.
Traitors will be publicly tortured to death through extracting as much physical and psychological pain that modern tools will allow. The rope is too good for them.
The niggers living here are a bunch of somalis living in their ghettos and a few sub-saharans. Not nearly as many as in the US or UK. Most of the non-whites living here are lighter-skin middle easterners.
But Ikea is still a bunch of americanized commies that everyone should boycott.
Come on eurocuck i was trying to eat.
shit get
That's 3-4% too many also check'd
Kek agrees with you.
I sure as hell hope so. Sweden is like the kid that gets bullied a lot then one day he goes to a total rampage in school, rampage of degeneracy in this situation
not many...sandniggers though..
Looks like that number is about to go up to 44%.
3-4% in 10 years?
Guys if you report the video they might have to take it down, just report it for spam or sexual content.
>comments disabled
Of course! That number of dislikes though.
I doubt it's that high. I would guess around 1-2%. It's hard to tell because they mostly sit in their ghettos collecting welfare checks.
But those dubs though.
How dare you speak words of niggers with such repeating digits Ahmed Jihad Nur Muhammad
This video bothered me so much, i might aswell report it
Nigger, Sweden is way worse than us.
That's a lot of thumbs down.
>447 vs 19
Uhm, ever heard of Hollywood?
Just in case that the future President of any country posts here atm, I beg you: Please nuke us.
No one is worse then USA when it comes to demographics.
How many swedes are in interacial relationships or ONS's? Any recent polls or studies. I am asking this because let's be real, no matter how much this is floded on TV's, it isn't the reality. Except the capital cities, normality is still standing, that's why they want to portray this as everyday life.
44= dubs
444= trips
4444= quads
44444= quints
Just nuke Stockholm and Malmö. That would solve most things.
Interracial relationships are not very common. It's only a select group of libcucks that are doing it. I have only seen it IRL a few times. Most people are dating their owns.
But I have not been to Stockholm in ages so idk it could be worse there.
nah m8, this rustled my bollocks though
this is a fact. get used to it burgers
I like it
Oh for fucks sake, I found another one of their recent videos
I consider them the norm in Stockholm and Malmo, but the rest of your country I believe is still normal but leaving in fear thinking they are a minority in their beliefs. Thanks for confirming, stay safe!
This. Also, what is the goal of this "cultural enrichment" shit really anyway? They don't want to work, fit in/learn the language or culture and they just want to cause harm. When will Europe shiw it's warface and capture all mudshits to concentration camps?
Please get another job. Ikea is one of the most cuckiest (((corporations))) I have ever seen, at the same low level as Åhlens. I am going to boycott them from now on.
I know times are hard but it's not impossible to find another retail job here.
You'll be replaced by a nigger soon anyway.
of course the sandnigger is tall and muscular
fuck you sweden
Get in and dislike this shit
mfw some swedes unironically believe shopping at Ikea is bad because the owner is a fascist
They expect one of us in the wreckage, brother.
that nigger is speaking danish
You've got to be kidding me
Seriously, why do they have to be this cucked? Im honestly worried that this might be contagious.
he is, actually
I honestly feel like I had no control and I was born into this mess.
The niggers here will never work. They might be able to find a sandnigger willing to take his job but not an actual coon.
This. I have done it and I encourage you to do it too.
No, seriously, what the actual fuck is wrong with sweden?
Less than 1%, most are Somalis who don't leave their enclosures.
Stats where 0.5% some year ago. Normal Africans don't have refugee status and they rather go to former colonies like France or England.
idk m8, people just kind of accept it, we have no sense of integrity and self worth.
Or we kind of do, but only when we can show how good we are - and civilized, and "educated"
If they continue to believe that and we stop to shop there because they are cultural marxists, they might go bankrupt eventually.
>I honestly feel like I had no control and I was born into this mess.
Me too. I would like to kill every cuck that I could find.
This agenda is pushed harder for each month. Fucking shit
This, out of all northern-Euro/scandi countries, why?
Swedes stop supporting this degeneracy. Anyway all their junk are made in china and barely last a year.
What the fuck are these statistics pulled out of ASS
40% of newborn children now have foreign parents
It's estimated 38% of Swedish males are in cuckold relationships with their partner of which 89% are cuckolded by a man of African origin.
77% of these men have outdoor constructions known as cucksheds built for this precise purpose where the Swedish male lives in a state of chastity and anguish. It is also estimated 50% of all IKEA sales come from the adulterous outdoor construction market and this is reflected in their sexualised diverse advertising campaigns.
That might mean that they are finally feeling the push back by the opposition.
It's what needs to be done. You must fight them at their own game to stand any chance of winning because they've already shown they don't use the agreed upon rules.
>2016 warfare
Don't do that to poor Spurdo, he doesn't deserve it
I can't watch the video because I'm in an airplane and the WiFi wont let you stream video
What hapoened?
I said niggers, not sandniggers. They are way more.
I feel like a flag is missing from this thread.. Blue and white one..
Those down votes though, only a matter of time until some cuck picks it up and makes a story out of it on his "blog".
westerners are cucks. many even agree with this. Every IKEA should be burned to the ground. All they get is some dislike on a youtube video.
It's an IKEA advert where it's literally just 20 seconds of a black man kissing a white woman in a kitchen, and then for the final few seconds it shows a cheap kitchen utensil
Muslim/nigger, (i cant tell really) is raping a swedish woman in her kitchen for 20sec and Ikea plays it off normal
Meanwhile in Belgium...
From Wikipedia you niggerfaggot. Not my fault you hang out at sergels like some nigger. We have around 100k blacks while a population of 9.5m.
60k of those are Somalis.
m8, you gotta give me a source for that.
Sven how dare you debate the statistics of the Swedish bureau of communist cucksheds statistics and BBC surveys!
Back to the chastity cage with you!
>approaching USA's levels of degeneracy
literally every leftist in USA invokes Sweden as a supporting argument for every degenerate policy they want to promote
>muh refugees like sweden
>muh atheism like sweden
>muh socialism like sweden
>muh gun control like sweden
bedder? :DD
God dammit...I didn't need my Jimmies rustled today....
Hopefully this shit is just a fucking fad and it fades, like tattoos
Here they are!
True the sandniggers are way more then the black niggers.
Ikea moved from Sweden. They were tired of paying huge taxes and since Sweden is a globalist welfare country they were able to just pack up and go.
And leftists in sweden invoke USA when they talk about how sweden was in some retarded way always a melting pot of immigrants. Also we have like 9th most guns per capita.
How is it even possible to live in such a hell-hole?
We need walls. Walls and fences to protect the rest of Europe from Sweden.
Our corporate taxes are a lot lower than yours. We have very high personal income tax instead.
Come on, you're the source of degeneracy. E.g. Hollywood and non-jewish circumcision
yea but you need to balance it with highly skilled workers. People won't want to work as hard if they get paid shit. IKEA is Netherlands now.
He does not. What do they mean?
What's the problem, non-country? Do you hate love?
Now I know why the EU has its HQ in fucking Belgium lol. Literally the entrance to Hell.
Fucking hell sweden, do something about this shit ffs!
Thank you sven
Even KEK can't save you now