Is Keith right??
Is THIS the most significant medical fact???
267!! Is this the end of Trump??
Based Keith strikes again!
Is Keith right??
Is THIS the most significant medical fact???
267!! Is this the end of Trump??
Based Keith strikes again!
I dunno is that bad? He looks a bit on the tubby side and hes got plenty of excess flesh around his face, but im no doctor.
6'2" and 80kg here.
washed up hasbeen hack.
But that's a healthy weight for someone his size?
and hillary is what?
>liberals fat shaming
>267 pounds
I don't speak burger.
Brock Lesnar is 6'3" 265
Trump is fine.
Mountains out of molehills.
>Trump is too fat to run for office
tough choices being a liberal these days.
It's not a healthy weight for his height. Trump is definitely overweight. Also, being 70 and overweight is a serious health concern.
But it really isn't that bad. At least he's not collapsing at memorial events and hacking up aleppos on stage.
pls god yes... then we can accuse Hill's ilk of fat-shaming. Everything is coming together nicely now.
lean muscle weighs more than fat.
Regardless, most politicians aren't like super fit.
Why's this guy so retarded?
No, THIS is the most significant medical fact.
Nah, a healthy weight for him os closer to 200
But 70 year olds are never in their healthy range.
BMI 34
While this is probably a disaster for you (assuming you're a basement dweller in parents' house)
Reminder Trump is 70 years old
There is an ongoing debate about ideal BMI in geriatrics
That being said, Trump is slightly off the high border of acceptable health
I'm a hungry skeleton and that graph says I'm almost overweight. WTF?
No one is shaming Chris Christie. He is more overweight than Trump.
fucking tank
>To Whom My Concern
Is this some yank version of 'To whom it may concern' or is the guy that wrote this just a retard?
i was just about to post this
But hillary is like 5'1 and is 180
BMI is nonsense. It never takes into account whether weight is from muscle mass or fat.
Seems like Hillary can't stand up under her own power would be more significant, perhaps?
Bmi chart is retarded and outdated. It doesn't take dimensions or fat versus muscle into account.
He's overweight, but that can be fixed pretty easily. Besides, he's been rallying non-stop for the past year, looks pretty healthy to me even with that orange tinge on his face. What has Hillary done, besides sleeping 16 hours a day and shitting in his diapers?
>not a jew that's been paid off to write a good report
you know what? ur days are numbed shitlord. do you really think you can make fun of people with disabilities? are you IMPLYING she cannot be POTUS because of a disability? check your fucking privilege.
>tfw my height doesn't feature on this chart
120kg 187cm
So normal burger weight/height ratio. Fat for normal people though.
Its a bullshit story, they want to take down the god emperor.
>he's slightly overweight
>meanwhile Bloodclot hilldog gets a free pass
can we tweet him that's he's a fatshamer and should fucking check his thin privvies, or is this guy some /fit/fag?
>tfw exactly the same
enjoy being a lanklet bro?
Christie is more overweight than Trump, that's true, but don't forget that opponents brought up his weight when he was considering a presidential run.
Christie is also much younger than Trump and not running for the highest position in the government.
Either way, the left just wants to push back and try to regain some ground after Hillary's disasterous weekend.
Yes it does. That is literally the point of being tested.
>got fired from msnbc for being a pre-maddona as well as a huge prick
My bmi cant be 34, theres literally no way anybody would consider me obese, is 34 trumps? how do you work it out, if anything im unnderweight.
>BMI is nonsense. It never takes into account whether weight is from muscle mass or fat.
The vast majority of the population doesn't have any significant muscle mass. The BMI is a measure for the 'common' person.
"Hillary may or may not be dying guys but is Trump too fat to be president? More at 11."
I can see your movements
>literally collapsing and being dragged into a van at nice breezy weather is less important
Wow liberals are fatshaming Trump, how rude and unprogressive of them
Where is he getting that number? On the show Trump and Oz say his weight is 236.
Oh wow. To be age 70 and only on two prescription meds is pretty good.
>Hillary is dying or dead
The test is weight vs height.
Not muscle weight + fat weight + Skeletal weight vs. height.
It's a shitty metric you fucking autist
>tfw 12% body fat at 6'1" but "obese according to BMI
so fucking dumb for anyone to use this dogshit chart
I didn't know squatting 4 plate and benching 3 plate made you obese - i have been lead astray!
Politico reported Trump is 6'3" and weighs 236lbs with a bmi of 29.5. Not sure if Keith is exaggerating for effect or what.
He just might just be a big guy.
Hes not obese. But he could definitely better himself by losing some weight. Im 6' and been up to 240 before. Just packed it on everywhere but never looked too massive.
>The vast majority of the population doesn't have any significant muscle mass.
>this is what /fit/ actually believes
or outright lying as the case may be
6'0 160lb blond/blue eyed master race reporting in, bmi square in the middle of green.
>physical strength and stamina extraordinary
have you seen his wife? there's a good reason for his health right there.
i weigh 80 kg
He's a retard.
t. American
I hole-hardedly agree, but allow me to play doubles advocate here for a moment. For all intensive purposes I think you are wrong. In an age where false morals are a diamond dozen, true virtues are a blessing in the skies. We often put our false morality on a petal stool like a bunch of pre-Madonnas, but you all seem to be taking something very valuable for granite. So I ask of you to mustard up all the strength you can because it is a doggy dog world out there. Although there is some merit to what you are saying it seems like you have a huge ship on your shoulder. In your argument you seem to throw everything in but the kids Nsync, and even though you are having a feel day with this I am here to bring you back into reality. I have a sick sense when it comes to these types of things. It is almost spooky, because I cannot turn a blonde eye to these glaring flaws in your rhetoric. I have zero taller ants when it comes to people spouting out hate in the name of moral righteousness. You just need to remember what comes around is all around, and when supply and command fails you will be the first to go. Make my words, when you get down to brass stacks it doesn't take rocket appliances to get two birds stoned at once. It's clear who makes the pants in this relationship, and sometimes you just have to swallow your prize and accept the facts. You might have to come to this conclusion through denial and error but I swear on my mother's mating name that when you put the petal to the medal you will pass with flying carpets like it’s a peach of cake.
This. BMI separates the fatties from the fit folk.
Medical facts of either candidate is irrelevent if the electorate is not concerned with the health of the candidates or more accurately, if either candidate has GIVEN the public a reason to be concerned.
Trump is campaigning like a beast and not given cause for concern.
Hillary on the other hand seems to have one foot in the grave already. That's the only reason the candidates health records are even coming up into the campaign and trumps only because the (((msm))) is pushing it
He's living like a rich man it seems.
>Trump employs two father-son jew doctors for ~40 years or more
>people actually think that the jew doctor wouldn't agree to lie about Trump's health if Trump asked him to
I was pretty tubby last year at 6'3'' and 240. Im at like 208 now and still want to lose weight and put on some muscle.
Why do libs always project like this? "Your point about x isn't valid but our point about x IS" It's so fucking annoying and childish, and yet it has become an accepted means of discourse.
If you don't believe the doctors then just look at what trump does every day.
He flies around the country giving speeches for hours at a time. For a 70 year old man that is fantastic.
is he fat shamming?
Nobody except roid abusers can ever have
> any significant muscle mass
It's simply unnatural and much more unhealthy than fat. If Trump loses fat, he will be less than 90 kg.
This, I'm 6'2" and 250 pounds and I look way fatter than him.
Keith Olbermann once argued in total seriousness that La Raza was not a race thing because the word Raza means, according to Olbermann, a horseshoe.
Former leftist and daily Olbermann watcher here. He actually did that.
This is pretty much as wrong you can be without just going full retard.
Trump is a big guy
I'm not saying that he's in poor health, I'm just saying that his jew doctor obviously would've lied even if Trump was 6 months from a heart attack. Also the statement that he would be the healthiest president ever, is complete bullshit.
If your dick and balls were big enough to weigh 100lbs you'd be looked at like youre fat too. Fucking pussy.
Being a bit overweight actually helps you in a race
I wish I could be Trump.
I am 6'0, and 7 stone 4 lbs (about 105lb)
My BMI is fucking 14.2. I unironically didn't vote Brexit because I have anorexia and I was worried that British food is fattening and would make me gain weight if forced to eat more of it. And I despise the EU.
>BMI is nonsense
6'3" and similar build to Trump (broad shoulders, large torso). Have been up to 260 before and 198 as my lowest weight. Now at 215. Trump definitely looks above 250, once you get in the 240-270 range there isn't much obvious difference. I'd say 260 for his size is borderline obese by American standards. He doesn't look particularly unhealthy either, I see plenty of people in the US on the street who are much fatter and smaller. Some people are just heavy, their bodies are just built to retain mass. The fact that he can do 2 rallies a day every day for several months straight means he has enough energy and is healthy enough at age 70 to lead the country.
Taft was way fatter than Trump.
Keith Olbermann is a turbocuck. You can practically feel the panicked quivering from emanating from his Twitter feed.
He's 2" taller and 72lbs heavier than I am, and everyone here thinks I'm overweight.
>lose weight
>gain muscle
I have some bad news for you, user.
Another dumbass who believes that youtube-lyers are all natural because they say so?
It can be done. You just slim down first then build it up. You will not gain nearly as much weight building muscle as you will lose by burning fat.
80kg is like 170lb tho
What happened to Health At Any Size?
I'm sure trump has a gym in the back of his plane.
Muscle weighs more than fat though. This would put bulky boxers, mma fighters and wrestlers over the BMI of tubby fucks of equivalent height.
>no history of ever using alcohol
He never had a fuckin' beer in his life?
>6 foot 2 190 pounds
Whelp, looks like I'm officially fat.
Get help you fucking idiot, get a sandwich, and if you ever vote pro eu shit again im gonna find you and feed you lard.
There's an interesting story behind this actually.
His brother died of complications due to alcoholism, this ended up steering him away from alcohol for life.
It's a little known fact that you now know because of A FUCKING LEAF
Good job m8 that's the only good thing about you.
That's well under the weight of the typical """body positivity""" """activist""".
I'm the same height and literally twice your weight. How are you not dead?
Apparently trump said he was 236 lbs, which oz said was "slightly overweight"
If he was 267, like one news source claims an audience member heard, he wouldn't have said slightly.
Trump also said he wants to lose 10-15 lbs
Which would make him in his ideal weight if he was 236. But if he was 267 it wouldn't really matter if he lost 10.
>american education