>yfw the worst actor in the business is a christcuck
Yfw the worst actor in the business is a christcuck
But Dax Shepard is a jew.
>being christian is bad now
no im telling you he's our guy
Worlds first cucks who worship a jew. Jesus christ was a jew. Kek.
Of course it is goy- er I mean guys. Don't forget that morals and ethics are fluid and meaningless! You should consider buying another movie ticket!
>confortable rich life
>nice afterlife guaranteed
who`s the cuck
Im actually slowly turning around on Pratt, he showed some range in Passengers
>people still worship a dead kike on a stick
He was also excellent in Moneyball.
it has been since year 1
the romans recognized this and fed your kind to lions
I haven't seen him in a movie where he was 'bad'
Lol are you joking lmfao
>Teen Choice Awards
>doesn't award you with your choice of teen
He and Goss are literally the only two "movie stars" we have
>Jews hated Jesus
>Anonymous posters trying to shit on Jesus
I wonder who could be behind these posts.
Wtf I love Chris Pratt now
Gosling stars in kino
Pratt stars in flicks
T. Dan Schneider
I bet he's conservative as well, most Hollywood conservatives have to keep it on the down low or face harsh discrimination.
here's another person who hated jesus
really spins my dreidel
*cringes so hard it pulls muscles*
christfags are the one of the many cancers in this world
>we must tolerate every faith, belief, and religion. It is the just and fair way.
>LOL except those stoopid christians! XD
what did SJWs mean by this?
Not only is he conservative, he loves guns and often goes hunting. Now we can understand why his kike wife left him. Pratt was raising they're son, who's name is Jack and not some hollywood horseshit like Stardust, into a proper man.
Everybody knows nazis were pagan nerd
1143 close
Jesus is Lord.
I sincerely implore you to listen to that voice in your heart that knows you need to acknowledge and come back to Him.
Most other faiths don't have cucking as the starting point thou.
Wow it's almost like there is an otherworldly force behind all of this... But don't ask those questions in the City of Destruction. OBEY. CONFORM. CONSUME. DIE.
He also is a member of the Christian Friends of Israel and is an ultra-zionist
Everyone knows Christianity is kikery for non-kikes
A true Christian stays loyal to his wife.
Jesus is God or is the Saint spirit?
Pratt's a redneck when he's not acting?
Don't you dare bullshit us.
what cucking? you mean circumcision? that's judaism and islam.
Pratt is a good guy.
A true Christian helps refugees
more like a reddit goy
>rappers thank jesus christ all the time
>white guy does it and he's memed
never change /tv keep hating your pale white skin
Sure thing Schlomo, I'll help them settle in the West Bank, safe, but very close to their home.
I liked Passengers. It wasn't bad at all. It's just hated because of Jenn Law.
Why West Bank. Let them settle right in Israel?
A true Christian supports Israel
Jesus is God, one with God, and the Son of God.
It is paradoxical and probably not fully graspable to humans, but maybe think of it as Jesus as God descended to Earth in human form so answering to God the Father but at the same time one and the same.
Then there's the Holy Spirit, which again, spirit is hard for humans to comprehend and I definitely don't want to misrepresent but I suppose one can partly regard this as God's spirit that can be with you and within you when you accept Him, and maybe help guide and inform your life. I really don't want to even attempt to speak with any authority on it because far from it, but I do believe this Spirit has to do with a powerful, eternal Love which is God and one with God.
I mean Joseph being a LITERAL cuck.
But then again, you probably don't know shit about the bible.
Pratt will be in kino once his Jurassic and Marvel contracts are over. 10 to 15 yrs from now but I can see him being in some westerns like the one he already did that was overlooked.
Mary never had sex though, that's why she's the virgin mary and jesus had a virgin birth retard.
this, how call yourself a christian when you hate one's fellow man
Jesus was a hebrew, modern Jews are descended from Talmudists
>Jesus is a cuck, one with a cuck and the wife's Son of a cuck.
so I am jesus, got it
niggas be watchin to much DBZ yo....
As it is written, Jacob have I loved, but Esau have I hated.
their fathers are christian
Better than being a nigger.
>chris pratt
>star in some awful movies
>star in some good movies
>be likeable ultimate chad, loved by normies far and wide.
>even at the end of it all, despite being fucked over by roasties and niggers and kikes, he still stays humble
wow based Pratt
I fucking hate this shitty website and all the disgusting maggots-of-men who writhe through it. God will PUNISH you and YOU know what is coming.
Check em
so their hippocracy is justified?
>this thread
Anti-Christianity is a cornerstone of replacing western culture with another religion.
Irreligiousness is a meme, people in every culture and civilisation ever will always be drawn to a religion. If you push enough people away from Christianity people will start converting to the next best thing, Islam
Wow christcucks are really pushy huh
I used to loathe them, but time has shown me there are worst things to be. At least he's not a Muslim, Jew, or god forbid one of those silly progressive mongrels who chooses fluffy platitudes for their god.
Jesus was a kike and Christianity is a kike religion
My double runes are blessed by Wotan
>Christianity is a cuck religion
>It completely exterminated paganism
I guess paganism is twice as cucked as christianity is
Have it your way. I don't think you realize the extent to which you're screwed if you're not with God.
And say of that whatever you want, but remains one of the ultimate truths as far as our own existence goes.
Good luck.
>Christianity is being exterminated by swj
Yes, yes..... christian are the evil now..... keep doing this good goy
And if it's not Islam then they start to pour that same kind of religiosity into other outlets, like politics. It's not really surprising to find atheistic leftists have unhealthy amounts of faith in their political ideas despite how much they contradict with reality.
Time is an ouroboros, in eons we will be replying the exact same thing and doing the same things for eternity, you life hating faggot.
No bullshit, my friend. See for yourself.
yes yes you should convert to the largest christian denomination in the world
doesnt god condemn divorce?
>jews cruxifing jesus
>jews hate christianism
>good goy, god is not real.
You are part of the jew's plan
There is a big differrence between catholiscism and christianism.
You know nothing
Fuck off kike
88 check for Odin
It's frowned upon to break vows made before God yes, but there are certain conditions where divorce is acceptable.
Nice reddit spacing my (((Christian))) friend
You mad, cuz im right.
You mad cuz of my doubles
Based Pratt working overweight, smelly atheists into a shoot.
>dude just turn your other buttcheek
What doubles you fuck....
>Based Pratt
Stop getting singles
stob thingin abowd buggs homo :-DD
That's just Zionist hogwash by literal interpretationalists who are actively trying to reestablish Israel as a complete nation.
Stop getting doubles
Eat shit, kike. Chris Pratt is actually watchable. A lot of your tribesmen are going to be getting their bellies sliced open by the Aryan Brotherhood for being pedos soon, I think you should worry more about that.
I hope we get videos. I hope we get to watch Harvy Weinstein and his kike friends beg for their lives before a bunch of bikers force-feed them razorblades and crush their balls with hammers.
Every good little leftist who was raped deserved it, but that doesn't mean the Jews responsible don't also deserve to die.
Yeah, they thought it was so bad their whole society converted
wow this made me think
There are already websites where you can watch testicles getting crushed you know
>this whole thread
I love life, you clown. And life continues, but the organic being you are right now in this imperfect reality is only here now. Choose wisely.
how did reddit respond to this
to find out their favorite meme actor was /ourguy/ all along