Jokes aside, does she have any chance of winning at this point...

Jokes aside, does she have any chance of winning at this point? Honestly unless Trump fucks up really badly sometime until the election I can't see Hillary winning at all.

It's over, all that's left are the final death struggles.

They might pull a false flag "white supremacist" shooting up the place but other than that Trump has it in the bag.

Lets hope not, she'd ruin pax americana

Can't win if you're dead

We're 150 years too late for that. I ain't sharing a superstate with Mexicans, Columbiana, Guatemalans or filthy Argentinians. Since slavery is passe now, the only acceptable course of action would be genocide and that has some pretty bad optics.

I've tried to avoid the "X IS DONE FOR HOLY SHIT BTFO" hype but she really does seem to be falling apart. Health problems are becoming an actual talking point, and the corruption has reached a point where even strong Democrats are having to hold their noses to keep supporting her.
Unless Trump goes full retard at the debates (which isn't impossible, he's going to have to go operator on her without being too immature about it) she doesn't seem to have much hope.
If they pull her out and replace her with Biden I'll actually be worried. I like Trump but Hillary's the easiest of easy-mode opponents.

what about that ridiculous hologram debate shit? Will Trump have them disavow that retarded thing?

Yeah she might not even be alive anymore.

Could you imagine wanting power so much those with power over you changed your date of death to match their narrative?

Hoo boy would that suck, especially if those close to you knew that you died already, but were told to keep up the charade or else they'd be dead too.

I guess that's the deal when you sell your soul.

The reason it's over is 80% of voters know about her collapse on Sunday. Their lying c and spinning no longer has any effect.

>implying HIllary wouldn't escalate the racial divide further

No one wants a president who pukes into their own drinking water.

WInning the elction? I'm seriously doubting she'll even live much longer. I think the American people are smart enough not to elect a dying woman into office, most of us mught actually even feel bad about it and not vote for her even if we liked her politics. She needs to be taking care of herself, not stressing her body until it finally gives.

How can she "win" anything if she is already "dead".

How many days since we last saw her?
Or was that the body double? Look at those trips!

You dummy, Hillary can't lose. Trump is only in the race to assure a Clinton victory. He's on Hillary's payroll, and his taxes would prove that. If it ever looks bad for Hillary, Trump will withdraw.


The only point when she had a chance of winning was 12 years ago.

Honestly? I know this isn't what you guys want to hear but no one will even remember this by the time people have to go to the booths. Anything that's happening now is purely for the pre-election polls and getting funding. You gotta realize that we have THE MOST media friendly campaign coming up. We're all in for a wild ride, but people won't remember anything older than a week or two ago. Anything before that is thrown straight into the trash. Trump can win, Hillary can win. It's still completely undecided.

just think... if that one video didn't exist, no one would know about her being dragged to the van

It comes down to how Trump (and Hillary) appears to voters in the swing states that allow Trump to win. Debates haven't happened yet. Hillary still has the structural advantage (demographics that narrow Trump's path to victory to just a few swing states and heavy staff in those states) . Hillary still has the support of the MSM and the elites in power. What candidate is the most disliked of the two in swing states that allow Trump to win will probably decide the election. And a lot of women will be going out and voting this year.

I hope Trump wins but I doubt it won't be a sure thing up until election day.

*doubt if will be a sure thing

[spoiler]She hasn't been electable in over a decade. And I'm fairly certain (((they))) knew that. But I doubt Hillary knew she was the useful idiot.[/spoiler]

Trump will win.

Dominion voting has already rigged the pre-elections for her so they could probably do it again.

The only way for her to lose is to literally drop dead before the election. A vast majority of the people in this country never participate in politics or care, until the last day where they will vote for hillary because cnn told them trump was "craaaaaaaaaaazy and racis", and that will be that.

Sorry lads, meme magic wont save us.

If they put Biden they can win. Most people would vote Biden over Trump. Or, they mgiht put Michelle that way they get the black vote 100% sure.

thats not killary?

I thought Trump had no chance of winning this election and hillary already paid to win, but all of the reaching the democrats are doing is painful. After the past 2 days it is clear that they are afraid of Trump.

Is this the first election you've paid attention to?

Joe Biden is fucking crazy. Also, if you cross your eyes at "OSAMA BIN LADEN" it sorta kinda looks like "OBAMA BIDEN".

It has been a few months since the last one. They are due to make another attack to make everyone focus on them.

It's only pay to win if they can convince people her win was legit. And at this point that narrative Is getting harder and harder to maintain

So she's already won?

Rigged elections

Yes. Remember, its not her vs trump, its her vs. Trump and gary Johnson. Right now hes expected to take at least 10 percent of the votes that would go to Trump.

Oooh so close

> 1 post for id

there's no fucking way

PS I just heckled her twitter with some pepes and asked if she's dead yet

She can't win. She won't. Her health is too far gone, and nobody actually likes her.

I live in a fairly liberal area of North Carolina and I see Trump lawn signs all over the place, yet I have never seen one person put of a Shillery sign.

Yes. Shes rigging the election in multiple ways

Is she still alive?

It's right now unclear and there are rumors about her death or that she's dying.

She's still very likely to win despite her bad week. Trump is running against just about the entire media and they've done a number to his reputation

Well yeah.

Her double's taking her place.

Congratulations, you're made the list! Please do not be weary, carry on, and ignore all the men in black suits.

Every major city center/major urban build up of people supports her. Trump could get every hick out to vote for him and he'd still be outnumbered.

On top of that, she's not afraid to cheat to win. She'll just blatantly do it.

They tried with brexit. It didn't work but dammit they tried

They'll have some senator gunned down by a """Trump supporter""". They'll make sure you know that guy who shot him or her shouted "make America great again" while they did it

she's basically allready rolling over the ground screaming "vote for me" and spewing desperate stuff like deplorables and nazi frogs.

>cnn told them trump was
CNN is like some next level shit this election year. Monday they were saying how the media (implying MSM) is biased again Clinton because she is a woman and the media would never ask a man questions about his health like they were doing for Hillary.

>create internet and internet banking to allow elites to better steal money and consolidate power
>reignite US patriotism to slap down some faggots who threatened the petrodollar
>US nationalism destroys generations of NWO planning
>Internet allows free movement of ideas and destroys NWO brainwashing

And the media will have conveniently been there to catch it on camera and they'll know exactly who did it as it's happening

On Sup Forums in '08 we were chanting "OBAMA BIN BIDEN!!!"

Even should she win, there is ample evidence for a conviction under more than one federal statute. Comey revealed either (1) his willingness to lie while touting himself as a legal authority or (2) his ample stupidity.

Should she win, Congress will have enough votes to try and impeach, the discovery process will be very public and force the hands of everyone else to sign on lest they appear complicit, and she will be removed.

That being said, there is little precedent contradicting the claim that recent events will kill her campaign, especially in light of these recent leaks.

She has a better chance of dying during the election than she has at winning it at this point.

i kind of agree considering how people probably don't even remember the whole khizr khan bullshit anymore and people were saying that was the end of trump's campaign but hillary's health has been an elephant in the room for years and the fact that it seems to be getting worse does not bode too well for her... if she makes it to the debates and does adequately and doesn't have another major coughing fit or falling incident, it will probably be like this week never happened but if something happens to her again in october she's completely fucked

also the fact that she admitted to having pneumonia means there is going to be reporting at least for a few weeks on her progress with treatment which will be a reminder of her frail state

>I can't see Hillary winning at all.

She would have to kick ass in the debates and I just don't see that happening.

Quite the opposite in fact.

I think you underestimate how much shilling power she can wield. If she gets into office it will take a shit load of power and rallying to take her down. Even if they want to impeach her it will be argued and stalled for years.

They will continue to (((adjust))) the numbers and shill harder than ever. Unless Hillary is actually, then they can replace her. I doubt Hillary will step down gracefully.

I want Trump

The debates are really going to decide the election. Trump needs to do alright I think, but I definitely worry a little bit since there were a few republican debates where he faltered a bit. As long as he doesn't bomb he should be okay, I'm sure he has top people guiding him in the lead up to the debates.

Additionally there are sure to be more leaks on Hillary. I have a feeling the most serious ones will come out around the time of some of the debates and nearer to the election.

Julian said he has more, who knows how true that is, and now sweden wants to interview him in the embassy

This is false.

The other misnomer is that women support Hillary. Many do not, and have not since she showed the world she was an enabler to a serial cheater and chose not to stand up for herself.