What the fuck happened to you, Sup Forums?
What the fuck happened to you, Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Can't stump the Trump
>Reposts shill whining
gj race traitor
>poor satire as an argument
woah guess im voting for hillary now
Sup Forums went to shit when the trump meme took off after 'build wall' 'they're rapists' 'they're bringing drugs'
>faggot capshis own post because he thinks its good despite no replies
Sup Forums was invaded by RIDF shills propping up Putin's puppet candidate.
>Trump starts doing well
>too mainstream reeee!
Typical Sup Forums contrarianism.
Trump became too mainstream.
Finnbro gets it.
>caps their own shitpost
>thinks its clever
Out of all the things you could ridicule Trump for, you choose to roleplay some weird fantasy about Burger King, SUVs, and Women.
What happened to Sup Forums is more retards like you keep showing up.
Slowly you start to accept more redpills, because facts are facts.
Just remember you're here forever, enjoy your stay
we like putin too dumb ass
We supported him in the beginning because he was a meme retard that would cause maximum butthurt then all the redditors from /r/thedonald came and misinterpreted it all
I believe some support him, because he isn't Hillary.
Le current year man straw man insults.
>we only liked Trump ironically!
Kill yourself.
I really need to post this, do I, Reddit?
>implying gas costs that much inbetween two Burger Kings
I don't understand the sheer stupidity of some people -- particularly Americans who don't understand the value of gasoline or a burger. These are two time-honored traditions: burgers and gas. You are a traitorous coward if you have to suggest that this woman did not save even a penny by doing the honorable thing and demanding a quality burger at her local burger establishment in this country. She is exercising her rights to another burger. She got a burger voucher.
Trump will lost
Check my ID get
Hahahahahahaha so accurate
thats quality banter t b h
>quality burger
Pick one and only one
What's with people screencapping shit posts or even worse, twatter posts, and thinking that deserves a thread?
OP copypasta was here long before the election. I wonder who is behind this post ?
Well you guys made it a thing, so it only follows that people will try to contrive their own screencaps. It's essentially like posting some shit on reddit, it's vying for the currency of attention.
>the post in the OP picture
Written like a pleb who works in Poverty Food industry
You know it's funny I wrote that post but I unironically support Trump and only wrote that because the picture is stupid and reminds me of people I've seen and interacted with.