Trump releases records on OZ.
Exclusive Sneak Peek: Donald Trump Talks to Dr. Oz
Trump releases records on OZ
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Is he gonna flip an omelette on Regis?
the absolute madman.
lol what a stupid fucking move.
I bet he has high blood pressure and some other trivial shit
he called the bluff!!!!
hillary please.
>Trump shilling to middle-aged women, the core of Hillary's support
>dumb move
Your post makes no sense. Its a very smart move to will bring in woman voters and housewifes.
>medical records
>1 A4 piece of paper
So that would cover his birth and I guess he has never been to the doctors since.
Also why go to the effort of trying to pretend this is some off the cuff random thing happening in an interview when it is so obviously staged.
This post makes no fucking sense? At least provide a fucking argument.
Is he only releasing the general overview of the tests or all the in-depth analysis... I thought he reneged on releasing everything, some user made a thread earlier
if I were him I'd hold out on releasing everything, and if the media picks on him, then he can claim bias and force the media to also go after Hillary, forcing her hand
When does this air again?
that looks like 2-3 pages when he unfolds it, I don't know why you think it's just one.
last time I had to get my medical shit for a job it was about that big, so I don't see why it's not believable
that's great, drumpf
Now release your tax records. Funny how Trump wants Hillary to release her health records but outright refuses to release his tax records, something that has been asked of him for MONTHS
My record has been corrected.
How staged do you think this was, did Trump really just ad-lib it and bring out his medical records? Good move at any rate.
Dr. Oz is basically a doctor like Dr. Pepper is a doctor
but 35+ year old women sit around all day and watch this crap, its good exposure for trump to that audience
Dr. OZ is known for being a scam artist that promotes snake oil cures. Trump using someone who is almost universally discredited by the medical community to prove he's healthy is a stupid fucking move.
Because he says so, two pieces of paper. One is a letter the 2nd is the "report".
There is a difference between releasing your actual medical records and a report from one medical exam.
When John McCain gave the media access to his past 8 years medical history it was over 1000 pages long.
woooaaaaah its been asked of him for MONTHS?? daaaamn
yeah if you ask someone for their records, you'd better be ready to give up yours! even if they're records of completely different things, a record is a record after all
good thing an actual doctor did all the tests then, this is purely for exposure
Nobody cares about that. He's a popular figure among middle aged women.
oy vey he doesn't fall in line with the pharma jew by the protocols someone do something
He's releasing more then Hillary ever will. He actually surprised doctor Oz by pulling it out. Basically anything he said that was incorrect dr Oz would challenge him. Hillary is going to release a very suspicious report without having an independent doctor check her. I wish it was Dr Drew.
So many CTR shills can't believe that their undead warlock candidate can be less healthier than Donald Trump, that they're focusing on the finger (Dr. Oz, how many pages there are) rather than the moon (Trump's health).
>Dr. OZ is known for being a scam artist that promotes snake oil cures.
Not to normies. Housewives eat his shit up.
Learn to play
>When John McCain gave the media access to his past 8 years medical history it was over 1000 pages long.
And he lost the election.
Asking to see his medical records is focusing on the moon as that is focusing on his health. You are the one that is happy looking at the finger.
>wanting to copy LOSER John McCain
Dr. Pepper went to med school at UPenn?
And he's providing a record of his health on the show.
Shows how fit the president will be to do their duties. We need a healthy president for times of crisis, not one that is passed out.
Show if someone is playing by the rules every other company is and not allowing himself to be run out of business and having all his employees lose their jobs because they don't dare to use a tax loop hole now and then
fuck off shill.
That wasn't why he lost, if anything releasing them helped him as obfuscating over his medical records was damaging just as it both is for Hillary and Trump.
If Trump has nothing to hide then he should release them and shit all over Hillary, currently it just makes it look like he also has something to hide. If he does then he should just drop the whole health angle
She skulks across the land,
Infecting people's hands,
Coughing on display
Pneumonia Hillary is on the way.
No one has medical records that small unless they were lost in a fire. Stop focusing on the finger.
Watch the video - it has test result on it.
Shame for you stupid fucking shills.
When will you realise you're hitched to the wrong horse?
dude dr oz gets millions of views, its smart, why are you hating stupid people jerking off at home the most useless. its ratings books people who are smart know things you dont
>Watch the video - it has test result on it.
So all Hillary needs to do is come out with a piece of paper with "test results" on. Then it is case closed, her health is fine.
How can you be this retarded.
>We need a healthy president for times of crisis, not one that is passed out.
Like FDR?
he's going for the house wife vote
Just dont starting eating kale and using his stupid products, Alex Jones is the only man to keep Trump healthy
No all she had to is open a pick jar
Mobility issues =/= "Oh fuck my brain isn't working sure hope my staff can drag my lifeless corpse somewhere out of view of the cameras"
He had a standard physical check-up done and showed it to the public. If he had chronic coughing fits and was prone to feinting and seizures, people would probably expect a more in-depth health record.
hello ctrl
You have lungs mixed up with brain. Easy mistake for someone with actual mental problems.
Also death isn't simply a mobility issue.
>LOSER John McCain
I hope he opens a pickle jar with one hand as well.
Which isn't releasing your medical records like What John McCain did was releasing medical records..
A general physical with some blood work to supplement what everyone can already observe is plenty. Trump does not behave like a sick person and does not keep the schedule of a person with an illness. His behavior doesn't give off any obvious red flags so if there's no red flags in his physical or blood work I don't know what you're going on about.
Hillary is the opposite. Her symptoms are clearly observable to anyone who cares to look. Even if she came in with paperwork saying she's in tip top shape nobody would believe her because of her various health episodes combined with the work schedule she keeps. At best she can come up with a report that downplays her symptoms as temporary.
FDR died in office shortly after winning his 4th election. His health issues were well known at that time.
He needed to lose that
>I like people that weren't captured
Also he is a former nominee.
While Dr. Oz is a reprehensible hack who shills a lot of snake oil, he also is a tenured professor at columbia and apparently has some respectable papers published in his name from way back when.
An interesting dude, to say the least.
That's because Ol Johno' was using our tax money to pay for his shut health annd abused it on shit like papercuts and splinters.
Trump has a set of stones and didn't bother going to the doctor for every fucking boo boo.
Definitely staged but still a smart move
So you need glasses, first off, since it was very clearly more than one page. Secondly, have you ever been to a doctor for a checkup in your life? Because at most, you're gonna leave with maybe 3-4 pages. Or are you just pretending to be retarded?
Problem is that your assuming people look up facts.
This entire electoral run shows otherwise.
You think the audience that Trump is pandering to cares about that?
>Died in office
No thanks.
>Dr Oz
Holy fuck what a genius.
>Bongstain trying to tell me that pneumonia is actually the issue at hand