Can we do a Jeb Bush calculation on how much money they're spending per viewer at this point? Holy shit it's embarrassing. I wonder what they believe is going on? Do they ever stop to think that maybe their petulant shilling, dishonesty, and contempt for the average American might have something to do with it?
CNN is now averaging only 642,000 viewers per day
Other urls found in this thread:
>642,000 viewers per day
Sup Forums has more clicks a day
Sup Forums alone has probably more unique daily visitors.
And we do it for free.
I looked up the ratings recently and was truly surprised by how low the numbers are.
I assumed each would have millions per day. Most were under a million
Print media isn't doing well either.
>he doesn't collect shill bux from Putin
step it up lad
Requesting that Principal Skinner "Its the children who are wrong"
>NEETbux aren't covert ops by people in gouvernment who want to destroy globalism
Pls no
This kicks ass.
>having to combine MSNBC and CNN to match fox numbers
Its like when Europeans brag that EU has a bigger GDP than America.
No NEETbux needed. I shitpost from work. My clients are paying me.
I don't violate the NAP.
That's less than a let's play channel can get in a day
The problem is, Soros can afford it.
The solution is, idk... a turn the channel meme, maybe?
He won't throw anymore money at it once nobody is watching it, and you can already see cracks forming in their Shitllary programing now ffs.
It's only another sign we are winning. We are doing the lords work!
I use CNN to piss me off during the day and HLN Forensic Files to put me to sleep at night. Cnn will run The Simpsons repeats after 6p.m. to stay alive after Trump wins. Checkem.
Had no idea it was that bad. Are they doing it on purpose? It seems it would be easy to run a bunch of hit pieces like the leaks and Hilary's health etc. cater to the """alt right"""" segment and tout yourself as the "network for the people".
here you go, sen3.14
when moot left I think he said that per day there are around 4 million unique users, I can only imagine the number rose since he fucked off, this post right now might manage to reach more people than CNN
Oh that would be great actually, I love a good simpsons marathon
I post all day during my work-at-home (not internet-related) job. Back when CTR was still a thing we cared about and they got doxed, I saw I got paid more per hour to waste their time and support money than one of their drones will ever see in their life.
what is this new devilry?
Honestly I'm surprised that with such a hold of the (((media))) and so many paid shills doing nothing else the cucks are still threatened by a basket of deplorables that do it for free on the side.
They are that incompetent.
>642,000 airport and government building TV's
Or when they combined olympic medals to claim the EU won the Olympics
I was wondering how they count these
That's still 600,000 too many, how do we stop Anderson Dicksucker and Fag Lemon?
>less than your avarage lulzygamer youtube channel
wtf, I love the age I'm living in
Honestly, you can't beat true loyalty for hard and well-done work.
Kek 0_o
Trump TV when?
if it's modern nielsen ratings then it can be picked up by this little pager-looking device you wear that listens for audio signals (not audible) of different media.
so if you're in range of a cnn tv it marks you down for a few thousand worth of your demographic as watching/listening to that channel/station/etc.
beyond that you have some people keeping track by writing times their watching down in a journal and mailing that in. not sure if they do that anymore, i was happy when they replaced mine with the pager thing.
can be a few other ways of counting but that's most of it.
>HLN Forensic Files
Isn't that the only show they have left? Or are they going to start showing Nancy Grace re-runs to fill in for Dr. Drew? That network has less content than the Aquarium Channel. The saddest thing is I bet CNN counts HLN viewers as their own to try and boost numbers
that's daytime viewers only, not including primetime
how can they still operate with so few viewers? These fuckers are finally dying, it's hard to believe now that it's happening
primetime is in the article but it's fox 2.2m vs the others' combined 2.25m. fox is 2nd only to ESPN (2.4m) on cable.
OH GOD! If he bought and turned around CNN and turned it back on the Soros Corps I would have an instant embalm! Just like my main girl Shilldawg!
Have you tried watching the shit? I'm forced to because I'm stuck in a hotel, but it's unbearable. It's Trump-bashing 24/7. It's pathetic, really.
Who the fuck watches 24 hours news networks anymore? Who the fuck even watches TV?
Embolism, ya stupidballs autocorrect...
Doesnt alex jones even get more viewers now? Lmao
>he's not being paid by Putin
wew lad, seems like you're missing out
>Sup Forums is now more powerful than CNN
Everything is changing this year
Whether or not Trump wins the presidency, a Trump/Breitbart hybrid empire is a certainty
this really makes me think