Does the Weinstein controversy and the practice of couch casting explain why theres such a talent gulf between male actors and actresses?
Does the Weinstein controversy and the practice of couch casting explain why theres such a talent gulf between male...
no, producers know that it doesn't really matter what slut you put on screen.
women suck at everything.
>not a kid
You'll understand when you're older sport.
I'm 22 right now. I feel old as fuck.
If you had any genuine ambitions you were working towards or recently acquired, you'd realize how old 22 is relative to the amount of time you have to put into your life to be notable in something.
I bet you think ryan gosling can act. Or that christ pratt can.
Are any of these celebrities gonna cop any flack for being enablers?
This is definitely the most 22 year old thing anyone has ever said.
Nigga, people stay on retirement for longer than you’ve been alive. You’re an infant.
Imagine if Hollywood worked as a meritocracy --the kind of films we'd see-- instead of upon a system of nepotism and sexual favours which clearly only produces dogshit.
t. someone who is average and not notable in any respect.
stfu you barely legal faggot. come back when ya balls drop. then ya can talk.
You must be 22.
Meritocracy is a meme and you're dumb for thinking it can work at any place that is high level
Also explains why we have shit starlets right now. Jewish cronyism destroys everything.
no, it's because you hate women and see them as inherently inferior, probably because you were raised by a single mother.
Come on guys... I knew about this shit 6 years ago.
>Be me 18 yrs old
>Got a job working Construction
>My boss tells me that hard work is the only way I will ever make money
>I make a sarcastic remark about going to Hollywood and becoming a movie star
>He immediately tells me that the reason Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt are who they are is because they took it up the ass from a fat Jew.
Getting tired of this "I was just a kid". No! Corey Haim was "just a kid" when he was getting fucked by the pedos in hollywood. I'd expect no less from a fucking retard that names their child Apple.
I've thought about that too
That and the fact that every single Hollywood whore apparently has the backbone and the moral fibers to turn the sleazy kike down
Who knew that the dirtiest and most degenerate legal field of work in the world (outside of porn, though practically interchangeable) would also happen to have the girls with the strongest ethical codes.
Really makes my noggin rumble
22 is young, but old enough to know that it is not right to be sucking dick to get parts. Both parties were wrong for exchanging bodily fluids.
>talent gulf
Ok, so let's imagine we're gunna find out who the best guitarist in the world is. So we bring out the best of the best and we hand them all broken ukuleles. Some offer to bring their own guitars but we break them if they dare, right over their fucking heads, then we break their fingers one by one and hand them the a ukulele with only one string and scream at them through a megaphone to play something as good as Mozart.
This is what acting is like.
Everything in an absolutized sense is a meme. Hollywood, however, is blatantly so far beyond using talent and ability as criteria in its productions that only dogshit gets made, and if it merit were more highly prioritized it wouldn't produce such godawful shit. But I already know you think you're Mr. Clever with deep sociological insight. Just fuck off, kid.
You know what's funny about the civil rights act? Propositioning a potential employee for sex is a crime. Accepting the offer is not a crime, and doesn't negate the actual crime.
She can fuck the old fat Jew for a career boost while gathering evidence, get the part, make the money, revel in the fame, then turn him in. She's free and clear.
The only flack will be friendly fire when actresses turn on other actors in the signalling frenzy.
No, it mostly just illustrates that Hollywood's thin veneer of progressivism is a sham that exists solely to influence gullible children. This makes it especially funny that half of the political causes in America are championed by actors and other Hollywood apparatchiks, who are in all likelihood either child molestors or victims of the former.
Your entire pre-fabricated social and political ideology was produced by kiddy-rapists. At this point Hollywood and its associated "progressive" ideologues make the Catholic Church look like the Unsullied.
>implying Paltrow didn't pop out a jade pussy egg right into Weinstein's mouth and enjoyed every second of it
This isn't how you stay relevant Gwyneth
by how you talk.
If you were an aspiring sculptor, aspiring musician, writer, athlete, you'd know how much time it takes just to get to the level where you're not bad.
At 22, there are people who started at 14 or 16 in HS and are at that point 8 to 10 years more advanced than you.
If you think 22 is 'kid-age', you're an uninspired, unambitious boring person with 0 sense of competition.
I agree with this statement actually. It was either Hobbes or Milton who was like 21 or something and said 'What the fuck I have accomplished nothing with my life.'
People who say shit like 'oh you're still young just go have fun!' are unambitious and do not seek to achieve.
i like how she never really says what happens afterwards. but you just know.
**6 to 8 years
my point still stands though
I just want to know how he got his position and who gave it to him.
Like did some super powerful jew feel bad he was so fat and ugly and omega and was like here, since your family you can be in charge of actresses and their careers and weather or not they win an oscar
like I just don't understand how someone as fat and ugly as him got the green light to go bananas on hollywoods hottest women
it doesn't make sense
Hollywood is hardly progressive. They were pro-Hillary as fuck. I think some of them even took back their endorsement of Bernie. They are only progressive when it comes to gay rights and legalizing pot. They don't give two shits about the working class. They are a bunch of bourgeois pigs.
>a jade pussy egg
dont forget Hobbes and Milton were born in a time when the average person in Europe was lucky to live to his late 50s. A 22 year old in 15th century Europe was considered middle age
Congrats I've known about it since I was a child. My mom and dad would both tell me stories about what happened at modeling parties they were at with 10-14yr olds getting fucked left and right not being uncommon. Also my mom was supposed to have Geena Davis' role in a league of their own but they wanted her to act out a lesbian sex scene at a private location so she noped outta there and was later told to "grow the fuck up anonette, it's hollywood"
they don't suck my dick ;_;
what is your point?
You're practically a corpse walking at 50 anyway. Take your life seriously or maybe go play some more "redpilled video games." That'll sure do something.
>or victims of the former.
And in the rarefied air of that debauchery they imagine the whole world must be saved from their personal problem.
>he only found out 6 years ago
That means that you're either under the age of 10, or you're just a gullible idiot.
Figuring out that Hollywood is a giant brothel is literally kindergarten-tier and you really shouldn't brag about it taking you until you're a young adult to figure it out
The entire entertainment industry is like a big bowl of lucky charms, only the moons and clovers and whatever has been replaced with fat greasy Jews, gold-digging whores and young pretty boys who've been sodomized as often as the whores.
Literally none of these actresses were forced into doing anything. If they didn't want to suck dick then they didn't have to, but they DID want to because they wanted to be on television.
22 is not old. You don't know shit. The fact that you think life is only about muh ambition. 22 is young in any profession. You don't know this, but the people who you work with think you are a little kid.
So did she go massage him and more or not?
You're basically a baby.
>work work work work
Christ, what an unfulfilling life you must live. The only thing you probably do on your off time is drink and jack off.
This poster has a sub 100 IQ and is likely a spic
>tells her boyfriend Brad Pitt, who gets fresh with Harv
>then they keep theirs mouths shut and help Harv get away with two decades of sexual misconduct on "kids" not lucky enough to have a-lister boyfriends
cowardly cunt
They actually despise the working class. There's no one a Hollywood "progressive" hates more than a poor white person.
You don't know shit. The fact that you think life is only about MUH NUMBER OF YEARS ALIVE.
You're talking to literal plebs. Just because we don't call them that anymore doesn't mean they vanished.
Take some pride in the fact that you actually have self-awareness.
>suggesting they head to the bedroom for massages
Then what? People often say that if they don't play ball then their careers are effectively over but all these stories end with mere inappropriateness. At least describe the whole ordeal otherwise they're just opportunists looking for some spotlight on a trending matter.
>(Meryll streep, Cate blanchett, Emily blunt)
all linked to harvey
Yeah, that's what I said.
Not even the poster you are replying to but you are both very retarded. My guess is that you are both children and haven't yet experienced working a real job in your 20s
No, but considering the last ten great performances of the last 20 years were mostly made by male actors, theres a definitely a trend. Other than a few top teir actresses(Meryll streep, Cate blanchett, Emily blunt), most actresses are forgettable, more so than the top male actors.
Just wait till your 25 bro. I was so dumb looking back. It just starts to change once you're a 1/4 through life
>work work work work
>job job job job
like I said, you probably spend your off time masturbating or drinking.
What a fulfilling life.
At 22 you're legally an adult but technically a kid. Most people operate on a level of mild retardation that dissolves as they near the age of 30, but for some people it never dissolves.
The more struggle you face the faster you mature.
At 25, it's done.
There is no 'finding yourself' or 'reinventing yourself'.
Who you are at 25 is who you will be forever.
wrong. high infant mortality skews those stats.
How is he a "rapist"?If i find a girl tomorrow and tell her ill hire her in my company if she fucks me am i a rapist?im not forcefully fucking her, im giving her a choise, shes a grown adult and can make decisions for herself-do i really want this job so much that im willing to fuck a random guy for it?
prostitution solicitation maybe, but not a rape
If this is the conclusion you've come to about what I've said then you are mentally impaired
>the amount of time you have to put into your life to be notable in something.
Harrison Ford was a carpenter at 30, Stallone was homeless, Jobs was fired from his own company etc.
>tfw you will never lose your job and millions of dollars because you ejaculated in Emma's pooper
I bet your not even 18 yet.
dude, just drop out of college and become a billionaire, LMAO
Work within realistic bounds, you fucking dumb dumb.
tell me about what you've accomplished in your life.
Go ahead.
>inb4 I can cook (well enough not to die of starvation), I've traveled (vacation), I listen to music
Now THIS is retardposting
You know why Ford being a carpenter until 30 or Stallone being homeless and then becoming success stories are such fun well-known trivia?
Because they're so rare they hardly ever happen. The only instances of it happening are newsworthy.
22 is kind of a funny age. Yeah, you're not a kid anymore but you also sure as fuck don't know what you're doing.
>implying the men don't do it too and aren't also gay
I meant it in the colloquial sense in which it is often used to refer specifically to politically convenient wedge issues that impact perhaps .01% of actual people but provide a convenient venue for virtue signalling that allows upper middle class bourgeoisie whites to feel as though they're actually participating in a civil rights movement without doing any actual work. "Progressivism™" if you will.
I somehow doubt RDJ or Steve Buscemi would give great head.
You are literally autistic. Nothing of what you are saying is relevant to what you first replied to. You are making great leaps through logic because your autistic brain prevents you from understanding what other people are saying and has you convinced that your thoughts are factual
high infant mortality rate is just a contributing factor. Before modern medicine and antibiotics, a flu in 15th century england could have killed you. Your body pretty much spent a signficiant amount of energy fighting viruses and infections. Then you had poor hygene which worsened pandemics like black death, and also poor diet and a more stressful lifestyle. The average European back then was a serf and serfs worked themselves to death to feed their families. Both emotional and physical Stress and disease does age you. So a 30 year old in the thirteenth century probably had the body of todays 50 year old .
t. boring faggot who only cares about a job and wasting his days off.
>You know why Ford being a carpenter until 30 or Stallone being homeless and then becoming success stories are such fun well-known trivia?
>Because they're so rare they hardly ever happen. The only instances of it happening are newsworthy
Honestly retarded. Just so fucking retarded. Is it daytime in america right now?
how many 30 year old tradies become hollywood superstars?
How many homeless people become hollywood superstars?
How many college dropouts are there a year vs how many have created multi-billion dollar empires?
You're so fucking stupid it actually is getting to me.
Yeah, like the George Cloonies of the world. I see where you are getting at.
The worst thing a Jew put inside her was ideology.
>user 1 says being 22 in any profession is young
>user 2 somehow thinks hes implying that "life is only about muh number of years alive"
>user 3 calls user 2 retarded
>user 2 somehow comes to conclusion that user 3 is a boring workaholic
Damn there's stuff I don't like about myself though. But I've started realizing this as well.
His mistake was using hotel rooms to do all his dirty work. He should have bought a Yacht, invited them out to sea... they would never say no... because of the implication.
Your exampes are fun, well known trivia because they're about famous people. Not because rags to riches happens so infrequently. You think every average Joe who goes from poor to millionaire is going to be in the news? Dumb American
>it's a Sup Forums bickers tirelessly about which user's the loser thread
this is all Off topic.
all me btw
Tell me whos the Female version of a Christian Bale?
Don't forget: you're here forever.
This is by a 29-year-old in the same year he started from zero. The "too old" meme is for lazy, unmotivated losers such as yourself.
Blackpill incoming: if you don't achieve anything noteworthy by 25, you will never be truly great.
>DFW was 24 when Broom of the System was published
>Zadie Smith was 25 when White Teeth was published
>Marek Hlasko was 23 when Eighth Day of the Week was published
>F.S. Fitzgerald was 23 when This Side of Paradise was published
>Carson McCullers was 23 when The Heart is a Lonely Hunter was published
>Tao Lin was 24 when EEEEE EEE EEEE & Bed were published
>Italo Calvino was 23 when The Path to the Nest of the Spiders was published
>Kerouac was 20 when The Sea is My Brother was published
>Goethe was 25 when The Sorrows of Young Werther was published
>Musil was 25 when The Confusions of Young Torless was published
>Hemingway was 25 when In Our Time was published
>Tatsuhiko Takimoto was 24 when Welcome to the NHK was published
>Ryu Murakami was 24 when Almost Transparent Blue was published
>Garcia Marquez was 20 when Eyes of a Blue Dog was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when "Napoleon III as a President" was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when "Fate and History" was published
>Nietzsche was 18 when Free Will and Fate was published
>Nietzsche was 19 when "Can the Envious Ever Truly Be Happy?" was published
>Nietzsche was 20 when "On Tendencies" was published
>Nietzsche was 20 when "My Life" was published
>Saramago was 25 years old when Land of Sun was published
>Dickens was 24 when Sketches by Boz was published
>Dickens was 25 when The Pickwick Papers was published
>Huxley was 25 when Limbo was published
>James Joyce was 25 when Chamber Music was published
>Proust was 25 when Pleasures and Days was published
>Mishima was 23 when Confessions of a Mask was published
>Bret Easton Ellis was 21 when Less Than Zero was published
>Balzac was 20 when Cromwell was published
>Ibsen was 22 when Catiline was published
>Jorge Luis Borges was 24 when Fervor de Buenos Aires was published
>Tolstoy was 24 when Childhood was published
>Orson Welles was 26 when Citizen Kane was released
>Alexander III was 18 GODDAMN YEARS OLD when he took the throne of Macedonia.
What the fuck am I doing
Gene Wolfe published his first novel at 39.
>inb4 genre trash
Becoming the greatest genre fiction writer who ever lived after starting at middle age has to count for something.
Exceptions prove the rule.
Nothing, that's what you're doing. You will live and die in pathetic obscurity, like most of the rest of us.
It's not an exception, it's a counterexample. You didn't say that the greats tend to show potential before 25, you said that if you don't achieve anything noteworthy by 25, you will never be truly great, which is demonstrably false.
Gwyneth Paltrow sold jade pussy eggs to women because of some spiritual healing mumbo jumbo. They shoved them up their vageen and got infections so her company got into some trouble.
Gene Wolf is not one of "the greats."
Well, it's a good thing nobody said he was, then. Again, the statement being disproven is that "if you don't achieve anything noteworthy by 25, you will never be truly great". If you don't consider being at the top of a field populated by millions (regardless of what it is, in this case SF writing) to be great, then you have an odd definition of "great".
Alice Munro published her first collection of stories at 37, if that satisfies your autism.