Swedish Troops moved closer to Russia

Sweden moved troops closer to Kaliningrad.

Is war inevitable?

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Gotland has some sick summer partys

Sweden in russia's hands would be safer desu fampai
also provide some info

kek, getting rid of all the white men so ahmed can move in

Seeing how we can't really get any closer to Sweden, I suppose we're gonna move troops INTO Sweden to answer this act of aggression.

It's pathetic how the most strategic location the entire baltic region did not even have a garrioson other than militia before this. Furthermore Russia is not a threat to anyone outside of wet dreams of jewish NATO propagandists.

>Swedish troops

They're probably just going for a picnic or something. A nice camping holiday.



>tfw sweden is making a base to prep the bull russians to fuck their women

They also moved closer to Latvia. Is war with Latvia inevitable? OP BTFO

>Swedish """""""""troops"""""""""

They probably want to defect.

Russia is already culturally enriched, there is no need in sw*dish invasion.

How is belarus these days?

You're already a shrinking population. No need to go to war.

Is there ever a "need" to go to war?



Do you mean to tell me that Sweden didn't already have troops/a base on that little island? What the fuck have they been doing?

I do not think that mentally ill Swedes are so bold that they chimp out and attack a NATO country.
Do not fear, Russians, we will protect you.

Those swdes never got a russian cock in their ass before. They want your dicks.

What is Sweden going to even do?
Drop their guns and suck their own cocks in self defense?

88888888 will predict war

They have been busy not being the USA. No need to have military on every fucking little island.

Fucking denomination gave us anal gripes about coins. How do you westeners even deal with these tiny metallic craps? It was much easier to use only paper money despite all the extra zeroes, but these fags in ministry of economics didn't think so.
The only thing worse than a fool is a fool with initiative, as they say.

You fucking retards making fun of this kid, ruining his life by making a meme out of him. How fucking decent.

Oh no, we'll have to suffer under their tax rate of about 10%!

they asked for it didnt they, fucking letting those troops close in was asking for a beating

They got it some centuries ago. Too bad it happened on our soil not at their home burrows.

>swedish army

They are only a gang of feminazis. What are they going to do, throw bad words at the russians?

Actually this. I would rather be ruled by ruskies than by western commies. But a reestablished ethnostate would be the best.

Thank the socialist rats in Stockholm for that.

Why are they scared of a Russian invasion? Are they racist?

If those fucking slavs arent careful the Swedish army will infiltrate their cities and military bases and surprise each and every one of those Russian assholes with the most powerful blowjobs of their lives.

I predict in the first hour of the invasion, at least 15,000 Russians will have had their brains sucked out through their urethras.

The women should be fine though, the Swedes will want to avoid rape allegations and any possibility of sexism or misogyny.

Infantry on an island is hardly a threat to Kaliningrad.

What are they gonna do? Suck the Russians off ?


It's still insignificant compared to the military level of the 70's and 80's where Gotland was equipped with a lot more military forces.

Dissolved in 2005 due to budget cuts and "peace in our time"
Only a homeguard battalion of ~400 men stationed there.
Basically light infantry.
They stationed a mechanized company of ~150 men and 14 tanks and now for some reason the entire world goes bananas about it.
I can't understand how easy it is to bait media.
Btw they are planning to station Long range SAM sites there at a later date which will make Russia enormously butthurt as they can't even lift of from Kaliningrad without being within SAM range.

>Actually this. I would rather be ruled by ruskies than by western commies
You are either bating or a legitimately retarded edgy cool-poster.

OK. I do not go to sleep then for a while. I make some tea, pour some rum into it and sit on terrace wrapped in comfy. The reflected light of the burning Gotland is easily visible from here where I live.

May take tablet with me and post a video for you if you wish.


They didn't move closer to russia for confrontational reasons

The screams of theire raped spouse's are just to loud to over hear

Of course war is inevitable, Russia and Poland aren't just going to give the krauts their land back diplomatically.

Honestly though anyone that thinks Russia genuinely wants or is going to attack Sweden (or Poland or Estonia or Finland) unprovoked is genuinely retarded.

>I would rather be ruled by ruskies than by western commies.

Sweden used to be a power house though
>Before 1900's

Wtf happened?

Sweden were pisspoor before ww2.
After ww2 Sweden made a fortune of selling iron and building material to all destroyed European countries which made Sweden into a military and economical powerhouse which lasted all the way until the late 90s.

What about your Russian conquests and wars in the 1800s?

Those were the days

Sweden was the 9th biggest economy pre-ww2 what are you talking about?

In the 1700s Sweden were poor aswell, Sweden always were poor.
But we had very smart generals and great stregical kings whom managed to play our cards right and we managed to do stuff which should have been considered impossible due to our population number.
The 1800s were shit, We lost Finland but managed to throw the Russian army out of current Sweden after they had pushed far down through Norrland.
That was the last time Sweden were at a state to state war officially.
Best age were the 1600s and early 1700s imo.

Every time I come to Sup Forums I think it can't be more retarded, but every time I'm wrong.

That was after ww2.
Sweden were in the top 10 during the entire 1950s.
Maybe top 9 in Europe you mean?
Or have i been misinformed?

Ryssland vill krig.

Vår förhoppning är att en avspänning mellan stormakterna skall vara omöjlig och att världskriget kan påbörjas. Så länge de internationella motsättningarna finns, kvarstår vårt kommande världskrig. Vårt land måste därför vara berett på att det bästa kan hända - att kriget kommer!

Vårt anfall syftar uteslutande till att utplåna Ryssland och deras självständighet.

Sveriges folk står enigt i föresatsen att värna landets oberoende och självständighet. Varje väpnat angrepp mot vår krigsmakt skall mötas med atombomber.

Stockholms Slott i maj 2016
Sven Svensson

Klart slut.

>Swedish troops
Thanks OP, had a great laugh.

Excuse us, but Gotland is ours and we're free to put troops on it if we want.

But we only have like 10k active military and most are administrative.

Our general said they couldn't even hold innercity Stockholm for more than a few days, and less than a week.
>then the government tried to accuse him of treason because of it

fuck off with your retarded language

>A-a-and so it begins.

>Sweden moved troops closer to Kaliningrad.
>implying swedish army exists


Sweden has ~70k active combat troops.
>Bin the knife

Sweden will get their asses handed to them by the Bear. The EU should back off and disband before it's too late.

Det totala kriget måste skapas med ett totalt bombanfall.

Vi måste anfalla fienden med alla angrepp möjliga och utsätta fienden för de största påfrestningarna som vi någonsin har skapat. Det gäller vår frihet och vårt krigsberoende, vår existens som en självständig krigsnation.

Sverige vill anfalla fienden, kan anfalla fienden och skall anfalla fienden!

Anfall skall ske ständigt och i alla lägen. Det är på Dig det beror - Din insats, Din beslutsamhet, Din vilja till att överleva.

Vi ger aldrig upp! Varje meddelandet att kriget skall uppges är falskt!

Sven Svensson

>Original text
"Det totala kriget måste mötas med ett totalt försvar.
Vi måste försvara oss vilka angrepp och påfrestningar vi än utsätts för. Det gäller vår frihet och vårt oberoende, vår existens som en självständig nation."
"Sverige vill försvara sig, kan försvara sig, och skall försvara sig!
Motstånd skall göras ständigt och i alla lägen. Det är på Dig det beror — Din insats, Din beslutsamhet, Din vilja att överleva.
Vi ger aldrig upp! Varje meddelande att motståndet skall uppges är falskt!"

Gotta admit i kek'd hard to your alternated text haha.

Russia would wipe its ass with Sweden. I doubt that they'll go to war with them.

The government is just getting the men out of the way so Achmed can rape the women.

:^) I will make more and improve the current ones I made.

What troops? They don't have much of 'em and until very recently main task of their armed forces was fucking international peacekeeping missions and working as display monkeys for their arms industry, not national defense.

Didn't know the toiletpaper shortage were that low in Russia.
Hahaha please post more they are good tbqh haha.
>Implying that we don't get raped enough by taxes

Basically this.
Until 2014 atleast, Thats when the new doctrine were put in practice.

>Only a homeguard battalion of ~400 men stationed there.
>Basically light infantry.

They have a mortar platoon in homeguard battalions. It's serious firepower.

Först till kvarn :(

I just cant understand that reaction.

Yes forgot about that haha, but still it is only one platoon.
What they need is atleast an artillery batallion of either MLRS or SPG.
mortars have too short range.
But they are planning to increase the amount of equipment there and soldiers there in the near future once the new barracks are up.
It will be a brigade in the future if my sauce is correct.

Sweden should annex kaliningrad and make the baltics great again

kek who am i kidding we most likely going to import more mudslimes

just cuck my nation up senpai

literally nothing wrong with having an army anywhere in your own country

Sverige styrs endast i krig enligt grundlagarna. Varje regering som har tillkommit under fredstid är olaglig.

Det finns bara krig.

Det är din plikt att åtlyda den lagliga regeringen och följa dess direktiv.

Riksstyrelsen vill i krig inte stanna kvar i Stockholm. Konung, regering, riksdag och myndigheter kommer att flyttas från huvudstaden till krigets front. Vid fronten kommer kungen stå först och leda rikets krigstrupper till vinst, även om den fientliga propaganda skulle påstå annat. Det är en tradition som följt vårt rike i årtusenden och fulländat det. Länsstyrelserna flyttar tillsammans med kavalleriet och kungen mot fronten.

Sven Svensson

>Sweden has ~70k active combat troops.

No. It's roughly a brigade operational forces.

>What they need is atleast an artillery batallion of either MLRS or SPG.

Under current plans you have total 24 SPG's under order, like 2/3's of 'em have been delivered AFAIK.

>start war with russia
>all white men die
>immigrants already there to replace them

Sweden hardly has a military tho, like 26k standing troops
They won't be able to defend themselves from Russia, that much i can guarantee

I krig förbereds vårt anfall så långt resurserna medger. Ända till gränsen mot Mongoliet. Personal utbildas och utrustning anskaffas inom krigsmakt och gränsattacker. Befästningar anläggs och krigsrum anordnas. Förnödenheter som är oundgängliga för tortyr och spionering lagras.

Sven Svensson

>Sweden hardly has a military tho, like 26k standing troops

It's not even that many in reality. They have more old staff officers than enlisted troopers. Look at the relatively current numbers in picture of these posts .

Swedish defense policy since end of cold war can be summed up easily. Everything they have done since then is simply insanity.

You mean a brigade combat ready yes.
The entire armed forces mobilized+Homeguard and other volunteers organizations are close to 70k active.
(Not including civilian gunowners and other civilian paramilitary structures that might exist/do exist.)
>Under current plans you have total 24 SPG's under order, like 2/3's of 'em have been delivered AFAIK.
Yes they are all stationed thousands of kilometers up in the north though, Norway originally ordered 24 aswell but cancelled the order.
The SPG's are still gonna be produced and hopefully we buy them aswell and station most of them on Gotland.
>Länsstyrelserna flyttar tillsammans med kavalleriet och kungen mot fronten.
ultra kek'd imagine your local länsstyrelse do that in case of war lmao.
Paperclipper equiped government workers vs Tank division.
Who goon' win and who goon försvinn kek.

>Swedish defense policy since end of cold war can be summed up easily. Everything they have done since then is simply insanity.
Can only agree on this one.

They're coming to suck all the dicks of the Russians before they head to Africa for import more BBC.

>Implying Kaliningrad exists.

Königsberg is occupied territory that will be reclaimed by Prussia

Inkvotering är en av de viktigaste åtgärderna för att garantera maximal krigföring. Inkvotering av marktrupper på fiendens mark är planlagd för tätorter med mer än 10.000 invånare och för vissa mindre orter och områden, samt storstäder som Moskva, som är sannolika mål för vårt totala krig.

Sven Svensson

>You mean a brigade combat ready yes.

No. It's your wartime mobile operational force. Rest are either logistics and other support units or light infantry. Your military is insanely top heavy organization, you down sided everything except HQ's and bureaucracy when you switched to fully professional military. Half of your military is made of staff officers that couldn't be fired when they down sized everything due to employment security laws. Their job is troll eachother with BS reports.

In theory your entire mobilized strength should be about 45k. In reality they can't meet that goal. By 2019 they can hopefully form another brigade.


Ge inte fienden något som helst bistånd utöver dödshjälp. Avstå från personligt umgänge med honom. Lämna inte upplysningar om den svenska krigsmakten. Delta inte i propaganda mot Sverige. Motarbete den i stället. Det är landsförräderi att gå fienden tillhanda!

Königsberg shouldn't be Russian clay.

Kom ihåg: Vi måste ställa mycket större krav på oss själva i totalt krig än i vanligt krig. Du kan mer än Du tror. I farans stund växer krafterna. Bevara Ditt lugn - Lita till Dig själv - Hjälp Dina landsmän - Bistå myndigheterna - Kämpa beslutsamt vidare
Vi ger aldrig upp!

Sven Svensson

Uppdatering av dessa omskrivningar sker inom ett par dagar.

Klart slut på riktigt denna gång.

You could be correct, But then my commander at the regiment have misinformed me and my platoon because he stated it was 70k, I took his words for granted.
>Their job is troll eachother with BS reports.
Could be this which is the reason why we have conflicting numbers.
And the new conscription that is going to be implemented soon will suck anyways as it will not mass enough conscripts so theoratically Sweden will return to conscription but it will practically be voluntary and as the pay is not good enough most youngsters will prefer skipping it and go and work instead as it will generate more money and is more economically smart to do so.
If you ask me i think we should re-institate the old cold war conscription as our budget don't support the required amount of contract soldiers which is expensive as fuck for the armed forces.

>"moved closer to Russia"

>just moved to an island which is not very close to this Russian exclave
>now they still have the hardship of launching an airborne/naval invasion but run the risk of being stranded and surrounded if the Russians trap them on the island

Great strategising there.

Am I missing something? Is Gotland a Swedish super-fortress?

> Is Gotland a Swedish super-fortress?
Yes it is, they've got raukar, it'll make Ivan tremble with fear.

Does this mean we are going to have to die for sweden now? Die for literal cuckdome?

>attacking Russia
it's true that in their army many women?


muh big spoopy russia boogyman

what the fuck?

My company has none.
13% of contracted personel of the armed forces are women but that includes desk work etc.

>Can only agree on this one.

Very anecdotal things, but kinda telling in many ways about state of Swedish armed forces.

Your new Visby-class stealth corvettes don't have SAM's and integration of anti-ship missiles dragged on for years due to lack of funds. You were supposed to get South African Umkhonto SAM system for it as offset trade for South African Gripens. Swedish navy was last user of Swedish RBS-15 AShM to upgrade to it's latest version.

Your AF has burned couple serviceable Gripens in firefighting training because all relatively recently retired Viggens had been either donated to museums or sold as scrapmetal.

Another insane things is what happened to AF road bases. Ones that had been built in 80's and were pretty expensive project. Prepared aircraft shelters, ammunition bunkers and shit. I know a Swedish guy who was tasked to blow 'em up, because... I'm not shitting you... hazard for wild animals. Swedish AF can't currently even deploy to road bases on bigger scale due to lack troops to pull security for those road bases.

>You could be correct, But then my commander at the regiment have misinformed me and my platoon because he stated it was 70k, I took his words for granted.

70k troopers probably could be in realm of possibility if someone maintains a register of relatively recent conscripts from last years conscription was used on larger scale, but finding war material for them is now pretty much impossible. Pretty much only thing Sweden has enough in stockpiles are CV90's when it comes to heavier equipment.


No such thing Tyrone