Being a White Muslim is the ultimate redpill

Being a White Muslim is the ultimate redpill

>treat women like the childbirth vessels they are, marry them off as soon as they can ovulate
>are not cucked by Jews
>are not cucked by Atheists
>are not cucked by fags, drug users or other degenerates
>They understand that all of these groups are a serious threat to traditional values, and they are not afraid to kill in order to protect them

Why the fuck aren't you a Muslim? Seriously, do you have a single reason other than "HURR SANDNIGGERS"

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Durka durka mohammed jihad!

Sup Forums is satire
They pretend to like Hitler because it pisses Regressive Leftists off.
When in reality Sup Forumsacks are actual fedora tipping liberals who just like guns.

Islam is going to become a trend among white liberal arts hipsters in the next 5 years, just watch

>hipster girl: it's so freeing not to have to make any decisions.

>Cant get drunk and smoke weed while listening to Metallica.

Why even live?

Being a white Shia muslim is literally the jews fear.

You do know that The Quaran specifically states that only Arabs can be true muslims and that everyone else is subhuman to them right?

I mean lets forget for a second that every single muslim country in the world is a 3rd world shithole run by absolutely corrupt theocrats and that islam istelf is practiced by subhuman desert peasants who cant read. Islam is quite literally the religion of uneducated illiterate masses.

>white muslim

It is seriously the best hope we have for reigning in white liberals and securing traditional family values

Imagine if every white country converted to Sharia law. No more open homosexuality, no more women acting like stupid whores, no more tolerating the Jews infiltrating our government. We could achieve everything we wanted to as Nationalists, and have the SJWs cheering us on the entire way.

>islam istelf is practiced by subhuman desert peasants who cant read. Islam is quite literally the religion of uneducated illiterate masses.
That's fucking hilarious considering how much the religion reveres a body of text.

B-b-but ISIS said we are all equal through piety..

Are you just trolling or are you actually this retarded. If the mudslimes ever get power they will kill every single white person they can find since they consider us close to jews.





White muslims would be the ones in power. We're the ones with intelligence and creativity.

How hard is this for you to understand?

No instead as as muslim, you become a slave to the eternal Arab.
>be forced to learn the sand nigger langauge to read the quran and be considered a good muslim.
>Be forced to wear Sand nigger clothing
>be forced to use Arabic greetings
>Treat Saudi scum as superior because Islam is essentually Arab imperialism.

Arabisation not even once. Go back to your cave mohamed ibn fucktard

>traditional family values
Ah yeah, that age old tradition of raping the women and throwing stones at them when they displease you.

No bacon no sale. Now git'outa here, op.


>liberal art hipsters converting to Islam
History repeats itself

It's very hard

And so am I

>Invite arabs and blacks to your homeland because they share the same religion as you.
>not cucked by jews

>White muslims would be the ones in power.
False. You do not have the numbers and you never will. Arab muslims absolutely hate white people and as soon as they get power the overwhelming majority will turn on you in a mass genocide. How fucking retarded are you? you think they like you? They are literally using you to subvert yourself into a trap.

Dont believe me? Go to any muslim country right now with no body guards and tell me how that works for you

You have to go back

And my perfect specific brand of communism has never been tried.

Plus they live in mud huts and fuck children.


Women are not rational beings. They can never truly provide informed consent.

A woman is only a extension of her handlers. Either she's married off and controlled by a strong husband, or she goes to school gets manipulated by subversives into eschewing her traditional gender role.


Because beheading people tends to be a bad thing

White Mudshits are based. Barry from Four Lions is Sup Forums incarnate.

>Religion fucks little boys and the founder was an avowed pedophile
>Family values
Someone get me rope for this guy.

Oh my god. You are right. We cannot hope to kill Islam at this rate but white people will inevitably be able to control it from within.

If you cant beat them, join them and control them.

Because I already have the same values because I'm Catholic?

How about actually following our religions and Christian culture instead of shilling for those uncivilized heretics

>waaaaah violence is scary
>can't we just talk things out? because that's been working so well for the White race so far


Are you me?

Because I am a Kekist. Shadilay! Praise Kek!

If you like muslims so much, what's stopping you from moving to a muslim country?

I knew it was a maple nigger, i didnt even have to look at the flag

>, join them and control them
>white muslims will never be more than 5%
>they will literally just swarm you with their overwhelming numbers
>you unironically think you can control them

Once again if you want to know what your life will be like go to any mudslime country in the middle east and have fun. Why not? I thought you said you could control them

Christians are BEYOND cucked

Your own race spits on you
Your own country spits on you
You can't control women
You can't stop degeneracy
You're nothing more than a tool for the Jews

Fucking jews can't even make decent spark plugs.

Honestly, I don't know why people worry so much on this board. It's not like men will be worse off under sharia law. The women and fags are the ones wanting to open the borders for these people, ironically they will all submit or be stoned when sharia law takes over.

I'll be enjoying my lolis

We have become the Jews!

But I am. I converted like 5 years ago.

Leftists support it, therefore I do not.
Plus, I like weed, I like alcohol, and I like music and most other forms of art.
I don't like gays getting married, but I don't want them executed. I hate that women can fuck men over, but that doesn't mean I want rape and honor killing to be legal.

Basically were not fucking barbarians like them.

>join them and control them
>white muslims will never be more than 5%

Jews represent far less than 5% of the world's population
I guess that means they don't control anything, right?

If it works, it works

Well there's the silver lining I suppose. It would be funny to see pseudo-liberals get destroyed while I stand around and film it.

You mean like Germany or the US?

And again, a fucking leaf.

The jews are a lot smarter than you and have been subverting for a lot longer. But by all means once again if you think you can do it go to a mudslime country and knock yourself out.

But you wont, because we both know what would happen to you. Its actually embarassing how far in denial you are. You are like the sjw liberals who are pro islam without really thinking about how fucking retarded that position is.

That still does not rationalize capital punishment.
Instead of fixing the indoctrination centers to control the narrative, you think it is cured by harming them. Funny how women in Saudi Arabia are currently fighting for their right to drive, I thought controlling your women prevented such """impure""" thoughts from occurring? We will have control over our women in a manner far more honorable than this.

>worshipping an illiterate pedophile


you dont know what people in the middle east are like. Most are extremely lazy or complete cowards. The only useful ones are the ones with extreme religious fervor. You go to work in dubai or anywhere civilized you will find your coworkers brown but your supervisors white.
As a white person in the middle east you are valued because Middle Eastern work ethic is shit and whites are known to be much more organized and efficient.
You have more white privilege in the middle east than in the west

>We will have control over our women in a manner far more honorable than this.

The white supremacist narrative is so adorable. "Oh sure, we've been increasingly cucked by women, fags and jews for half a century now. But it's not because our methods are bad, it's because we have too much HONOR to do anything about it."

Can confirm. I did some contracting work over there. I still won't practice their degenerate Abrahamic faith though, no proud white man should practice anything other than European paganism.

Muslims are descendants of Ishmael, the true firstborn heir of Abraham who got ripped off.

Jews, and to a lesser extent Christians, are descendants of Ishmael's half-brother Isaac and his psychotic mother Sarah.

Isaac himself never did anything too terrible, but his son Jacob (whom the Jews are descended from) was pure fucking evil.

Jacob was the twin brother of Esau. Esau was meant to be Isaac's heir (Isaac shouldn't have even had grandaddy Abraham's blessing to begin with, but I digress...). Esau was the firstborn and meant to receive Isaac's blessing.

Jacob was always jealous of his older brother. As their father aged and got closer to death, he came up with a scheme to rip Esau off and steal his birthright. He extorted his brother into a one-sided agreement (classical merchant behavior), and then put on a disguise and told bold faced lies to the eldery and blind Isaac. He tricked his own brother and father in order to further his own jealous goals.

Jacob is the patriarch of the Jews.

Jacob lied and deceived his way into power. He took advantage of his own family.

That power did not even belong to his family to begin with, and was rightfully meant for Ishmael.

Go read Genesis you fags see for yourself

Whether you like Muhammad or not, the biblical account of early events is clear

Jews and their kin have been toxic from the beginning

>you dont know what people in the middle east are like. Most are extremely lazy or complete cowards

Ok then prove it. Go to the middle east for a week with no body guards, take lots of pictures and videos, etc etc. Make sure you actually walk around and dont just sit in a hotel the whole time

If you arent willing to do this you admit you are full of shit

Define the Middle East. You can go to Qatar or Dubai and be fine, or you can go to Syria and get ded.

>unironically believing the bible

White Muslims need not be retarded fundamentalists. Its simply a means to an end.

SA, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.

>Go read Genesis you fags see for yourself
>believing fiction

Once honkeys turn muslim, will SJWs start defending christ cucks?

Ha ha, nice joke, boy.
You still don't understand how the real world works, do you? Being a white Muslim does not make you a real Muslim and thus you are still enemies to Arabic Muslims, right?

Why don't you actually pick up a book and study Islamic culture for real, and not just looking up "facts" off the internet and cry "bahhh" like a sheep. Because that's what you essentially are, a sheep that get anal-ed by the real Islamic culture.

Not all of those are war zones and the other user can go and get the footage for you without bodyguards.

Islam is a means to an end

If you're afraid of being outsmarted by a bunch of sandniggers, you can't have too much confidence in your superior white genes

Iranians are Aryan.

>worship a lying, pedophile """"prophet""""
It's a "religion" for fucking retards.

Worshiping a jew nailed to a tree, your faith is no better.

>Iranians are Aryan.

Those look like average Canadians to me.

Relax, anons. I'm not religious and I do not believe these stories are of divine nature. I just enjoy ancient history and texts as a hobby.

The simple point I am trying to illustrate is that there have been good groups and bad groups since the beginning, right there clear as day in their own stories.

Jews appear to be descended from a dishonest, bad guy. Whether or not the stories are true is irrelevant. The relevant point is that Jacob is a thieving, dishonest dick, and these people revere him as their patriarch.

i guess you need glasses

Because worshiping some pedophile that had mental health issues and bending over 5 times a day for his made up best friend and not been allowed to drink beer or eat pork are just a few of the reasons i would never become a mudslime

They will just kill you even if you say that your one of them you dumb fucking cunt hope your pet muzrats kill you and your retarded parents for not rasing you right in the first place

just like whites killed the Jews, right?

oh wait no, we've been manipulated for centuries

Actually sounds bredy gud

>treat women as second class objects
>simultaneously applauded for being an "underprivileged minority"

If you are a white Muslim you have betrayed your tribe. Our tribe has always been Christian, and to deny Christ and adopt a blasphemous religion makes you a goddamn traitor.

Muslims will never be white.

This thread is displeasing to kek.

So true

All people and religions from the middle east are toxic and jizlam is the worse

>Our tribe has always been Christian
oh the jews have done a number on you

You have betrayed your race and given up your honor if you embrace the religion of the Antichrist.

Why no keep your honor and convert to Orthodoxy?

al-Kannadi please go

Being an atheist that doesn't fucking blabber on about it is the ultimate redpill imo.

not to mention muslims claim decent from Ishmael right?

well peep this

And the angel of the LORD said unto her, Behold, thou art with child, and shalt bear a son, and shalt call his name Ishmael; because the LORD hath heard thy affliction.

*** And he will be a wild man; his hand will be against every man, and every man's hand against him; and he shall dwell in the presence of all his brethren.

Nice bate faggot, contrary to what they teach you at leddit Sup Forums does not hold all of those positions.

oh? I didn't know that Sup Forums was one person

Even "traditional family values" scumbags aren't nearly anti "traditional personal liberties" values enough to like your hyperoppressive asshole club.

no one cares what you do in the privacy of your own home, retard, that's the point.

keep ur current religion, convert to its orthodox form.
tell me how that's different than islam
i converted to islam in grade 11 highschool, two years after 9/11. i'm white

conversion is no fun road, no one will like you. and converting america to islam is almost a bad idea because it will legitimize islam in the eyes of teh middle east. we're trying to de-radicalize them, so don't fuel them. numnuts.