Being a White Muslim is the ultimate redpill

Being a White Muslim is the ultimate redpill

>treat women like the childbirth vessels they are, marry them off as soon as they can ovulate
>are not cucked by Jews
>are not cucked by Atheists
>are not cucked by fags, drug users or other degenerates
>They understand that all of these groups are a serious threat to traditional values, and they are not afraid to kill in order to protect them

Why the fuck aren't you a Muslim? Seriously, do you have a single reason other than "HURR SANDNIGGERS"

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Durka durka mohammed jihad!

Sup Forums is satire
They pretend to like Hitler because it pisses Regressive Leftists off.
When in reality Sup Forumsacks are actual fedora tipping liberals who just like guns.

Islam is going to become a trend among white liberal arts hipsters in the next 5 years, just watch

>hipster girl: it's so freeing not to have to make any decisions.

>Cant get drunk and smoke weed while listening to Metallica.

Why even live?

Being a white Shia muslim is literally the jews fear.

You do know that The Quaran specifically states that only Arabs can be true muslims and that everyone else is subhuman to them right?

I mean lets forget for a second that every single muslim country in the world is a 3rd world shithole run by absolutely corrupt theocrats and that islam istelf is practiced by subhuman desert peasants who cant read. Islam is quite literally the religion of uneducated illiterate masses.

>white muslim

It is seriously the best hope we have for reigning in white liberals and securing traditional family values

Imagine if every white country converted to Sharia law. No more open homosexuality, no more women acting like stupid whores, no more tolerating the Jews infiltrating our government. We could achieve everything we wanted to as Nationalists, and have the SJWs cheering us on the entire way.

>islam istelf is practiced by subhuman desert peasants who cant read. Islam is quite literally the religion of uneducated illiterate masses.
That's fucking hilarious considering how much the religion reveres a body of text.