Ah.... at last I truly see....
Fuck white people.
Ah.... at last I truly see....
Fuck white people.
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what is wrong with people? that movie really fell apart at the end , why not criticise that fact.
Both of you are wrong and retarded
"White masculinity"..."catharsis" what did she mean by this?
reads like parody desu
gender studies was a mistake. An entire generation of women that perceive literally everything through the lense of radical feminism.
One favourite is a critic saying that Cory (himself a grieving father)had no right to give advice to the grieving father because being white, how could the white man understand native American suffering?
>white "people"
"White masculinity" is bad, while "black masculinity" is of course wonderful and has no nasty aspects to it at all.
the scene at the camp with the oil rig security guards was shit that went 0 to 100 in a few seconds with no logical build up
no no no, all masculinity is toxic. it's just that the inherent victimhood of being born a kang outweighs the privilege of being male
Literally the plebbest way to """"""""""""""""""critique"""""""""""""""""""""" a film
fuk wypipo
ok, you are right. the final conflict of the film made complete sense.
This. It's kind of scary. My sisters friend just blurted out of the blue how much she just loves black people in the middle of a conversation. I doubt she even has any black friends. On top of that she hates my guts because I won in mario kart and she felt free to spurge out and be visibly upset like a 5 year old or something. Idk my generation is off kilter but this next gen is going to be something else.
>literally a jewish anthropologist
You can't make this shit up
I feel like most people here who reference gender studies have no clue of what gender studies actually is. My studies overlapped a little with gender studies the past year so I had to do two courses, and it was literally nothing like how you guys describe it. I don't know if this is different and more feminist in america, but none of the literature or professors I had painted this "radical feminist" viewpoint. The crazy SJW bitches aren't reciting what gender studies tell them, they're just making shit up and pushing their agenda.
Again, no idea what it's like in the US but here there's none of that
Jesus christ, this makes me mad.
One grieving father helping another from a completely different background is fucking beautiful and heartbreaking. It kills me that people will shit on one man helping another just because of some abstract privilege nonsense.
I liked Wind River but I think Sheridan should stick to writing scripts
>White Masculinity
Like...Astronauts and Cowboys and shit?
I don't get it.
Like, the sentence doesn't even make sense. It's actually not far off OP's parody.
>Ugh. White men.
I mean, what's the problem with White Men anyway?
What did you find bad about his direction? It didn't STAND OUT to me as amazing, but I didn't think it was bad or anything.
Of course it's a radical feminist viewpoint. You're just too far radicalized yourself to notice.
It's like a dumb hick sitting in a mega church relaying that there was nothing particularly stupid about the sermon - because just look at what's happening down at the backwater snake handling church!
Absolutely terrible post. Post the syllabi from your classes rather than vaguely stating that "this one vaguething doesn't match this other vague thing."
You must go to an unusual Uni, because in Australia and Europe Gender/Women's Studies is literally feminism (and now trans) studies.
Might be different in America though, don't know.
shaky cam on the scene where Olsen and Renner just talk about his daughter inside his trailer threw me off. I'd agree that his direction wasn't bad either but with standout direction like Sicario, or Hell or High Water it could have been better.
I'm probably just nitpicking
They are the acceptable group for feminists to attack since everybody needs an Other and feminism is doing its best to include ""everyone"""
I actually remember what you're talking about, but it's just one scene. But why are you blaming him rather than the cinematographer?
aaaaaaaaaand she looks exactly like what you would expect her to look like.
The ending is usually the climax you drooling retard, of course it's important.
It's just like sex, if you fuck up the climax it can ruin the whole thing and just leave you wanting or disappointed.
You're one of them.
What..? Ye I sure am too left radicalized, that's why I'm hanging out Sup Forums. Your strawman is showing hard, you don't even know where I'm from. Still though, do you even know what they actually teach in those classes or do you just read macros from Sup Forums?
I'm from Europe, but the students I shared the class with was literally 90% normal people and a couple stereotypical blue/pink haired dykes. One even tried the whole "patriarchy is responsible for everything" but the professor just shut her down hard because that statement wasn't backed by anything relevant to discuss. I'm guessing these professors are just as tired of the feminazis as the rest of us are, didn't seem like the first time he had to shut someone down to continue the lecture.
>I'm from Europe
Then you're a liar, because Gender Studies literally encompases "Women's" studies and Feminism.
>90% normal people
That only happens if it's a mandatory class, which it sometimes is in Australia/U.K.
>Just as tired of the feminazis
They are feminazis.
Again, you're just so far to the left that you don't see it.
It's not a strawman. The Extreme Left is shutting down Feminazis like Greer now, for not being extreme enough.
>Do you even know what they actually teach
I just said it - Here and in the U.K. they literally teach feminist theory, gender theory (not biology, literal sociological gender theory) and now trans-studies.
Fish have no idea they're swimming in water
>what's wrong with the white man?
White men gave the women rights, and equality and now they're realising what a disastrous mistake it was to treat women as equals. In the process, white men lost their masculinity and therefore the respect of these "women".
Again, saying "since you don't agree with me you have to be one of them" is not an argument and just makes you seem paranoid. Not every country is exactly like the anglos you know, judging from you post we actually have less feminist unis which surprise me, since we're considered one of the most progressive regions. Norway btw.
I've never been to the UK or Australia so I have no idea what it's like there, but judging from your post it's a lot worse than here.
>Here and in the U.K. they literally teach feminist theory, gender theory (not biology, literal sociological gender theory)
You are aware that gender theory and biology in no way at all contradicts each other right? Sex is binary, but gender is just the idea of the roles and expectations to the sexes in society, if you don't see how this can change and thus is fluid then you don't really understand what gender is.
Yeah I think trans studies shouldn't be a thing outside psychology, I'm 99% sure it's a mental illness and shouldn't be encouraged.
Gender's largest and most influential factor is biological sex. Acting like the two are mutually exclusive or that gender is fluid shows you really are buying into the garbage unfortunately.
then why is it called gender reassignment surgery
oh look a living stone
>thus is fluid
So fluid that its a choice and something you learn later in life and a mental illness.
Of course gender and sex is linked, but gender theory doesn't disprove anything about biological sex and biology doesn't disprove gender theory, there is no right or wrong side in this.
Honestly I have no idea. In my language it's just called "sex change". Just check up the definitions of "sex" and "gender". This whole mess started when far right feminists either didn't understand the difference between sex and gender or purposely tried to warp it for their agenda, you're just doing the same thing they are doing now.
>far right feminists
"Far right" feminist?
No m8 you just defined the problem here You believe gender being separated from sex actually means anything when thats not only dishonest but by your own definition a irrelevant study
If gender is so separate from sex that it is a product so fluid it changes and was defined by by society alone the idea some one is of a another is simply them making a conscious choice to be. It is being implied people learn what gender later in life and therefore meaningless to anything but psychology and a mental illness
"Fluid" as in the role of a man and what society expects him now compared to say the 1500's. You can't seriously mean you think the exact same thing is expected of us now and then. These roles and expectations change, and that's what fluidity means. It's not set in stone.
If it was set in stone, we wouldn't even have different evolving cultures on earth, since every culture's baseline between man and woman would the exact same. There's a reason eastern european men are viewed as more rough and masculine than western men and that japanese women are viewed as more subservient. If the "set in stone" thing was true we literally wouldn't be able to see a difference between cultures.
Very good summary because it's so concise.
"Amateur critics were a mistake"
- Martin Scorsese
but the sociological construct "gender" is most definitely fluid, as evidenced by the fact that what we expect from people based on their gender changes all the time.
100 years ago women were expected to be homemakers and little else, nowadays that is evidently not the case. Hence, what we associate with a word like "woman" has changed, making it a fluid social construct.
If you think pointing out that obvious fact makes him a radical feminist then you are clearly the one who is way out on a fringe.
>implying professional critics are better
The most accurate rating for any movie online is still the user rating, not a "critic" rating, professional or amateur.
No i agree with that and thats why people who are trans gender or believe they are another gender are mentally ill and making a choice to do so. as your example points out gender is linked to sex and can change but is prescribed to each sex feminine men can exist and masculine women and all in between but to say your another gender all together is the mental illness
Gender roles are learned and a description of how sexes commonly act. A feminine male is just that not a female gender
you're only demonstrating your lack of knowledge about the subject.
Nobody says gender is entirely a social construct. But elements of it are, and the study of the extent to which that is the case is called gender studies. It's as legitimate as any other field of social studies.
If you change your expectations of how someone should behave you have changed your perception of what he actually is? Uhm, no.
Except when its used to say people of different sexes are different genders by biology....
I dont see what your not getting.
A sexed man can not be a female gender since its such a fluid concept those traits can exist in a male gender of another time or society for example.
uhmm, yeah. To a certain extent you have.
>Nobody says gender is entirely a social construct.
False. Many are saying precisely this.
>the study of the extent to which that is the case is called gender studies
By you. That's your personal definition.
>It's as legitimate as any other field of social studies.
So not at all. We can agree on that.
I can't speak for the original guy, but I imagine that what you are referring to is what he meant when he talked about fringe feminists hijacking the concept of gender studies, which has never had any claim to biology whatsoever.
Gender studies don't deal with male and female, that's for biology. Gender studies deals with masculinity and femininity, among other things, and how we relate to these concepts.
Yeah that was obviously meant to say far left feminists, my bad.
You're preaching at the wrong tree, my degree had nothing to do with gender studies apart from these two obligatory classes. I don't really find this stuff that interesting, but it just seems a lot of people complain about gender studies for all the wrong reasons. It's not like there's isn't enough wrong about the far left feminists from before.
And yes obviously it's a physiological, gender studies is all about the perception and beliefs of a society and how the society changes or molds different ideas of masculinity and femininity. I'm not saying a man can literally be a woman if he just thinks he is, I'm saying a man can act and identify as a woman. When people start with all that "pan-sexual" and other-kin shit you just get into special snowflake territory, these people should just get help.
I'm not saying there's nothing wrong with gender studies, I mainly think the encouraging of what I view as mental problems are the biggest, but the field at it's core isn't wrong.
>leftists and white-haters are using the internet to socially-shame Hollywood into depicting whites as wimpy whiny nu-males
Fucking pathetic.
Except society as in everyday institutions use trans GENDER and gender as a way to prescribe meal and female to these freaks no one is out there saying "Your just a feminine guy" when someone confused man to use the women bathroom
these are not fringes but the actual colleges that teach what your defending
No. If you want to make that assertion you have to back it up. I'll go as far as giving you a counter-example:
We used to have no reliable birth control so chastity was the only way to be truly safe. So that's what was advocated for women and even for men at times. Now we have reliable birth control so women are socially permitted to fuck around. Did women transform into something else? Women are still the same, all that changed as the circumstances. Our expectations for how women behave have changed due to circumstance, without altering what a woman is in any way.
If you admit that gender is based on sex then it is unnecessary entirely. Just talk about sex. The very existence of that term and its separation from biology presents a backdoor for the androgyny and tranny agendas to sneak in. It's how they get you to agree that women should act like men with tits because it's what's best for big business, uh, I mean because it's "empowering lmao". It's a root of nothing but evil and it doesn't help with anything. Give one example how having the term "gender" and differentiating it from "sex" is productive in any way.
> false. many are saying precisely this.
Show me a serious academic that claims it.
> by you. that's your personal definition.
How about you look it up in a dictionary instead of being a petulant retard
> Social studies aren't legitimate
Yes, what gain could possibly be had from studying something each and every one of us interacts with in our daily lives.
a man cant identify as female in any legitimate way as its not in any realm correct and a fallacy. He is simply a feminine male. This is why that study is bullshit and full of half assed concepts.
I will show you a academic college that accepts its literally they say a sexed man can identify with a women so much so they can have access women's bathrooms, sports and activities
>Brown University Plans to Put Menstrual Products in the Men’s Bathrooms, Too
>It’s also important to draw the distinction that periods shouldn’t inherently be linked with womanhood. Many women do not have periods for any number of reasons, so linking periods to womanhood only increases misinformation and encourages exclusionary misunderstandings about human biology.
the biological fact of what makes a person a woman hasn't changed, but the role of the woman has changed. You said so yourself, so congratulations, you yourself have just conducted a tiny piece of gender studies.
That's literally all there is to it.
> it's unproductive, nothing but evil, doesn't help with anything.
A lot of judgements with little substance.I can see why you hate social studies, because you would absolutely suck balls at them
I can, however, give you an example:
In many societies, men are about three times more likely than women to commit suicide. Surely we agree this is a problem, right?
It may be because men are more likely to have a chemical imbalance in their brain or some shit like that, but we don't know for certain.
It may also be because men are put under a lot of stress by society. If that is the case, then finding out how that stress materializes and what we can do to prevent it would surely be a productive endeavor, no?
Yeah I mostly agree with you, until science can find a concrete difference in the brain of trans people I will continue too believe it's a mental illness and people should get help instead of getting encouraged. Not to the extent of "curing gayness with jesus" but at least keeping people from doing radical changes like surgery.
I think the biggest problem is the misconception that you can "be" a gender. You are a biological sex, but your gender is something you are assuming sub-consciously, have little to no control over and will most likely change slightly over your lifetime.
You are completely correct in that he is just a feminine male, you obviously can't change your gender according to what you believe. But why do you say he can't identify as a female? Of course he isn't a female, but what identifying as the different gender means is that you think in the society you are living, the role, mannerisms and all that stuff isn't correct for you.
Nice peer-reviewed paper you showed me there. Once again you are confusing some of the people that choose gender studies with the study as a whole.
You can identify as whatever you like. Identifying as something and being something are two different concepts. How is that hard to understand?
I think your missing he part where none fringe and literal academic and institutional authorities quote gender studies to imply and create policy that suggest people who identify as a man and a women are legitimate and biologically legitimate.
Gender study's does nothing to correct this and as i stated the literal proctors of such study are using it to make these decisions
What on earth is "white masculinity"? Being a total redneck? Posting on Sup Forums?
> the different gender means is that you think in the society you are living, the role, mannerisms and all that stuff isn't correct for you
that makes you abnormal not another sex which is what male and female denote
as women can be as masculine as they want that could literally be what a women is in another time and therefore not sex specific and vice versus.
I keep hearing its the study of femininity and masculinity and then you post about identifying as a different sex
A miserable childless hag.
so some people are idiots. What else is new?
> gender studies does noting to correct this
The one professor I've had who also did gender studies quite specifically said that her field stays out of the way of biology, so that statement is patently untrue.
Not wearing a chastity cage and having views to the right of Communism.
Because seeThe act of identifying as such is being treated as legitimate by the same people who offer and oversee gender studies if not you would see them being corrected and treated as such
This post personifies exactly why I never come here. Fucking imbecile
which to me just reeks of retarded Anglos being retarded Anglos. The fact that a few people in your country don't know what the hell they are talking about doesn't delegetimize the field as a whole.
Your one professor does nothing to change the culture of the study and the fact non fringe literal institutions quote it to enact these wildly inappropriate and inaccurate policies
I can literally be expelled by your professor school for telling a confused man hes not a female and just abnormal
Except when the proctors of said field are making the same mistakes.....
> your one professor does nothing to change the culture
I'm starting to question whether you even speak English. Of course the professor has an impact on the culture of the field, she is the fucking field.
So we should entirely discount studies which have been misused?
Congratulations on establishing your university of fuck all.
>leftists have actually come full circle to actual racism
>people have no individual responsibility or racism
>instead they all adhere to the expectation of their skin
We should discount studies and degrees provided being abused by said institute, yes
>film about a white man
>criticism is that he acts like a white man
Yes. Piss poor universities should be labeled as such. On that we agree.
The reason you hear these people say "I identify as a female" is just that, they view themselves as what a female represents in society, not that they literally ARE a female. Hence the "I identify" and not "I am". If a man legitimately thinks he is a female, then that is just plain confusion or illness as they don't seem to have a real grip on reality.
Gen z is already more conservative than ours, they see the complete retardation happening and want none of itm
Except thats a fallacy again
you keep saying it s study of feminine and masculine but female and male are sexes
again he should be identifying as a feminine male since gender is fluid and not linked intrinsically with sex remember
thats also ignoring institutions will treat a man who identifies as female as if biologically they need to catered as such
how can masculinity and femininity have any meaning whatsoever unless they are intrinsically tied to the biological sex that they are referencing? Don't you realize that when you are talking about gender and masculine/feminine concepts that the very definition of these things is rooted in our biology? To say that somehow a 'social construct' develops without being a biological imperative is fucking retarded. Men are the way they are because we are biologically required to be.
> without biology
I am done running in circles with you. Go read a fucking book about it, retard.
She hates white men because they rejected her ugly dumpy ass. I mean look at her.
name one fundamental masculine trait that has changed definitions over the course of time
Is someone actually trying to convince people to buy in into this post modernist gender nonsense? What the fuck.
they dident the truth is all this shit boils down to gender studies being about studying how some men are feminine and some are masculine in different societies
Is Wind River worth a torrent?
Yes its a comfy sleeper
It's a pretty solid movie, 7/10. Strangely didn't care for the murder mystery, Renner's character and his life was way more engaging
>men are about three times more likely than women to commit suicide.
>It may also be because men are put under a lot of stress by society.
There it is again, "society"...
>If that is the case, then finding out how that stress materializes and what we can do to prevent it would surely be a productive endeavor, no?
>[emphasis mine] If that is the case
This is a great example for how social pseudoscience findings take place: You take some data others came up with (men's suicide rates), make the assumption that no other science (such as biology/medicine) could solve the problem and instead take wild leaps to frame the problem as something you are equipped to deal with ("society" did it, I can prove it by making up theories with no scientific method). In this case you assume that alleviating stress would lower male suicide rates. The most scientific this will get is that you will observe that men's stress levels are higher than women's or that suicidal person's stress levels are higher than the normal population. Something like that. You'll do this if the science is already out there, otherwise you'll just leap straight to the assumption that you're onto something without any data to back you up (again). You've decided that your area of research is limited to reading, writing, asking people questions and occasionally borrowing data from real sciences. It's all cargo cult, pretending to be part of an academic loop when you're actually a parasite impersonating real science and accomplishing nothing but survival.
Real sciences bring us objective advancements over time. The social fields only perpetuate themselves.