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Milo's writing for Breitbart again?
>Capeshit getting fucked
oh noooo how terrible that sucks.
I doubt the would have seen it anyways
Ben Aflecki gets it for refugee welcome.
Feels good desu. Fuck Matt Damon too for being a lefty faggot. Hollywood will be right wing again.
>america elects a pussy-grabbing philanderer to presidency
>won't go see a movie though
Yeah, right. They'll bluster about it on twitter and tumblr, but they'll be there opening night.
>not boycotting it after Suicide squad and the mess that was BvS
I'll watch a shitty camrip of that movie with hardcoded malaysian subtitles.
Naw his twitter handle was Nero
shouldn't they boycotting every movie by that logic ? why stop at justice league ?
>see tweets
>pickle rick
>trump supporter from texas
Are these all your accounts OP?
Democrats have been boycotting reality since the election. They'll boycott this movie too.
Lol. Hollywood has always been left, relative to the times
Your fault for giving degeneracy human rights
Nothing new, they have always been triggered by DC, they called the "Trump of movies". Marlel is the shitskin/SJW friendly franchise
Feminists weren't going to see it in the first place.
ice League
strange times we live in these days, strange times
>make retarded tweet
>kek let me post it on Sup Forums
Kek. I know. The last one was a stretch. Hopefully it’ll go back to the classic times.
Won't happen, (((gal gadot))) is too much of YAS QUEEN icon for the femikikes to turn on her.
>going to see ANY super hero movie nowadays
*breathes in*
*cries laughing with paws over mouth*
>Capeshit getting boycotted
Fine by me
Great, the theater will have far less annoying people
>paying 20 dollars to sit by yourself and watch Jewstice Team
Guten goj
Is your father a good man, OP? He's probably done worse than accidentally brush a boob or butt at a party.
>Watching Justice League at all
>Dangerous Faggot
Jesus christ. Let's see who you are, OP
Ben Afleck and his bad taste
the DCEU is fucking dust bros
>20 dollars
fucking hell man, where do you live lol
Who do we have to get accused of rape to tear down marvel along with DC?
They've been fighting against reality way before the election.
Mods are deleting all the threads against Affleck in /co
damn. she is the hottest child murderer ever. UGHH!!!
is it time?
This. It's got a solid hype foundation with that, if anything this """"boycott"""" is only more free press for what is probably its core audience (males n sheit).
Was wonder woman good? I didn't see it.
To be fair, America only elected Bill Clinton because of Ross Perot spoiling the vote
I couldn't get past the intro monologue. It felt too hollow for my tastes.
They took an honourable German War hero Field Marshall and turned him into a cartoon villain who gases his own officers for some reason and laughs maniacally.
It started out okay, and then suddenly wen't full retard. Felt like two different movies between the first and second half.
Considering Disney is behind all this, I don't see it happening
yeah they did that shit in Schindler's list too it pissed me off.
Painfully mediocre but still the best capeshit of the year
Why wouldn't they? Nobody's discussing comics or cartoons.
tickets for two. some theaters require you to be with people.
See for yourself
google coral sharon
you can thank me later
so what I have seen posts on Sup Forums that have nothing to do with tv or film.
So you think moderation is the same on all boards? It's never been like that.
that is not fucking real. right?
>Civil War was cucked in the US by this
I don't know if these two groups overlap very much user
good point
damn how many kids did she kill. Gadot got two of the little fuckers.
i never understood how they got massive boobs down there
till a friend of mine told me that the state is pushing a diet full of chicken and food full of natural hormones in general
apparently they want to make their girls to be more fertile cause they will have a huge demographic problem in some years
>they want to make their girls to be more fertile
damn too bad chad is fucking half of them.
O look, a "NEW" reason to blame when this movie bombs.
Not because it's a shitty movie with bad cgi and acting
But because Ben groped someone on tv and they were ok with it at the time, and now that SH is a hot topic they bring it up.
Why cant multi-million dollar movies just suck...?
Still bitter Gingrich? No Christian Sharia for you.
thank you
her cousin is on the same caliber too
Raid thread posing as a smearshill thread. They dont work for marvel or dc.
Hollywood aided and abetted the psycho feminist bitches. Let them suffer the consequences.
Also, capeshit needs to die.
It's still a month till it comes out. They will have moved on by then.
It won't bomb though, DC basically prints money
Not it's CGI. Hard to believe it isn't real
no that can't be from a multi-million dollar film.
>Ben Affleck
>Joss Whedon
idk she's really unpopular with the more leftist sjws because she served in the idf
so now instead of batman he is the gropeman?
Do women even watch capeshit?
No one cares about Palestine and Israel has mandatory service
Is it possible to make $100's million movie bomb
> Anyone who supports this movies Supports Violence against Women
*tips fedora*
What a cute little witch
Marvel wins again without even having to lift a finger.
>Wonder Woman is a cultural event and a smash hit, becomes the most profitable capeshit in years humilliating marlel
>Snyder's daughter conveniently dies
>Joss Whedon is brought in and it conveniently comes out he fucked a bunch of sluts in the 90s or some forced controversy shit like that
>daily fake news about reshoots and production drama despite being outright denied by actors and directors alike, some of them literally HOURS before the DC pannel at the SDCC
>now this convenient shit
Damn this is sure a huge amount of coincidences of the highest purity right here. Unrelated but did you know that Soros is one of the biggest Disney shareholders? Haha.
Scary rich Jew. Ebin post man
>Publicly already admitted he did it, that it was inappropriate and wrong, and also apologized for it.
Yeah, no. He did the right thing and while this will linger around for some time, he's fine as long as more accusations don't emerge. At worst people will start talking about his brother's behaviour, and that's entirely different matter.
I say again. The capeshit spammers are not backed by the capeshit studios. We checked.
It's schlockkino
? Everybody knows Disney has shills here, there are people defending those nuEwoks as we speak
Wouldn't be surprised if the Mouse is the real mastermind behind this controversy...
>he's fine as long as more accusations don't emerge
Except they will. This is literally a chance for ANY woman in America to get 15 minutes of fame by claiming he groped her at some random bar/party a decade ago
>tfw the eternal roastie will bring down the hollywood propaganda establishment
>as long as more accusations don't emerge
I guess you haven't heard the news.
>look for #boycottjusticeleague
>literally nothing
Keep forcing that shit, shill, you're almost there
I guess he has more apologizing to do.
So what, crowds at the opening night, but half the audience's going to be walking out whenever Batfleck shows up on screen (and walking back in whenever Gal Gadot is on)?
And drinking.
Sup Forums is so liberalist. Is like hillary's board