>those couple of minutes a day when you have to think about what will happen if the West doesnt rise up
How do you live with it Sup Forums?
>those couple of minutes a day when you have to think about what will happen if the West doesnt rise up
How do you live with it Sup Forums?
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Internet and weed.
>those couple of minutes a day when you're going to and from work and see the destruction first hand
Worst part is that I'm paying for it. Enslaved to support my own extinction.
you and me both buddy
The sooner the West stops being the economic powerhouse of the world is the day when people stop trying to get in and when it's no longer profitable to try to subvert it.
It's China's turn to get some cultural enrichment.
accept the inevitable
Problem is Chiba is like 90% ethnic Han and they don't give two shits about the ethnic genocide they've been committing for centuries.
Christianity made the West strong, but ultimately it's made us weak.
neither did the West 70 years ago. The reality is that all civilizations will fall and we will go back to being a bunch of idiotic nigger primates.
The death of humanity
The best the West can do is make an exodus towards a place and create a Hong Kong like citystate of a couple million people.
>cultural enrichment
China is at the peak to culturally enrich others.
They have enough people to walk across the middle east with only a spoon and still exterminate 100% of all Muslims.
If you went to China you would find
>entire cities created on the basis of working at a factory
>villagers so brainwashed they would murder someone just for saying "china isn't a world power"
Their supply and demand is not the same as other countries.
They actually need jobs, not people.
Murica needs people and not jobs, the jobs exist. People just aren't qualified.
Which is an entirely different issue altogether.
every civilisation falls, you can't go up forever, sometimes you have to fall, think of destruction as the other side of creation, do not concern yourself too much with such toughts
>couple of minutes
that's not even close to the best
burn in your own degeneracy hans , you chose it
never doubt.
Maybe for you Pedro, but I'm not gonna revert back to a primate.
nothing, because i don't live in a western country (just in one that is influenced by it). Like others have said, all civilizations rise and fall and it's time for the west to do so. It's the asians time to rule, i guess (that is if jacob shekelstein and the rest of the synagogue do not start jewing the too).
This vid gives me hope boners.
By not being an autistic emo.
>wake up
>think about your problems
>have a shitty day because you are a failure
>come back to home
>think about the end of the west
>go to bed
I plan. I still will rise even if no one else does out of principle
>those couple of minutes a day
>not hours
>not literally every second you spend on this planet
this is why you're cucked my friend
Meds keep me going! Also the thing beyond the meds that keep me pushing ever harder forward in life is the idea of becoming white Soros, funding all kinds of fun white nationalist projects through foundations and influencing politics heavy handedly.
I always wanted to be business man anyways. Might as well become force of good while at it.
I then think about the fact that we won't go quietly. War is coming, and it may well be our last.
But in the end, everything ends, but as long as it ends well, all is good.
Du stirbst, Besitz stirbt
Die Sippen sterben.
Einzig lebt, wir wissen es,
Der Toten Tatenruhm
The fall of Western Civilization is inevitable as long as liberals get their way. I hope it won't crumble in my lifetime, but I have no faith in that.