Movies where the good guys keep winning?
Movies where the good guys keep winning?
fguck off back to Sup Forums you pathetic fucking peice of shit no one cares. enjoy your ban
if this means the end of handegg then thank god
>5 seconds of play
>30 minute break
nice ""sport""
Like they're not all going to be walking statistics in 7 years anyways.
>give me a safe space
the NFL is a reality tv show
Settle down sweetie
not Sup Forums
this shit thread is as Sup Forums as can be, it wouldn't even belong on Sup Forums
also kill yourselves.
What are some films about censorship?
Stay in your blade runner general
>t. Nigger
Fuck no.
Fuck you, you fucking piece of shit, WE won, WE won the election.
Your candidate lost when she was projected to win by a landslide.
Sup Forums supported and shilled Hillary on our board and tried to demoralize us, and we will never let you forget that.
You told us we could never win, so we have every right to post these threads here, just to remind you of your spectacular failure.
You wanted us gone. Now we're here for good.
*sips tea*
You know you fucked up when CNN takes the side of trump
and what was his motive?
>broadcast blatant provable lies as news
>wtf why did my license get revoked?
actually are there any films that portray censorship as something good or necessary at times?
Not even sure what I think about censorship but I can't think of any media at all that doesn't treat censorship as the end all be all of evil.
I'm aware this is a falseflag, but unironically this
>i make political decisions based off cherrypicked anonymous internet postings
holy shit lmao i bet you actually come to Sup Forums for in depth film analysis
>"if you lose you win"
ah the classic right wing rallying cry. you do realize trumps victory only spells an ultimate victory for the left right? you realize his entire presidency has been a failure right? you know his reputation is completely ruined right? you know he has no chance in 2020 right? you know his utter failure and obvious bigotry has destroyed the entire republican party right? be ready for 2020 bro. trump only won because the left got lazy due to pollsters lying about hillarys chance of winning. this time we're mad as fuck and thirsty for vengeance. trump is done for and he conveniently is bringing down the entire republican party with him. it feels so good to win lol. nice cringepost btw, you're soobviously some reddit newfag transplant from r/t_d
Watchmen, kind of.
but also agree
>I'm not sure if I dislike censorship
>I'm on the fence
Jesus Christ, you people really do sound like cultists.
Lol fag
>an ultimate victory for the left
I really can't wait for the west to become a Brazil tier hellscape, thanks a lot for that lads
>trying desperately to copy "alt-right babies" meme
>can't even inspect element and take a screenshot
>awkwardly tries to recreate font in gimp, doesn't look right at all
^ please observe how non-autistic Sup Forumscucks do it and try again
>GOP shooting themselves in the foot for the next 50 years is like muh Brazil boogeywogey.
Only sane person in this thread. Stop shitting up the board with your reddit politics, just go to Sup Forums ffs
>ESPN makes up the majority of the segment, and by my estimates, as much as 35% of Disney's total operating income. That means just ESPN is just about as consequential as the parks & resorts (19% of operating income) and the studio (16% of operating income) combined.
You are now aware that this could literally take down Disney
well I'm a big fan of censoring pedo shit, which I know most of the faggots on Sup Forums would be against.
You're the scummiest fucking kinds of people on the entire internet.
How ashamed of yourself are you for being such a fucking failure?
You couldn't get Hillary elected even when the odds were all in her favor, yet you think you have the power to shame us off this board?
Fuck you, and fuck everything you stand for.
Anti-leftist threads are the future you chose by shilling Hillary on Sup Forums, you can go to /r/movies if you don't fucking like it you dumb bitch, because this is our board now.
That's just an extreme example fallacy.
no the mass importation of subhumans that you leftists clearly desire is what will turn us into Brazil
Gay people are an abomination.
>Sup Forums aren't the scummiest people on the internet.
Literally everyone of the pub candidates could beat Hilary because moderates and republicans hated her, and the left was apathetic about her. Why not pube hair rand or sleepy doctor man?
that image has been getting posted by the same retard every 4 hours for the last 12 months
Nice whatabout, faglord.
Donald is /our guy/. If you don't like that you can fuck right off back to plebbit