In Norway, the punishment for murder is four months per murder in a luxury hotel with a computer, TV, and a PS2.
In Norway, the punishment for murder is four months per murder in a luxury hotel with a computer, TV, and a PS2
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Muh oppression!
I love you anders!
I think the 8th amendment should realistically apply to your prisons. There's nothing wrong with having a cell like this.
so he only gets 77 years?
they should only give him time served Breivik
No thx
Not even a PC.. damn
Do I get unlimited games with the PS2? There were some pretty good games on there.
It's kinda shit with no internet
You realize he only gets to play games like Rayman, right? It's quite simply psychological torture.
no you can only play a few of the shit games
>a PS2
I would be able to play the age of empires two port forever.
It's not like there's much to do in that room anyway. The furniture looks nice but it's still just a bed and a chair
I should go there and kill some "refugees"
Be a better life for me.
A PS2? Fucking torture.
Getting some good PS2 RPG's and being in prison kinda sounds like a dream desu
Ps2, wtf.
Why even live.
People who think norwegian prisons are nice need to watch this.
As long as I can still play crash team racing
>Only PS2
My right to play bloodborne has been violated. Human rights groups please help.
what the fuck? my lawyer would sue the shit out of them for this disgrace.
In Sweden you get the same and if you happen to be tanned you also get a nice 16 yo swedish virgin
So if each muslim becomes age X then he can kill and rape Y children with Z time?
Rayman is good you faggot.
A prison sentence in Norway isn't intended to be punishment, but rather keeping the crazy fucker away for a while and not turn him into a society-resenting nutjob if he gets out.
I need dem pc's for dem onlyne books mang
I'm pretty sure most of them don't have PS2s.
Shadilay!!! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
>Not a PS4 Pro on a 4k monitor with 100mbps internet speed
This should be against the Geneva conventions
prison in norway is meant to rehabilitate. prisoners in 'merica just gets crazier, atleast in norway they get fixed. also, the worst prisoners apparently gets isolated to the point of them calling it torture. yea, they get nice stuff, but they have no social interaction at all
That's oddly specific. How did it end up that way, did Norway pass a law back when the PS2 was relevant that every cell will be supplied with a PS2?
>no social interaction at all
why not just kill them, that's not exactly rehabilitation
>why not just kill them
There's always the chance of convicting an innocent.
>Why not just kill them all?
Still better than here.
If you are under 18 and you commit a crime, ANY crime you walk away free and with record clean as soon as you turn 18
WHAT THE FUCK, That's nice than my flat.
Solution: Move to Norway and kill someone for free housing.
>All these niggers hating on based PS2
The Playstation peaked with 2, you faggots.
>MGS 2&3
>Soul Calibur 2
>GTA San Andreas
>Max Payne 1&2
>Shadow of the Colossus
>Silent Hill
>Battlefront 2
I could go on.
you're not imprisoned in your shit flat so deal with it
You have a computer, you can go outside and do stuff. What are you going to do in that cell, sit on the chair?
because we're not savages
Yeah except you can't choose what games you play, they give you shovelware shit that makes you want to kill yourself
Shouldn't you assume rehabilitation with social interaction in that case
You just making a basement dwelling perma-neet Sup Forumslack without internet in that case
I was more thinking in the difference in build quality that is spent on a prison vs commercial housing.
This is an incredibly stupid practice and I completely disagree with it
Justice means punishment
And the punishment should also serve as a warning
It only sorta works in Norway cause Norwegians and other Scandinavians don't really care if their relatives got raped or murdered
So I can go to Norway and kill refos and only get a few months?
I'm down as fuck
can't make money off of dead bodies.
US prison system is one of the most fucked up businesses of modern times. look into it.
ah man fucking hell sign me up.
I'd just play star ocean till end of time . My first ps2 game and took me 70hrs to clear , good post game content too
well, it works. crime in norway is almost non-existant. that is, until the muslims came along and fucked everything up
>Justice means punishment
Nice statement you got there lad. Try attaching an argument for why that makes sense to go with it next time.
>Everything Changed When the Fire Nation Attacked
Even with tougher prisons crime would be almost non-existent in a white country
>hurr durr I'm ronery :,(
norwegians are pussies desu
Can I swap ps2 for N64 & bring my own cartridges?
I am up for it if I can.
Isolation is torture. Those who havent experienced it cannot really deny it.
I was held 4 weeks in cell inside police station because they tried to make me confess something what I had no knowledge of(somebody ordered large amount of drugs to my home address). It wasnt even real prison with all proper facilities, just a police station. They kept me 23 hours inside cell, i got barely 1h outside on 6x9m walled yard where i was able to see only sky. I had no electricity, TV, shower or sink in my cell. Just toilet seat and water automat for drinking. Lights were controlled outside, I had to call guards if i wanted them off(i was lucky if they responded under 1h). There was no library, just one small bookshelf with some books. They let only one prisoner out at the time so we couldnt see eachother or know who else was there. My only social contact was with the police. This is a strategy trying to make people speak to police because they have nobody else to speak to. I was glad that I didnt smoke because they let you smoke only once in a day during outdoor hour(which was usually less than 45mins). Junkies were screaming with withdrawal symptoms.
Im very introverted person and I meditated a lot so it wasnt so hard on me but I heard how other people screamed, cried and banged doors during night. I knew that i was innocent and that they could keep me there for max. 4 weeks before they would have to transfer me to real prison or let me free. This kept me sane because i knew that i wasnt gonna be there forever. I can only imagine what years of isolation can do to mind, depriving all proper social contact is a form of torture. I'm not suprised that people kill themselves in isolation.
And this was in Finland where prisons are similar "hotels" than in Norway. It's been one year since I got out and they still havent prosecuted me because they couldnt find any evidence what could link me to it.
If you think Norwegian prisons are good, watch this:
What the fuck, why are you guys hating on the PS2? It has great games.
Yeah and it plays any game at 240p 10fps
Awful. The prisoners should sue for cruel and unusual punishment.
PS2 is when gaymen started to fall apart. Truly it was the beginning of the end.
If true that is so fucked up because you can easily do that to anyone through Tor if you know their address.
I wouldn't have thought such a thing was possible here.
PS2 games had better framerate than the consoles after it, 60fps wasn't unusual. Now games chug at 20fps because grafics
I could easily spend four years in my luxury apartment playing SWB2
>actually trying to make your criminals functional members of society
>letting murderers play manhunt for 4 months in "prison"
PS2 were really cheap after the PS3 released.
It works really well if there are barely any niggers or sandniggers around.
I said to police that anybody can order anything to anybody. It's really fucked up how easily you can ruin somebodys life.
They searched my apartment and PC but couldnt find anything what would prove that I ordered them. They really tried to make me confess but how could I confess something what I had no knowledge of. That's why they kept me there for max 4 weeks allowed in police jail.
European Court of Human Rights has given multiple warnings to Finland because they keep prisoners inside police stations for weeks without transferring them to real prisons where u can get TV, xbox(old one) and other facilities.
I'm gonna get 100-200 euros for each day if they dont prosecute me but I still wouldnt want to go there again even if i would get 5k for it. It's been one year now and I still havent been in court after I got out.
>I think
thats the problem. dont think, youre a fucking idiot
Uhh... my PS2 runs most games in 480p, and a few in 1080i. All of them run at 60 fp/s except for that game where you play as a dog or some shit.
Ps2 hardware is weaker than an iphone 5
>atleast in norway they get fixed
They don't get fixed you idiot. Norway just has a fucked up judicial system that dosn't lock up anyone when they commit a crime. Norway has the same reoffending rate as the US.
>They searched my apartment and PC but couldnt find anything what would prove that I ordered them.
What could have even been something like that? Those orders are done through Tor and it doesn't leave evidence of what you do on there on your computer (I think)
Also, how did you pay your bills while inside?
Have you ever been to jail or prison before?
Ya it does tor was built by us navy all the nodes you go through are nsa. Its a big honeypot
Even if that were true the Finnish police don't have access to that. Evidenced by the fact it's ridiculously easy to order drugs online here.
Destroy All Humans best game
norway's recidivism rate after 5 years: 20%
usa's recidivism rate after 5 years: 76.6%
incarceration rate of norway is 75 per 100 000 people, in america it's at 716
inb4 some amerifat blames it all on minorities as if they account for such a huge chasm alone
>Mfw that picture is considered a "luxury hotel" in the US.
So you're saying it sucks and you didn't like it? Huh, it's almost like you're not supposed to like going to jail as it is a deterrent as well as a punishment
>luxury hotel
>vice city on PS2
I could do prison
no violent games I suppose
Actually when i was in Norway my friend's dad was complaining that Somalis from Sweden would hop the border and shoplift so as to get arrested in Norway. Apparently they hook you up with a job upon release.
>Calls that a luxury hotel
They let me use net bank while police was watching. Luckily I was unemployed at the time so I had no job to lose. I could call only my family members while police was next to me listening that I wouldnt say anything why I was there or details of the crime.
My parents still dont know that ive been in jail for 4 weeks, my bro/sis said that my cellphone had died.
They found remains of some old tor browser but it hadnt been used for many months. I said that it wasnt crime to use tor and they admitted it. Tor had been in finnish news back then so many people had tried it.
Only way how they could really get me sentenced is confession. Thats why they kept me 4 weeks in torture like conditions. I actually wanted to go real prison instead of being there in isolation.
Day when I got out was really the best day in my life. It made me appreciate world and freedom much more.
I can still go to prison for 1-3 years or get 4-5k euros. I'm gonna go public if I get sentenced for something what I didnt do and what they couldnt prove that I havent done.
>Be american
>Consider small tiny room a "luxury hotel"
peasant shit
this is worse than hell
>Tiny prison room
>"Luxury hotel"
There's a difference between serving your punishment by having your freedom taken away and having basic human rights taken away. I've spent some time in jail in the US and Canada for alcohol related incidents (no DUI) and my only complaint is the treatment you receive from officers and the lacking of proper holding facilities.
I'm not even going to touch of prisons since we both know the state of them, despite our fundamental philosophical differences as to what punishment consists of.
Varg Vikernes made a video about it. It's infinitely worse than a regular prison. You're alone all the time and mostly have nothing to do.
He also stated that suicide rates in this "luxury" prisons are several times higher than in a "normal" jail where inmates can talk to each other
So were the drugs never in your possession? Because I assume that would actually be a crime.
>I can still go to prison for 1-3 years
How could they accomplish this?
>Mfw I see OP's "luxury hotel".