if your country banned this shit dog
seriously, are you a nigger?
if your country banned this shit dog
seriously, are you a nigger?
This is now a cute pitbull puppy thread
my dubs say your dogs are shit
Sorry they banned your girlfriend, leaf
Those dog grow up, get adopted by niggers and spics, then tear other dogs or children up while their nigger owner does nothing to train them, or even stop them from acting like niggerdogs.
Therefore we need to either ban them or ban niggers and spics, for the safety of everybody else and their dogs.
Banned where i live (Germany, BY)
Get out of here, Jamal
Not banned in glorious Alberta.
Sounds like you found the problem. Niggers....not the dogs.
In Bayern sollte man exklusiv DEUTSCHE SCHAEFERHUNDE halten. Sonst nichts.
is that texas on the dogs breast?
niggers and spics get high and then rape white women. So I guess weed is the problem, right?
I can have assault rifles and assault dogs.
Stay sad Canadia.
pittbuls should not be banned, they should be genocided
Yah but we can't ban niggers, so we ban the dog. It's a shit tier dog that's good for fuck all anyhow. It can't hunt, it's hard to train cause it's so stupid, they turn aggressive at around age 6, and they have tendencies to accidentally hurt people.
Is that so Mario?
My pitbull is smarter and has achieved more than you you worthless NEET.
>banning a breed of dog
>breedfags will just make a new type of fight dog by making the golden recriever really fucking aggressive
you change nothing, leaf. you just let pandora's box loose.
Pits are the niggers of the dog world. Overall they're violent and terrible but there's always those fucking apologetic white people that have to say shit like "I had a pit bull/nigger friend growing up and they were great" or "not all pits/niggers are like that" or "pits/niggers that are raised around good people turn out just fine. It's the environment!"
You're pit/nigger friend has been bred to be aggressive and violent and I don't want them near my family.
>My pitbull is smarter and has achieved more than you you worthless NEET.
Sure man, I've only taken care of 3 nigger-tier dogs out of the 20 or so dogs I've had to either babysit or raise myself. I don't know anything.
>banning a dog
Fucking leafs those dogs are only aggressive if you treat it like shit just like any other animal
>niggers are only aggressive if they grew up in African slums! It's the environment I swear!
Forgot I had a pic of my friends dog, literally the nicest dog I've ever met.
niggers detected
>comparing niggers to animals
That dog is a black lab-pit mix you fucking retard
Black labs are the nicest dogs ever.
>I cant train a specific breef therefore all breed should die
>literally banning a breed of dog
Leafs, ladies and gentleman
>comparing animals to animals is unacceptable.
pupper banning is true cucking. ban bad owners
Pit bulls raised in good environments often snap and hurt/kill people and other pets. I know, because it happened to my cousin's 2-year-old; everyone was just soooo shocked! this could happen, he was always such a sweet dog, basically canine dindu nuffins. Pic related, the only good kind of pit bull.
Your anecdotal experience does not change the fact that these dog breeds are disproportionately responsible for a large amount of gruesome attacks done by dogs. There were "nice" Hitler supporting Germans during the war, that does not change the overall statistical reality of what happened.
AR15s don't go off on their own.
I should be allowed to own a war elephant
>comparing animals that live, breathe, and run on instinct to a chunk of lifeless metal only dangerous in the hands of someone who means to use it
HUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE, kill yourself, Zika kike.
>niggers are genetically more likely to be aggressive!
Sup Forums
Pitbulls just go off when they have a bad owner.
ARs just go off when they have a bad owner.
Black people or Pittbulls... which is more dangerous?
AR-15s Dont randomly snap and bite people without human interaction. Nice try dipshit.
Pretty much every pitbull owner is retarded so what should we do then, monkey?
>banning dogue de beurdeux
>banning the harmless american shart in mart equivalent of a dog
what the hell krauts. DDB dindu nuffin
waow he look strong
Fucking hell. How do you guys feel about Rottweilers? German Shepherds? Dobermans? There's always going to be a FotM meme dog to hate on because dumb ass niggers train them to be attack dogs. You can ban Pits if you want but next year all your niggers will be training Blue Heelers as guard dogs.
>making excuses for poor genetics
Nigger detected. Also, if there's any doubt that pits are the niggers of dogs, have a gander at pic related: Thing is a fucking rockfish, for crying out loud. They can't swim because they're niggers. Deal with it.
>caucasian owtscharka not banned
>dogs half its size and less aggressive allowed
Can't. Beaners and white trash love it too much.
If it were up to me, I would ban selling dogs in general.
When Pitbulls get old they are liable to start biting their loved ones, it could be a form of dementia or other neurological senility. Regardless people still think the dog is their same little puppy but occasionally it doesn't recognize you. This is where all of the "he was a good dawg and he dindu nuffin, until he tore out my daughter's throat for no reason"
Rottweilers come second in incidents of attack, behind pit bulls, who have more than double the numbers of Rottweilers. Hey, where have we heard this before?
>13% of the population
>commits several times more violent crime than every other race
Gee, sure sounds familiar. It's almost like pit bulls are nigger dogs. Really makes you think.
I'm as surprised as you are.
Sup Forums defends pitbulls because they're white trash who need a "tough" dog to motivate for their tiny penis
Some species of dogs can be more agressive than others, but the real problem is how people educate them, and since niggers, arabs, white trash and others things like that don't educate them and treat dogs like shit (I saw an arab that was speaking with his friends while agitating his leash in every directions, the dog struggled to follow it and was obviously suffering a little but the jamal and his friends didn't give a fuck about it).
The real problem is who is the master, I have a dog that won't certainly hurt anyone, I can put my fingers in his mouth and he won't bite me, never did
I love it when a pitbull defender gets mauled because they tried to use cesar millan abuse to train it.
Fuck 'em
>German Shepherds?
Should only be owned by cops and should NEVER, EVER be a civilian dog. Very aggressive and protective
>There's always going to be a FotM meme dog to hate on because dumb ass niggers train them to be attack dogs.
The difference is that pits, rotts, and the GS are all bred to maim or kill either humans or other dogs. I have a black lab trained to "sic 'em" but I know he will never, EVER do so unless I, and only I, say the magic words or someone busts down my door.
When you ban pits, rottweiller will have more incidents than german sheperds despite being less common. When you ban rottweilers GSD will have more incidents than poddles, despite being less common, so you will end up just with faggy lapdogs.
If your dog fucks someone up, the owner have to be punished for the crime, but banning dogs simply because they eventually kill someone is like banning guns because some people use them to commit crimes.
Nearly every single pitt owner set out and decided they wanted a "badass" dog. They get off on the fact that they have"tamed" an animal that was bred to rip other dogs apart. They get off on the fact that many people initially react to the dog with fear.
The real good idea would be to forbid trash people to have dogs
you think dobermans are easier to train than german shepherds? German shepherds are basically born trained.
>Nearly every single assault weapon owner set out and decided they wanted a "badass" weapon.They get off on the fact that they have "mastered" an weapon that was made to kill other people. They get off on the fact that many people initially react to the weapon with fear.
Both statements are true.
fuck that shit. Gravity do your fucking job.
a nigger can be a dog groomer
you can't (won't) ban niggers, you can't ban pitbulls either.
>dindu bull owners
Mine is sweet
>banning dogs simply because they eventually kill someone is like banning guns because some people use them to commit crimes.
No, it really isn't.
My gun isn't going to run off with my other gun after a little girl getting off the schoolbus because of gun genetics and instinct. You're trying to make a comparison between a living thing and an inanimate object, and it's not working. Your analogy is broken, so either come up with one that works or stop with your MUH GUNZ SLIPPERY SLOPE fallacy. Pits were bred to be aggressive, just like Dobermans. You can't train a nigger to be white and magically increase their frontal lobe capacity.
>muslims, leafs, and niggers all hate dogs
Go figure.
do you fuck it?
That's what we're saying. Ban the niggers and spics.
>You can't train a nigger to be white and magically increase their frontal lobe capacity.
So you are arguing for gun bans.
> No civilian should own a German Shepard.
But an AR15 is alright, isn't it, son?
Get fucked. My Lass isn't going to gnaw your bollocks off, you dumb cunt.
I'm 'alf tempted to assume you are some kind of troll.
>tfw used to have a pitbull and labrador retriever that were best pals
>got along just fine, went everywhere together
>pitbull was a good boy, dindu nuffin
>on day decide to tie on both of my dogs in the front yard and left them for 10 minutes
>local natives in the area let their dogs roam free like a bunch of irresponsible assholes
>two rottweilers and a great dane who were loose decide to attack my labrador retriever
>my pitbull broke free of its chain, went to save labrador retriever
>killed a rottweiler and broke another rottweiler's leg before returning home
>natives start freaking out, pull the whole "MUH DOG DINDU NUFFIN, ITS THE PITBULL'S FAULT"
>pitbull has to be put down for "being violent"
>natives are still allowed to let their dogs roam free, leashless
>labrador retriever gets lonely, depressed, sick and dies
It's not fair, Sup Forums, my pit bull tried to be a hero and got put down like a villain
U wot m8
My next door neighbor is a cop with a GS
I can't even be in my fucking backyard anymore because it barks and growls at me the whole time. I'd kick the shit out of the damn thing but I don't wanna be charged with assaulting a fucking officer.
>cesar millan
Isn't that the stupid spic who's on that "Dog Whistler" show or whatever? Either way, he's a fucking retard. If you wanna train a doggo, no matter what breed, you don't pinch it or whatever that spic does. Literally common sense
they are supposed to be but there are loads here anyway
My own dog is a Staffordshire bull terrier and has cancer
And also, my AR-15 doesn't bark and threaten anyone who gets within 15 feet of it.
Do the math nigger
>nigger + gun
Can kill 50 persons per second
>nigger + pitbull
Can kill 1 person, maybe
No kills
No kills
Clearly it isn't the pitbull isn't the biggest problem here
Easy to train, yes, but overprotective to a fault. They will bite people who try to shake their owners hands.
Your dog is the true hero this world needs, god bless user.
You'll just have a PSTD dog that is genetically more agressive than other species, darwin award to the spics
Do the math nigger
>nigger + gun
Can kill 50 persons per second
>nigger + pitbull
Can kill 1 person, maybe
No kills
No kills
Clearly the pitbull isn't the biggest problem here
>mfw I have a pitbull, and I just read this
Stupid ass people shouldn't own dogs at all, because THIS is what happens. Their shitty untrained doggos attack some good bois, get rekt, than the victims' owners get shit. I know you are in Cucknada, but Jesus, I figured even lolberals will know what to do in such a situation.
Why the fuck would you leave your dog's alone in your front yard, let alone when you know there's terrible dog owners that let their aggressive dogs run around without a fucking leash? I'm not saying it's your fault but jesus fucking christ you should know better than to do that, next time always keep on eye on them and have something like a taser or a gun to get them to fuck off
Going through the same thing right now. My Black Lab/Pitbull mix was provoked by a shitty Papillon. Some nigger was walking his it on his retractable leash while on his cellphone. His dog ran up to mine and nipped my dog, then my dog reacted and bit back. Killed him. Gotta put him down now because of that nigger's negligence. Papillons have a reputation of being aggressive towards bigger dogs too. It's fucking retarded.
I don't think so, I've seen people walking them around here
They can be good doggo's though it seem
>Living thing
>Inanimate object
Don't you think there are enough "American education" memes going around, already? Brush up on your reading comprehension, dumbass.
>white+pitbull = no kills
Did you really think you were going to get away with making such an obvious bullshit statement?
>banning dogs
What are you, a leaf?
Niggers shoot people. niggers cannot be fixed. So guns have to go.
So do Blue Heelers and Chihuahuas. Should we ban them too?
Nice try, but there is a huge mountain of reasons why this statement is shit
>comparing living things that can act on their own to a nonliving tool
>implying niggers can't be tamed when they were doing decently 50 years ago
>implying a small gun is just as hard to obtain illegally and hide as a full-sized dog.