This thread is a safe space
We can post in here without fear of ridicule because of our race, political beliefs or gender
All genders welcome, feminists encouraged to post
Fems not required to show tits
Also post your tumblrs
This thread is a safe space
We can post in here without fear of ridicule because of our race, political beliefs or gender
All genders welcome, feminists encouraged to post
Fems not required to show tits
Also post your tumblrs
Finally I won't get flag-shamed.
22/f here
My pronouns are his / her / zir depending how I feel
Anyone looking for a bull?
my dubs say fuck your safe space
> a fucking leaf
We love you for who you are cananon
just kidding
these are tho
fucking ableist
Let us go for a ride friends
I am unironically an only child and currently on cross-sex hormones which will soon make me infertile, thereby ending my family line
My preferred pronoun is they/them
I don't have a tumblr because I only casually browse it for porn
just fuck off with your role playing
nope, fuck off leaf
show your tits or gtfo you sorry excuse of a human being.
fuck off you cuckold promoting faggot.
so when are we going to legalize pedophilia?
I'm Jewish and I want to mix with a qt brown girl.
if only such a thing as a safe space could exist we could shove all the little weaklings in to it and light it on fire.
i like black women
no one cares faggot kys
You're all faggot niggers kys
le sigh, fuckin leaf
maple leaf cunt
Pretty sure the internet in general is a safe space since you can just go to another site if you get too butthurt because you're a complete faggot who can't handle the bantz
Intolerable hate
Hillary for president! I know people like to meme about her health joke around but we all know that she's going to be fine. Lol anons like to troll but I know everyone's going to pull the (D) lever when november rolls around :)
Anyway :) thanks for reading :)
thanks for the bless up Kek, love you too
I don't particularly dislike anyone. Race, religion, sexuality etc doesn't bother me, I just take people as I find them.
Hate bait
>This thread is a safe space
no niggers or trannies allowed though
Sandals Resorts
I'm a misogynistic neo-nazi that unironically believes in magic. I became this way after browsing an anonymous imageboard originally created so pedophiles could swap pictures of underage anime girls who are allegedly over 100.
same t b h