Sperms don't need eggs? Crazy
Sperms don't need eggs? Crazy
>no woman to infuence the DNA
>your child is a copy of yourself
Fucking brilliant. So my child will be a 6'2 Blonde blue eyed aryan too?
That would be better then if he inherited his mothers womanlet 5'5 brown haired brown eyed genes
The future is looking good lads
Finally I can produce a child the way I want. Pic very related.
>can eliminate the women problem
How do they account for the fact that all of the mitondria come from the female egg?
thats weird as fuck
Imagine, world without women. Heaven?
Elliot Rodgers died for this
Press F
make empty egg cell > insert 2 sets of dna from sperm > mission accomplished
empty egg cell can be:
stem cell > induced to become empty egg cell OR
real egg cell > remove nuclear dna
The oocyte contains a lot more than just mtDNA that is strictly maternal sourced. Just call it maternal gene effects.
im more concerned about how the maternal immune system is gonna accept a xeno zygote (i guess) unless they have an artificial womb which is st8 sci-fi at this moment
>artificial womb which is st8 sci-fi
Could be pretty close
>remove nuclear dna while not disrupting anything else
>inducing meiosis without genes to produce an "empty egg"
lol ok buddy enjoy your polar bodies
F, thank you Elliot
So, what kinds of complaints have feminists had about this article so far?
Has the potential for an amusing shitstorm.
Women are obsolete. We can fug all the qt traps we want now bros.
>nuclear DNA
>mfw I've been a nuclear driven cyborg my whole life and I didn't even know
Sperms don't pass on mitochondria, only DNA. Only eggs contain mitochondria.
How does this create new human beings with mitochondria, if sperms contain none?
still needs a female phenotype "template" from which the m.g.e. are derived from
The future is bright
Finally I can raise myself right.
Knowing what I know now about myself, I can prevent all the fucking problems that led me to where I am.
>raise yourself to be a chad
>he gets gfs while you dont
>you cucked yourself and made it at the same time
the future is gonna be weird
that's out of this world