When did SP become so jewish?

When did SP become so jewish?

>he doesnt get the joke

When Kyle was introduced you fucking idiot.

what joke?

I like to play on hard move but I would never play as a nigger. It seems like a decent game but I hope there's an option to play hard mode as a white guy.

Since one of the two creators is Jewish

>lower IQ makes the game more difficult

I mean it's not unrealistic

don't hold your breath and if you're gonna play it, pirate it, don't give those jews your money

This is funny. Take your Sup Forums goggles off.

How triggered are you right now, OP?

>ex stripper wife
>black step son
>balding jew
>non dominant spouse
Just look at this pathetic excuse of a man. No wonder he blames the system for his own shortcomings

>yfw polygon complained that it was just a joke and didn't actually make the game more difficult by making you earn less money

How is the new season? Don't think I laughed once during the episodes I saw from last season.

Its a joke it doesnt even effect gameplay, get some cream for that ass pain.

It literally changes nothing in the game

that is actually a good joke

take a guess

>south park makes fun of political correctness with PC Principal
>"haha #based south park is /ourguys/"
>south park makes a race joke'
>"Acht Tung! Juden Detected! Administering Zyklon B solution! Heil Hitler"

hmm, really scummy if you ask me

remember when south park didn't give a fuck about left or right politics and made fun of everyone.

They still do you're just butthurt because they're currently attacking your side instead of exclusively focusing on PC principal

I thought Zuckerberg was pretty funny in the new episode.

>What is your shtoyle?

no I didn't think the pc principle stuff was that funny

There will be changes to dialogue and probably some quest but yes the actual game doesn't get any harder.

Last episode was making fun of white guilt liberals.

I stopped watching I wouldn't know this I stopped after the last season. My problem was that the politics of the show deprived it of the original charm it once had.

South Park has always been satire. You've got to be butthurt to stop watching it because it makes fun of your political views.

family guy made this joke already

I think it's fucking hilarious. Get a sense of humor, buddy. Stop being so sensitive.

I'm not right leaning I just thought that the season wasn't funny.

Don't cut yourself on that edge... actually, go ahead, cut your self. Remember, across the street not down the block.

No. It's almost always been a key part to the core of the show.

Sooooo, you're criticizing episodes you haven't seen?

you are moron are you not?

What's edgy about not wanting to play as a nig? Have fun playing the new asscreed.

This. Might not make you laugh, but it's not some lame """joke."""

Better than the last one so far, imo, because they stopped doing the retarded season-length story arc. First episode was probably the best, second was ok, third one totally stunk, couldn't even finish it. The latest one had some funny moments but not amazing.

>Black guy always dies first in a movie/game is an acknowledged trope
>game makes fun by using it as a difficulty system
REE REE REE white genocide!

>Black guy always dies first in a movie/game is an acknowledged trope
It's just shit black guys started saying, it's not actually a trope.


Vernon Chatman is comedy cancer.

Was there some recent fuck up Facebook made or was it just supposed to be random humor?

>remember being too young to get the political/social references in south park

yeah, seems to be a lot of this going around.

>game is called the fractured but whole
>causes fractured buttholes all over the place

South Park makes fun of everything, no need to get your pantsu in a twist.

It doesn't change the difficulty of the game according to Ubisoft. It's all psychological, just like real life

It's racist. They're clearly making fun of niggers having low IQs.

ever since one of the creators was jewish.

They still do, Trumptards just have a very low barrier for offense.

It's a joke, dipshit. The slider doesn't actually do anything.