It's starting. Twitter has suspended Rose McGowan. How low until she commits "suicide"?
It's starting. Twitter has suspended Rose McGowan. How low until she commits "suicide"?
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Oh goyim shut it down
She's such a cunt, ever since that accident she was in she seriously has brain damage and has made some really insane rants on twitter bitching about everyone.
Her pussy game is ridiculous though
>those tits
Gotta go fuck my wife now.
Why would anyone consider killing them selves when Star Wars is coming out in a few months?
After seeing that trailer, it only made the urge stronger.
She basically is saying things that could severely break up institutions in the film industry.
You had better bet that some big money was pushing twitter to shut her the fuck up.
Star Wars is contrived shit, shill. I will not be seeing it.
>[hand rubbing intensifies]
>t. eternal man child
She's just mad no one wants to fuck her anymore.
i'd still hit it ... from the back
I'd still hit it... from the FRONT!
We have to help her.
Holy shit. This is serious. Are the kikes overplaying their hand here?
What was she saying? Does anyone have a screen cap?
What's the story with her and Harvey "I fuck every barbie" Weinstein?
Seriously. Sorry for samefagging but can any normiefaggots confirm this 'victim' really got banned??
why doesnt someone just make their own twitter that doesnt shut people down for saying shit?
>the whole entire scheme
>brought down by a roastie...
how crazy is that
Why? She dindu nothing.
You get banned for saying negative things about Trump there.
Seriously though, she's a crazy feminist who is constantly making crazy accusations against men on her twitter.
She used to be cool in the 90's but she's taken a turn for the worst the last few years.
lol holy shit
hey rabbi
Literally already exists. People just need to start using it.
why did they suspend her? wienstein payed them off or did she tweet something retarded?
Hahaha dont ever fuck with ben affleck
She's been posting about Weinstein for years. Why ban her now?
no shit sherlock im saying make one people actually use. theres a billion social media sites out there
The only person they banned was a neo-nazi who made a post endorsing terrorism.
>The New Zealand model said she was 23 when she was “Harveyed” at the Hotel du Cap during the Cannes Film Festival. Though she said she had felt safe with Weinstein at a party beforehand, she detailed an alleged ruse to get her alone in his hotel room. There he emerged naked and kept asking if she wanted a massage, then chased her until she locked herself in the bathroom, according to Brock. She scolded the producer, whom she claims cried and said, “You don’t like me because I’m fat.”
fat shaming is wrong indeed
>suspended for 12 hours
To be fair, this happens to plenty of normal people regularly for attacking individuals, "hate speech", or trying to incite shit.
She wasn't banned, she just got her wrist slapped and got salty as fuck about it.
Go to bed Harv. You have that meeting with your (((Attorneys))) in the morning.
What tweets were in violations?
Any thread you won't shill? Gotta earn those two cents, eh?
She started accusing a lot of celebs. She accused Ben affleck a few days ago so maybe not all of it is bullshit
My sweet rosefu can just come over and whisper her "tweets" into my peepee hole.
What is with this obscene toad and robes and massages?
Welp gotta fap to her fappening leaks again.
>getting baited this hard
accident? you mean the one where she ran into a plastic surgeon at full force?
she called out his brother bob who has yet to face scrutiny so (((they))) pulled the plug
>It's real
everyone has kinks, this one in particular involves bathing and relaxation. I like to handcuff people though
While i'm all about naming ((them)) and keeping this whole 'rapegate' situation going, she really needs to be careful and approach things a bit more smartly.
Once you start tossing the big "A-list" names around, you need to produce some evidence to back it up, or else you just come off as crazy, and risk ruining your own career.
You can get away with rape accusations against c-list celebrities, retired ones and below, but the big names in Hollywood are the sacred cows who'll be defended at all costs.
I'm curious how much further this will go, or if it'll just get swept under the rug and forgotten by the end of the year.
>Many users were quick to point out that white supremacists and even Donald Trump could consistently provoke outrage and not have their accounts suspended
I enjoy being angry
So what part does the alien burst out of her chest and attack the pope?
Why don't you make a general already there's 4 different thread already or why doesn't the mods make a sticky for fuck sake
looks still up to me?
White advocates get shoah'd from twitter all the time.....
actually she got locked out for 12 hours. Weird
Not your personal army. Tits or gtfo.
>Twitter has suspended Rose McGowan.
Excuse me but he didn't sexually assault anyone, they all willingly engaged in whatever act occurred. He didn't pin anyone down and rape them, they performed a sexual favour for a big role, they are all whores
JIDF or MGTOW? You decide!
Oh so consensually sexual acts that the woman later regrets are counted as rape are they now? Tumblr / numale you decide!
>Rose McGowan
these fucking newfags need to leave
Go to bed Harvey, you're not fooling anyone with this
>It's not the Jews, it's those damn women!
If it was children then fine, but no they were grown adults, if someone comes to you and says I'll give you $100K for a blowjob (these women earned far more than that) then you regret it later it doesn't change the fact you did it consensually for money.
You can laugh at and shit on both you know. Feminist roasties and greedy Jews fighting is win win for everyone else.
u fookin wat rose
Jesus no, Harvey - the body is still warm!
>B-but Trump!
Top kek.
Living in their heads rent free
You know where to go back to.
Harvey legal team, assemble!
>blah blah Rose McGowan... YEAH BUT ABOUT THAT DRUMPF
what the fuck?
Too bad for Harvey, this thing doesn't seem to be blowing over, no matter what strings he pulls.
Milo was banned for saying that one fatass nigger's movie sucked.
Slut Silencing.
She started burning Democrat Donor bridges, so Jack had to boot her loud mouth off.
God she used to be so fucking hot - Harvested at her PEAK.
Lucky bastard.
Why the fuck are there so many kikes on Sup Forums?
Probably the Affleck ones.
The powers that be dont want her talking. THIS SHIT GOES ALL THE WAY TO THE TOP!
I saw this.
A literal post from some Blue Checkmarked woman.
What planet are these people on?
Even moderate conservatives get pera-banned from twitter.
Fucking Hyde, Weev, Anglin etc etc were all mass purged.
Hell, they were mass purged from the internet.
It's funny that they don't seem so wet for twitters "muh private business" defense when it's roasties getting roasted.
Why are there so many beta orbiters on Sup Forums?
Hollywood is filled with sleaze and the people in charge dont want to truth to come out, they banned rose and they will ban and silence everyone else because these fucks think they are the kings of reality. But all it takes now is one tweet or one video to take these fucks down.
Just imagine if the pedo shit started coming out. People are going to end up at the bottom of a river.
She had a car accident. On top of that the airbag crushed her glasses against her face so fucking hard that they had to unfuck her face as well as they could.
I can't wait. I can't wait for the hollywood kikes to start scrambling like roaches to the shadows. I wan't it to get worse and worse and worse. This is the most entertaining shit in years
Wow, thanks for this post. I'm gonna start using it myself.
So she abused him? This puts a different spin on things user.
I reckon maybe this Harvey fella is very brave to have worked with her afterwards.
She should be apologizing.
Nothing wrong with thinking about the idiot that's ruining the country.
>all this gamergate climate
enough with hacktivism, I hope this shit will be the last fucking straw I can't stand it anymore
then leave you weak blood faggot.
>actresses coming out and exposing the casting couch - the thing we've all been suspecting for decades- as real is the same as man children arguing over video games
You can't deny a lot of people are going full on "let's take the chance and destroy hollywood now" and that's pretty much the same attitude, and the same people. Case in point: After the gamergate years the internet got fucked, after this hollywood will be even more fucked. Hacktivists are cancer.
lmao'ing @ your life and the time you took to reply weak blood faggot
glad to make you smile :)
>this level of reddit spacing
holy shit kys