ITT: Childhood Nightmare Fuel
Pic fucking related.
ITT: Childhood Nightmare Fuel
Pic fucking related.
These cunts
The whole scene with the Goblins hiding in her bedroom.
>tfw still bit scared of going into a bathroom
>9 years old
>mum let's me stay up and watch pic related
>............thanks mum
first horror movie I watched, it looks so ridiculous now but I couldnt sleep for 2 nights
I was scared of being in water for a while
I loved Jaws as a kid because I was obsessed with sharks. Never really found it scary except for the jump scares.
idk why but it scared me
>tie barrel lines to boat
>rope slowly turns and starts pulling the boat backwards
I was 11 I think, I didn't sleep well at all that night, I was perfectly fine the next one though. Keep your kids away from that until they are 14 at least.
>be sneaky as fuck 8 year old
>watching gay movie about firemen clowns
>mum says she's going to bed
>ask if I can stay up and finish it
>ok.jpg but keep the noise down
>turn sound right down and change channels because I know Aliens is on
>start watching from right when the marines get attacked
>nope.jpg about 5mins into it and go to bed
>spend the night hiding under my duvet thinking I might get attacked
There was something really surreal about this film, haven't seen it in 15+ years but when I remember it all I can think of is everything in it looking really creepy and jarring. It's probably worth a rewatch now that I'm not 7 years old just to see if it really was that odd.
I had a fever dream about the fucking rhino. Made me feel sick every time I watched it afterwards.
this was one of my earliest boners when he does the toxic love song.
>nightmare fuel
that was the tightest shit ever get the fuck out of my face
Had it on vhs and always fast forward this bit. I did not do shit hiding in the water.
Something about the Nightmare King really bothered me as a kid. Maybe it was the super stark contrast to the rest of the world, that real difference between a dream and a nightmare.
>that was the tightest shit ever
Something your father never said.
>He was scared by James and the Giant Peach
The rhino looked badass in particular.
It's not gay if its Tim Curry
I burst into treats of existential dread when she came on screen. My cousin must have been so fucking disappointed.
It's extra gay if it's Tim Curry.
Pizza tree
Everyone step aside, this thread is over
I always thought that guy was badass
I had this on VHS and as audio play, which was even more horrifying even without visuals
creepy ass mother fucker
How does a swamp monster end up in a garbage pit on a space station?
Did some Stormtrooper eat Space Taco Bell and shit out some bad parasites?
>my name is James
>watch it with a bunch of other children
Kids are demons
Stormtroopers pet that was flushed away after being told he wasn't allowed one in the barracks.
>that screaming
GOAT movie though.
Fucken shat myself when the claw comes out of nowhere and crushes the seers crystal.
rhino scared me in particular. More what it represented but it was a scary visual if you are very young.
This and some movie about Sasquatches, I can't remember the name so I can't find pictures, but one of them is sleeping or something near a mountain and that scared the crap out of me.
Moomins used to scare the hell out of me when I was a kid
For a while was literally too scared to look outside at night because I thought Groke would be there
A mates kid was terrified of them. He told me off cos u used to ACK ACK and wind his son up.
This fucker. Anyone else who has seen this movie at a young age will understand.
>that pulsating
Went out like a boss though.
This whole movie. Especially the goblins that want to take her head off because they don't understand humans can't be disassembled.
ayy lmao
i'm sure this and batman TAS turned a lot of kids in Vore fags
Is that Krull? Anyway, Krull seriously fucked with me, just for how many good guys get slaughtered in their quest.
>saw Alien when I was 7
>still scared shitless of xenomorphs
Thanks, dad.
>saw 1931 Dracula when I was 8
>didn't sleep for a week, vampires are now my favorite shit
Thanks, mom.
stupid aztec mummy
I forget how the comic went, did that ever turn out to be some smoke and mirrors shit? IIRC that's how a lot of mystical stuff typically went in Tintin.
Absolutely this, I was 3 when I saw it and Hexus was my hero.
Of course, this was also because every positive character except Crysta was shit.
I had that same thing, but with zombies. My aunt was babysitting us one night, and we were watching the original Night of the Living Dead. She just said at random “You know, that could really happen”. She was obviously fucking with me, but I was a kid, so I believed her, and spent the next few years in quiet horror of the inevitable zombie apocalypse.
I think it was playing the first Resident Evil for the first time around the same time MonsterVision showed the ‘90 remake of Night, that finally broke me of it. I rented Dawn the next weekend, and from then on, I wasn’t afraid of zombies, but obsessed with them.
I’m pretty sick of them now, thanks mostly to TWD, but I was a fanatic for almost a decade, to the point where I stood in line at a convention for three hours just to say hello to George Romero.
>entire castle except hero slaughtered during wedding
>meet awesome prisoners who join u
>a few get shot, some die in quicksand
>old seer copied, murdered and body dumped in quicksand
>wise old man sacrifices life to bring hero information, his ex wife is eaten alive by a giant spider
>Liam Neeson and Robbie Coltraine gunned down like bitches
>Bro Tier Cyclops crushed in doorway
>rest of non main character prisoners shot/impaled
>Big Bad Guy is burnt alive
Krull was fucking hardcore.
One of my childhood Disney VHS tapes had a trailer of this and I always fast forwarded past it cause even that creeped me out.
Fuck this movie. I still don't know why people love it.
No please
>you now realise there's people on this board that watched this as small children and they're allowed to post here
for me it has this weird quality to it where I start to feel sick, the worst of feels, happens sometimes when I get a feever too
Does anyone know the name of a cartoon movie where in the end I'm guessing, there's an old woman dressed in black robes (witch?) trying to pull back clouds with her hands on an edge of a rock cliff or a mountain? That shit scared me as a kid and I've tried to look for it since.
they arent in her room they are in the goblin dimension
>did that ever turn out to be some smoke and mirrors shit?
no it's a real mummy
I was 10 years old at the time. Shit was scary. Can't believe it has been more than 15 years since this movie came out. I always thought the scenes in the Shire where the Nazgul hunt the Hobbits was creepy too. Especially when they're hiding behind that tree and the bug crawls over Frodo.
Children's animated tv musical special my ass
Of course it's her room. Like when everyone comes and parties with her at the end. She's not in the goblin dimension then.
What a faggot you are. Aliens was my favorite movie when I was 5 years old.
what did Hubert Cumberdale mean by this?
if you were older than 10 years old when this came out that means you are now older than 26 and that is the real tragedy here
whats that
I was sacred to swim in my pool.
I surf at Huntington Beach every other day, and I still feel scared the next day surfing after watching this movie.
I actually think salad fingers shorts are so mesmerizing. such dark atmosphere is rarely replicated
the way it communicates ideas and scenarios is so dream like, its incredible
kino flash if you ask me
All it did to me was make me want a spider wife
jesus me too they are horrifying
>this scene
>face melting
>when Walter Donovan drinks wrong grail
more cool than scary though
im 30
had nightmares for years
Treasure planet is my shit. This scene was scary to me because of the terror in the captain's eyes as he fell into that fucking eternal abyss or whatever the hell it was
>nightmares from Sliders
>not the episode where women are the dominant sex
>when the bad guy bounces off the cliff on the way down
and allll freeeee to-daaaaayyy....
This fucking Lovecraftian horror that comes out of goddamn nowhere in a cutesy magical animated kids movie.
Oh and, I failed to mention, starts eating the shit out of all these poor helpless fairies, while wasps and thorns and shit grow everywhere. Like a fucking fairy holocaust apocalypse.
The scene where Frodo is looking down the road, and the road and trees seem to pull both toward and away from him like a tunnel to show him sensing the approaching Nazgul is one of my favorite scenes of all time.
Fireman clowns?