Am I going to hell for laughing at this story, pol?
Drill Instructer puts Muslim recruit in dryer
You're on Sup Forums, you're going to hell no matter what.
She has seen some things
the drill instructor probably didnt know he was muslim when he put him in the dryer. He probably put him in the dryer for being a dumbass
Trainees are all shaved headed maggots who equally suck.
Muslims shouldn't be allowed in the military. They should be put in summer camps.
Kek. Nice
Quick pretending like you were in the Corps faggot.
>drill instructors treat everyone everywhere like shit
>it is literally their job
>nobody cares for years and years
>Hollywood makes hilarious fun of it in movies
>but NO you can't do that to a muslim
Agreed. I'm sure it was an equal opportunity humiliation for some dumb shit the muslim did. He probably fucked with the dryers somehow, so the punishment fit the crime.
Sadly it's a dryer. If it had been a washing machine it would have had much more comedic value
Dryer? What an idiot, everyone knows muslims should be hung
>implying Sup Forums doesnt have a lot of army personnel.
I served a year in the army and even i have trained recruits. Its not rare dumbass
I guess he couldn't find an oven.
like a nuclear blast
Air Force, you piece of shit
In death camps, like the jews used to be put, but for real this time, with real lampshades and shit
That's just the movies. They aren't supposed to hit you, and if they do you can get them in deep trouble if you file a complaint to your CO.
They were probably bullying him for his origins. It went too far, he filled a complaint.
Drill instructor is a moron.
They do that shit to everyone
>chair force
Shouldn't have touched the sacred cow minority, now he'll pay the price.
The kid doesn't look like marine material. The drill instructor probably did this to other recruits too.
drill instructors are supposed to abuse recruits
it's how you mentally break them, and proceed to make them ARMY STRONK
Yeah he actually cared about his life tripshit
I was in the navy seals and our drill instructors used to hit us with sticks and metal bar
LOL I wonder if he used fabric softener too.
The russians do a lot of pain training like that
I think the most important thing about this thread is the face of that demon woman bottom left
Well, he wasn't dry. What else are you supposed to do?
yeah, I heard they make you take a bullet in the stomach over thin body armour
underrated turn of phrase
People in power abusing and humiliating others based on nothing but their religion should be shot.
This is the worst kind of bigotry.
nobody cares what you think muhammad
Germany YES!
he never actually got thrown into anything. What happened is he said he was coughing up blood and wanted sick call but they told him to fuck off and keep running sprints. That night drill sergeant slapped the curry man and he got so triggered he jumped off the roof.
Get the fuck out of my corps if you cant handle the banter
I used to laugh when chair force ran by at ROTC pt a few years ago.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
She looks like Charon in Fallout3
he's not arab looking so he def didnt think he was a jew so it wasnt a hitler oven callback.
He's brown, the drill instructer proble thought he was mexican and thought he had a responsibility to dry his wet back.
I saw a female DI push someone down a flight of stairs during basic, it was fucking unreal.
Funny, whenever I had to visit Ft. Benning, I would sit outside with a cup of coffee and a smoke laughing when the Army ran by.
Persil be upon him
thats all you fucking do
sit and bomb friendly forces
This is disgusting and shameful
hey smoothskin
Why does it matter that he was muslim? Am I missing something here?
Idiot should have known.
Being Muslim makes you the next target, victim, and easy prey!!!!
>death camps
>chair force
he's probably being facetious.
god i hope so
When did he ever say he was?....oh i get it you where a MUHREEN huh? Gotta read things slowly man
It's okay. I was laughing about it with my Navy buddy. We were leaving work when we sae it on the TV. Absolutely hilarious.
Worst thing is, he was in Marine boot camp. When people came by asking us what branch he was in they'd turn away like it was no big thing when we mentioned he was a Marine. That only made us laugh harder.
m80s please do research. This whole fiasco has also brought to light that a lot of DI's in 3rd Battalion would sometimes be drunk and abuse the recruits. The recruit who committed suicide was targeted more because he was muslim.
DI's are NOT supposed to abuse recruits. They can work them hard, scream at them, and punish them, but cooking them in a dryer is ABUSE.
I spend a lot of time on /r/airforce at work when I'm not busy since Sup Forums is blocked. It's literally half shitposting and half complaints from maintainers and salty Airmen.
checked quads
Good. I'm fucking sick of seeing these limp-wristed faggots that I'm forced to work with. Most Marines are cool as fuck but goddamn if they aren't letting their standards slip.
Same goes for all the branches. Running laps with females always makes me feel a little better about being born a man.
Personally, I'd have gone with the washer
Gotta clean that shit outta his skin somehow
Marine here. It is a 100% certainty that the best of our guys can absolutely wipe the floor with you faggots, and our average marine is much more often than not more physically fit and capable of delivering whoop ass than your average will ever be able to.
You can keep cherry picking though. You know the real truth. I shouldn't even have to point this out.
Ghoulification is a hell of a drug.
>Be white christian
>Join ISIS
Think about how foolish that is too.
>Get turned into a suicide bomber
Compared to
>Be muslim
>Join US military
Like a fool
>Get put into a dryer
what, an ideological enemy of the West, the East, all non-muslims?