What did he mean by this?

What did he mean by this?


Was wondering what the context for this quote was. Does not disappoint.

I like how the press runs "Powell hates Trump" and not so much thing.

They mean check my digits

If the blurb i read was correct he was replying to someone asking about how he felt about hillary vs trump.

He supposedly went on to say something to the effect of "trump is a disgrace"

Then i guess he went on to lament her comparison of her email scandal to his.

Typical nigger fence sitter.

"Both these choices suck" really isn't the same as "fence sitting", but Ok.

slide it


Hello CTR

Isn't this place a bit scary for you with all of the racist frogs?

So, it's widely known that Bill fucks whores at his home?

And Hillary is ok with that?



>tfw i will never dick bimbos in the white house while my wife watches and gets her snizz eaten out by a sandnegress

Yes, everyone who doesn't suck Trump cock must be a Hillary shill.

Yes, everyone who doesn't suck Trump cock must be a Hillary shill.

Plenty of hillary shills have probably sucked trump cock.

Can you imagine how high energy his dick game is?

Shills confirmed.

I don't imagine anything about cocks.


>Grove thinks Trump is a disaster

What'd they mean by this?

I don't imagine anything about cocks :)

>both candidiates are bad

the facts are the facts you triggered, safespace weenie

Yes, everyone who doesn't suck Trump cock must be a Hillary shill.

College Fraternities are social clubs with some Christian-derived rituals
Now imagine a frat for grownups. That's the Freemasons.
Now imagine you make a Freemasons for the ultra-elite only, and replace the pseudo-Christian ritual with pseudo-Molechite* ritual. That's Bohemian Grove.

*child sacrifice and ritual child sexual abuse is unconfirmed, but Sup Forums likes to run with it anyway

He's just saying that Bohemian Grove members(the connected, the ultra-influential and ultra-rich, people who are part of the good old boy network) think Trump isn't up to their quality, and they're a bit butthurt that an outsider got the nom instead of one of their guys.


What are CTR's plans about that 3 and 5 point lead in ohio and florida?

Going to raise the sampling size of Democrats another 10%?

>hillary vs trump


ok smart people, help me understand something please.

i know twitter uses an "algorithm" to modulate this shit, but how the hell is "Colin Powell" trending but not "#DickingBimbos"

Kek. I was going to make exactly same thread, word for word OP.

Because #colinpowell said bad things about trump too.

#dicking bimbos is only bad for hillary.

In chess when threatened, it is always smart to attack while defending by threatening a check, or a hung pawn while moving whatever is in danger out of danger.

Kind of like a decent chess move, just with more zombies cumming all over dresses.