I wonder if I wasn't a frustrated kissless virgin, would I not be so hateful, racist and misogynistic?
If I put my little dick in a vagoo, would I drop the swastika?
I wonder if I wasn't a frustrated kissless virgin, would I not be so hateful, racist and misogynistic?
If I put my little dick in a vagoo, would I drop the swastika?
You have bigger problems if your love life influences your morality and ethics Mr. Bait
Trust me, it makes no difference.
sex isnt that important user
trust me, sex is a meme.
Did somebody say swastika?
I wish. Now I'm racist sexist homophobic and my wife yells at me for it
delet dat, we have no guns
You wouldn't know this site exists and would perfectly get along with people of other races if you weren't an virgin, user.
No. Find a red pilled qt and talk about how the holocaust never happened whilst making love.
No, it matters not.
What matters is finding a quality waifu.
One who is of Euro heritage.
Deer will come to us all for it is Kek's will.
how do you find a female
I fuck girls
had 1 long time gf of 2 years
it maybe makes you a little more happy because you get to fuck and kiss a gril but I was still racist as fuck and was(and am) still a "misogynist." Women are simply not equal to men for the most part
No. Women are what convinced me to hate the fucking muslims and the fucking spicks and the fucking niggers. And I'm not even racist, nor am I a nazi. I just see how fucking niggerly and spickish every woman is, and I see that if it wasn't for the niggers and spicks, these slut ass whore ass cunt ass bitches would be less niggerly and spickish. The only bitches worth a shit are already married desu, and those bitches are only worth shit because they're men aren't niggers. the rest... coal burning whore sluts who want the muslims to dominate them.
no it wont change
Fascism isnt just shitposting it os more atleast to me
Kek will do his work
Pray to him
Contemplate his void
The path WILL become clear.
For as the Deer approaches me.
It shall approach you as well.
Kekspeed polandbro.
Pray to Kek for your Deer
The Deer will haunt your dreams
Robots call it a oneitis
We call them Deer
The Deer will come hither
If you allow all of yourself unto Kek
I came to this site after I met my current girlfriend desu.
She always have her head in the cloud and it makes her really easy to manipulate which made me realize how shitty and/or dangerous people can be to her and that I'm forced to stop believing everything around me is alright when her safety is on the line everytime we cross the path with a bunch of mudslimes or niggers.
Nah. If anything a religious knowledge of degenerate women only intensifies your hatred for kikes when you realize there isn't a single chaste, capable, single woman left on the planet
I used to think I had a pretty respectable notch-count, but now I consider myself a degenerate because of it
I second this fucking leaf