I fucking hate this bitch so much.
Other urls found in this thread:
not as much as i hate anita sarkeesian
Imagine being her Husband.....
No idea who she is, not clicking on that garbage, and why the fuck do you care? Go for a walk or go fishing or something. Fuck why do people care about youtubers....
>Will I Raise a Son Like Harvey Weinstein?
Chances are high considering she's a Jewess.
>“Some women wear burkinis because it helps them conform to religious forms of modesty by covering up pretty much completely,” the “Big Bang Theory” star shared in a YouTube video. “Others see this as oppressive and as a rejection of our sexual selves and it makes them very uncomfortable.”
>Bialik, who has openly spoken about how her Jewish faith impacts her views on modesty, donned a modest swimsuit for the video.
What did she mean by this....
The nose knows
She's right tho
pls Explain....
Again, no idea who she is, why does anyone give a shit
Read a book or go kayaking or something. Fuck man...how is this garbage even on your mind
Honestly i dont get why u hate her ? Yeah shes a liberal but atleast shes not a man hating feminiazi
>be on Sup Forums
>doesnt know Bialik from big bang theory.
Go away
Why the long face?
You wouldn't want a man to molest you, so are you okay with a male doing it to a girl
Well she's a kike and so is Weinstein so yeah probably her son will turn out like him and be defended by the ch-sen people
>people are all virtually the same
>except when it comes to gender and race
>all people other than straight white men should be treated special
I come to Sup Forums to see people shitpost about movies. Sorry if I dont care about a D-list celebrity.
Again, go do something outdoors. The fact that any of her opinions matter to you....fuck idk. Spending 30 minutes in your world would make me kill myself
Oy vey
>tfw no Mayim mommy to breastfeed me until I'm 27
It's not fair
>even nice guys want to have sex
oh the horror, people learn fast when you don't want to get sex she will find someone who will and never talk to you again
>stars in a show riddled with misogyny
What kind of shitty co-worker/friend would ask you if you're raising your children to be rapists? She willingly surrounds herself with cunts. I feel bad for her kids who most assuredly will become repressed serial killers.
Ugly jewess is jelly that even Harvey wouldn't molest her
she looks like a very aggressive jew
shes divorced. yeah hard to imagine why.
i watched the whole thing and didnt disagree with anything except respecting the part about respecting native americans
You mean Blossom?
I actually think that being the parent of a bad person is an interesting topic.
>"patriarchy" and "meesogenie" within 30 seconds
Yeah, not watching that shit
Who actually watches this voluntarily? Just other ugly women?
Does she have any videos where she shows off her pit hair?
she's not wrong, men only care about sex with women, but that's their fault for being boring and uninteresting cunts (at least some of them).
Wouldn't she be on A-list because she's in gang bang theory?
>brainwashed into libtardation from early age
Kinda feel bad about her kids
Jews being sexually fucked up is an eventuality. They're brought into this world getting their dick sliced and then some old guy sucks the blood out of it.
Have you thought about telling her how you feel? Maybe in a somewhat non-violent way even? As in not primarily insulting her but in really focusing on your own feelings.
>knows and cares about xyz from big bang theory.
You are the one who needs go away, you fucking lowlife
This and unironically. And if you live in the West and have kids it might most likely be something you have to face sooner or later.
You need to get a life, you actual nigger
So she was the actual deciding factor of why I dropped big bang theory. Not the strongest statement, but still... she's the worst part of that show.
Hahahahah I love peering into the mind of 'feminists', I feel bad for her sons though, they'll be suicidal trannies age 20