We had a great thread about this yesterday on Sup Forums

We had a great thread about this yesterday on Sup Forums.

>go to htck.github.io/bayeux/#!/
>make a Sup Forums related Bayeux tapestry

i'll post more in the meantime

Other urls found in this thread:


i am not smart





Verily the flames ascend



ye olde infectious marketing

heretofore charles

I'm in fucking tears at these

fuck you

Is the editor really slow for anyone else? It feels like every edit takes a couple of seconds to register.



I tried

Thine is a form of you ("yours", specifically), not me.
It should be
>Behold, Mortimer! I hath transmogrified mine corps unto the semblance of a gherkin!
>I art Gherkin Richaaaard!

kek, i was gonna do this one
















All of these are really great, so i don't know whom to give a (You) to

Link to the thread?


By the Lord, behold ye bourgeois driving a habsburg barrow


i meant to say Sup Forums thread




>celerity of a guilty hebrew


>my sides are gone



A lad is enthralled with a damsel.

Lacking the skill, means, or opportunity to showcase his true feelings, he happens upon the lady's carrier pigeon. Nev'r minding the strange bird, that gent immediately sent a message to that lady, and is overjoyed to findeth out that she hath an infatuation on that gent as well.

But, the next day, at which hour that the sir recounts the previous day's confessions to the wench, the damsel only looks at that gent with the most perplexed expression. After some investigation, that same gentleman findeth out that the wench that he hath messaged is not the same wench he hath fallen in love with. In fact, the fair maiden doth not exist in this plain of reality at all. This woman is her alternate counterpart from another world, who hath fallen in love with the beguiled hero's own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of that unrequited love.

Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to giveth each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons the couple needeth to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as these would-be lovers beginneth to falleth in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.


Begone to .





Tis a concept that hath existed prior to your duplication of it, plagiarist.







Needs work.


We need a generator in the style of those old jap ugly drawings for mangos and animus. With octupus sex and YOOOO.

GOAT Michael Bay movie.



This thing was expressly made for baneposting



You fucked that up royally

>Voynich Manuscript is just the screenplay for Keit-Ai.





I knew what it was as soon as I saw what he was holding and started laughing.




Kek. I was wondering why no one has baneposted yet. Wtf.

There's a few good ones in the thread.

Imagine being yon Arnold in yon play and acting "yea Jamie Lee Curtis, thou looketh divinely fair with thine adonine corp and abominable androgynous draconic visage. I would merrily fornicate with thee, both mine persona and myself" when truthfully yon Arnold wisheth merely to fornicate with another young poplolly. Verily, imagine being yon Arnold and not merely being duty-bound to yon chair while yon Jamie Lee Curtis exposes her ungodly corpus to the agony of thine eyes, deceptive lighting unable to conceal the scars of age and bestial skin, and to remain seated like a monk in prayer, from dusk until twilight, while yon vecke practiceth her rite. Nary must thou tolerate her devilish appearance, but also her promethean pride as yon crowd proclaimeth SHE STILL HAS THE APPEARANCE OF A DAMSEL and "BY THE LORD, JAMIE LEE CURTIS LOOKETH THUSLY?" for they art not the one who suffereth her virile impish semblance contorting in unholy orchestrations whose existance was blissfully unknown to thee prior to this accursed day. Thou hast been fornicating with nought but a chipper regimen of blondes and alleged unchaste wenches for thine ENTIRE VOCATION ever since thou hath escapeth from the dregs of the Holy Roman Empire. Never before hath thine eyes been tormented with such a vile appearance, and verily, even thine tongue suffereth, as thou sweareth thou can taste the transpiration from her concave belly as she deceptively hideth it and seductively writhes for thee, haughtily assuring thee that she quencheth thine carnal lusts by her "statuesque"(for she refers to herself thusly) allure, an allure for which she hath paieth dearly the past season with labour and a regime of court knaves. And lo! Yon playwright announceth another attempt, and thou knoweth thou art able to slay all within yon room before the knights could match thine might, yet thou remaineth seateth, for thou art Arnoldus, and thou shan't imperil thine royal calling for this. Endure! Avert thine gaze and endure!


Make it BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAPeth and it's perfect.


What is it?


I was hoping for CIA stance desu.


You gotta at least try man. Nice digits though.

Top kek
>a memeth joust




>a knight

How could you fuck this up so bad?! That makes perfect sense.
The whole joke in the scene is that he says "I'm round table"

they're all shit
you're all some sad, sad faggits

9/10 effort

Kek. Missed that. Thanks


