ITT: scenes women will NEVER understand
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Literally every one in both Bladerunners
just saw new bladerunner. it's over for the female race. they can NEVER recover from this
Took me 1 year to understand that scene
Only seen the movie last year
I was like did he just die. How, who where, what, why. Did I miss anything
Any scene with Joi
>Wait. I don't get it.
jesus, the meme is real
>I've seen things you people wouldn't believe.
>Attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion.
>I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate.
>All those moments will be lost in time... like tears in rain.
>To die.
ironically men probably have a harder time relating to Roys experience because it's one of giving up violence and becoming more empathic and emotionally open which is like trying to bleed a rock with men
t. woman
did you pull that out of your ass?
>The only old people I know I have seen on TV
>go to see this with female friend
>spend the entire time blown away
>leave the cinema
>ask what she thought
>"I liked it but it wasn't amazing or anything. And I don't get the ending."
why do seemingly 90 percent of women say this.
wtf is wrong with them
I saw it yesterday and right after the movie (where it was already fucking clear that the memory doctor is Deckards son) my firend said he doesn´t get it and asked me if Gosling is his son.
Is my friend gay?
It doesn't matter, user. You were there and you felt it, like K felt the snow fall on him.
thank you, user.
Are women immortal?
Your friend has fish like short attention spam.
Probably gay, yeah.
Women were sighing and walked out during blade runner. I guess they didn't get any of it.
>I thought this would be fun like La La Land. *Poop Emoji* Movie
It's also about a desire to be remembered and give meaning to your life, which are both existential desires that men tend to relate to more.
The entire trilogy
When i saw the new blade runner in a theatre there was this nerdy looking chick that sat one row ahead of me and she kept staring at her phone screen.There were also a few women there with her,but they kept paying attention to the movie.There was also this older couple that sat next to me and the wife was glued to the screen the entire time.So i guess i dont buy into the meme that women can't understand Kino Runner.
Sam's unwavering courage and loyalty is just an alien concept to them.
I think Bladerunner is actually pretty popular with women.
They probably think Roy is gay for Reckard though idk.
sad that probably no female can appreciate this
As a man I hate that scene
>He is a mass murdering psycho
>Why were robots given emotions and PTSD? It makes no sense
Only a woman could love Blade Runner
I also hate women who are smarter than me
she was right
brainlets should be genocided
every war movie ever
the woman next to me was checking her phone constantly
they don't want to give robots emotions and ptsd, that's the whole point. Replicants are supposed to be emotionless slaves without feeling, but them developing personalities and their own emotions is an unintended side effect.
It's why Nexus 7s like Rachel had been implanted with false memories, so that they have a basis to build a personality on instead of being an adult with the emotional capability of a child.
Rachael is Nexus 6
>Replicants are supposed to be emotionless slaves without feeling, but them developing personalities and their own emotions is an unintended side effect.
That's not how computers work
"they must be gay!"
-every woman ever
All of Dunkirk
her skeleton says otherwise
No, she's the first nexus 7
they aren't computers, they're artificially produced living organisms.
is the Nexus 7 thing a reveal in 2049? why does Bryant refer to her as 6?
Thanks for proving that women truly don’t get the scene.
Why can't women understand bros, bros?
you're either a fag, a nigger or a woman
So they used the same imagery from the ending of Death Note with how Kira lays on the stairs and dies?
What did the ending mean ways?
t. dude who didn't get it
can't wait to watch this masterpiece again
Where I live you're not allowed to be on your phone and it must be muted. Is this another american thing?
Here's something that might shock you: Some people ignore the rules.
i live in europe and all the ar*bs in the theatre were on their phones talking loudly during dunkirk. i nearly chimped. said loudly to my mate at the end that "fucking ar*bs don't know how to behave themselves in public"
Shocking truth, rules can be enforced.
I don't think this scene was particularly challenging for the female mind, the cyber three way was the point most chicks dropped it.
>t. dude
You're not fooling anyone here slut.
I don't remember what this guy said. Why the fuck are both Blade Runners boring. Good but boring.
No I'm pretty sure its Cowboy Bebop shoutout considering they got Watanabe to do the prequel short. I'm 99% Villeneuve talked about Bebop in an interview as well one time.
been too long since I've last watched them
will do it this weekend
>roastie flaps billowing in the wind
Basically every scene with Sam to be honest.
unless you are Chloe Price.....
Go back to twitter kantbot
>Go see this with family
>All of my family is thoroughly convinced that gosling was a perfect clone of Deckard's daughter because of the two matching dna samples during the investigation
I think people just aren't trained to watch movies anymore
Crazy how you can slap on "Real Human Being" from Drive and it totally fits
Yes, the Nexus 7 are the replicant model that comes between 6 (Roy) and 8 (K) that has no expiration date.
After all the replicant rebellions it would make no sense for the public and the state to allow Tyrell corp (and that's after Tyrell's death) to build such long lasting replicants, but they needed an asspull to have Harrison Ford in the movie while keeping the mistery of wether he's a replicant or not
I don't see how someone can enjoy a movie THIS problematic
Prove her wrong.
Holy shit, women really can't understand anything.
Ideological interpretations of art are a means of limiting the scope of a piece and making it manageable for people who can only perceive our complicated world through the pinhole of their ideology. It's the most brainlet thing in the world.
>AI sex slave
wtf why put it like that?
>pls don't come into my mentions explaining the film or scifi to me
>I'm going to publicly air my opinions on social media, but don't you dare disagree or criticise any flaws in my understanding
Hate cunts who do this shit. It's the normie version of /threading your own post. Typical cunt behaviour of wanting rights without the responsibilities that go along with them.
As she should have, Dunkirk is shit..
>movie about the most interesting questions in the world: what it means to be human in the age of artificial intelligence, what constitutes a "soul", is love more than just our biological programming
>all that matters to her is whether or not certain groups are portrayed in ways that empower them
It's like looking at a great Renaissance painting and being upset over it not being Christian enough
When they killed Jobn Wicks dog.
My mum really liked Blade Runner
When will you guys understand that the only reason women exist is to pleasure men, make babies and do house errands. Anything beside that just goes over their heads.
>It's like looking at a great Renaissance painting and being upset over it not being Christian enough
Holy shit this. It's like being a religious pedant. Those were theological complaints
What a vapid cunt. Jesus Christ talk about indoctrinated.
>Men are such intellectually superior leaders guys I swear
mankind as a whole is fucking retarded, not just women
Women are smarter than men in some respects though. They can navigate the social sphere way better than men can
the best part being when he came to fend off shelob from frodo
>goosebump boner
>AI sex slave
No? She's a hologram, you can't fuck one.
Can we unironically eradicate these failed attempts at people yet before they destroy our world?