Why are american roads so disgusting?
Why are american roads so disgusting?
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They spend Billions on wars instead of infrastructure.
What's so bad about pic related? You can still see the lines.
So every other western country doesn't have to.
light colored tarmac just screams deserted 1970s parking lot
It's mainly the cities. They get worn down and rather than fixing the roads, the state decides to build random shit like SunTrust park in Georgia where politicians would promise the extra tax money would go to schools and shit, and they end up lying and using it to buy this shit and asking for even higher taxes.
Why is Italy so fucking gay?
We send billions to Israel. Trump will continue to do it too.
Because that's La Cienega and Pico, in the heart of Jewish Los Angeles
Only in nog-infested cities.
Because they're run by the government. Governments can't do anything right, just look at welfare, the DMV, Congress...
>implying the extra $3 billion a year saved each year would even nearly put a dent in the amount of money needed to fix our roads
Big ass nation fuck ton of roads sorry they aren't designed by fucking Picasso and cobblestone you nigger
Road looks fine for winter season, it's covered in salt.
Fuck off rt 1 in Camden is fucking fine, its covered in salt there. The ocean is 30ft left and its winter then.
This is literally looking at the same intersection
Size of US road network: 6,586,610 km
Size of Italian road network: 487,700
We have 13.5x as much road to take care of as your country and you wonder why some are cracked?
That road is covered in brine fucking faggot
My city and state's roads are fine. But the second you cross the border into Oklahoma? Pic fucking related
Low tax revenue and priority on military spending.
Also, why don't you bury your electric lines underground, at least inside cities?
Plus our population is only about 5.3 times the size so road length per head is higher
Also would imagine use of the roads is much higher in the US. Due to how our country is sort of laid out more people drive rather than use public transit which puts more wear on the roads and also makes it less convenient to close them to upgrade them.
I live in Montréal for a year and I have to say, some of the worst roads I've ever seen were in Canada.
It's like the leafs are proud of it.
Risk of earthquakes
you have 5x the population though, not an argument.
Both of these are from (west) los Angeles. LA has the worst traffic system in the world. Any construction causes massive gridlock for millions of people.
>tfw driving on fresh tarmac
Feels good man
Much easier to fix them after an earthquake fucks them up. Same reason they have them above the ground in Japan
Political infeasibility of excavation and just general lack of urgent need relative to the cost/time it would take
Remember US cities weren't bombed out in WW2 so we still have a lot of the infastructure from before the war, which includes above ground electric wiring
Newer cities that I've gone to don't have above ground wiring as much and even newer parts of LA and so on don't have it
I would think above ground are riskier in the case of earthquakes - if the towers fall, you have a big risk factor
The asphalt mixture they use on roads (well, at least in hot & dry) is different than in most parts of Europe. Softer. It gives a smoother, more enjoyable ride but isn't as durable nor does it endure wet well.
But unless you have driven Highway 1 from end to end - probably the best ride in the world - you can just fuck off.
Oh okay, makes sense.
It is an argument, that's 13.5x more money required to work on them and 13.5 more workers needed. Population strengthens the argument. More people to wear them down. And its harder to shut them down for maintenance.
lack of funding for infrastructure, and violent weather.
No. Federal spending on road maintenance is a minuscule amount of money. The states, counties, and cities are the responsible parties involved in maintenance repair and restructure. Stop watching the Daily Show you fucking edgelord,
>Americans actually believe this.
You fight for your Jewish overlords, that's all.
>tfw they just repaved the main road in town and I drive down it smoothly at night
Because America is the land of lazy, half-crippled, pseudo-alpha oil slaves. I mean there are people who don't burn it to get everywhere but most of them do and so we are surrounded by shit air, shit paths, and shit people.
Lol. Just like that. Well reasoned, boys, let's wrap it up!
Phew, good thing we don't live in a libertarian society, otherwise you would see stuff like this. Thank god the state spends our taxmoney wisely. Thank god there are no potholes.
I need a webm of this. This guy is a fucking cartoon.
When I visited Europe last year I found that the roads weren't nearly as crowded as they are here.
Americans have a lot of road on a shoe string maintenance budget per lane-kilometre. State and federal road building money is mostly budgeted for new roads with maintenance projects explicitly off limits. Of course it's a disaster.
Countries with significantly better roads unsurprisingly spend much more on maintenance. Sometimes an order of magnitude more than Americans do per lane km. You get what you pay for.
There has got to be a better alternative to blacktop for roads. Some kind of synthetic rubber?
It varies state to state. if the state government doesn't meet certain requirements then they dont get any funding for roads and other infrastructure. near me in NY they pave our roads every 3 years or so
because israel needs a 38 billion dollar capital injection
>not using the catalog
Get with the times
Japanese roads are orgasm-inducing
San Diego here.
Our roads are literally worse than Tijuana's. The state of oyr roads here are embarassing and a shame.
I actually like roads paved with concrete instead of tarmac. The light colour gives a nicer look. Pic related: concrete and tarmac on different stretches of the same road
They have a huge economy but are the size of one of our states. They can afford to spend money on nice things. We have winter here and if fucks the roads with potholes and repaving is a lot of money so the roads look like OP pic.
You realize Maine uses a mix of salt and sand..
Maybe it's different now but I lived in the Freeport area for 8 years
because it's america and nobody gives a shit.
they just drive from place to place and dont give a sht what anything looks like
Japan has winters too
Libertarianism is still shit tho
Jesus Christ I thought Italy only had 30M people but you have 60M? How the fuck is your GDP so low?
the do in some places, miami for instance.
I was saying that they can afford nice things because they are tiny and rich while we are big and my state is burdened with detroit. I hate our roads.
How can you make a judgement based on one picture? That's only in major cities. Go outside of that and the roads fucking suck.
Because the fucking Jews steal all our money and send it to Israel to build theirs roads.
And also to build all the roads in China.
Plus every other Sand Nigger country gets 'free' roads and shit in the Middle East.
Then they import all the IMA-Grunt losers here to fuck-up our roads even more.
Seriously, fucking Carbon Monoxide a Jew = save a Road
Infinite siesta
Do they get an average of 10 feet of snow per year like we get here? didnt think so
Is that an opinion?
When I lived in Chiba the roads could barely fit one car. But it's a two way street, with a lot of pedestrians, on a major route that kids travel to school, with no sidewalk. Real good engineering there. They literally took the wagon path from before the Meiji era and paved over it.
> niggers in frame
> cityscape
Really made me think
>if the towers fall, you have a big risk factor
Not really these days where the power company can de-energize downed lines at the flick of a switch, and the repair crews can get them fixed and up and running in a few hours.
Only the most absolute mouth breathing window licking fucking retard would approach a downed line and try to touch it or something. In which case they deserve whatever happens to them.
That road is disgusting, glad I don't have to drive on that. Feels good not to live in the ghetto tbqh.
0 arguments
Trying to drive around Tokyo, outside of major roads is also a fucking nightmare.
>You fight for your Jewish overlords, that's all.
>Forgets that his country is more cucked and controlled by jewish propaganda than ours
>believing a conspiracy theory with absolutely no credible source to back it up
nigger tier intelligence. Do you believe in the illuminati as well, Tyrone?
Half the world designs highways according to AASHTO your claim is triggering.
America is the only country with roads made for cars. Europe and japland roads are made for people. That's why they have tiny cars and we have manly trucks.
Seems like they do, more even currentresults.com
OP's pic is from LA, I don't think they have very harsh winters
.. obviously the fucking mountain regions are going to get substantial snow.. I live in a city that doesn't have any mountains for hundreds of miles and we still get 10+ feet
What difference do the mountains make? It's still snow
His point is that Japan only gets substantial snow in certain areas that aren't very populated.
Here in America we have entire states that are completely frozen for 6 months out of the year.
This af
Hokkaido has five million people, Tohoku has nine million
>cherry picking, the post
>cherry-picking, the thread
You are right OP, disgusting roads! Ours are way better
ohhhh yes
>italian roads
Lol, I wish this was the case, shartbro
So capitalism is better?
that's absolutely retarded, whose fucking idea was that? what's the point of it??
thats covered in salt.
half of my state budget is spent on fixing the roads every winter
t. minnesotan
because we have the niggers and spics in food stamps and obama phones not to riot.
There is enough money to fix everything here but we spend it in the wrong places.
1/4 of the roads in my town are fucking dirt.
i prefer them being dirt over being half assed paved every decade cluttered with fucking potholes
>italian roads 2000 years ago were better than America's today
Depends on the city, state, county, or township, just like the crux of this entire retarded post. Some roads are good some are bad, it's almost like different parts of America are different.
I kid you not my local council dug up a section of a road but ran out of money to recover it, the cobbles underneath are from the Roman Era and they are smoother than the asphalt was. Those fuckers knew how to build roads
What about them is better?
>They spend Billions on (((wars))) instead of infrastructure.