here we go
Here we go
Whatever happened to "when Trump releases his Tax Returns"?
Its obviously going to be heavily redacted and missing a lot of shit and many things will be faked.
>inb4 Hillary [REDACTED] was found to have no illnesses
So what did she release like a few weeks ago?
When will Trump release his own documents? Did he give a time frame?
Not happening
When the audit is complete.
Bull shit she isn't
The records will be fake and gay.
nigga trump ain't coughing and hacking and passing out in public
Fake records
He did it today on Doc Oz, Airs tomorrow
It will be funny if it doesn't even talk about her rather recent brain disorder/clot
Medical records taken by Dr. Shlomo Shekelstein.
Great! Man I hope they're good.
>they'll be legit
I thought he canceled that and was only going to talk generally about health and wellbeing on the show.
>it's a picture of an opened pickle jar
>trusting ^^^the hill^^^
also, who's to say it means it will be a real report. could be 5 pages and get shilled as THE MOST COMPREHENSIBLE REPORT EVAR!
Every move she makes is a reaction to Trump and it's wrong footed. At this point it's like all the professionals have left and the only thing left is desperate millennial turbo feminists and numales that have no idea what to do. Her campaign is in a death spiral.
you people would scream rape when some one's being murdered next to you. Get your head out of your ass.
Nice dubs.
Why do we care. If they would say anything controversial or negative it will be removed from what is released.
Have fun reading the parts that aren't black ink. Won't take you long.
what if its rigged
She just had the flu guys omg you racists
Yup. As fake and gay as 270lb Drumpf being "the most fit president ever". It's all made up bullshit from crooked doctors.
CTR pls.
Why would someone just be on blood thinners for no reason?
Isnt it an indication she possibly has a fucking blood clot in her brain or something?
Nope. The campaign told CNN that was the case in a bait setup. They ran it as a headline. Then, when the recording happened, the new headline had to be that Trump released it.
His plan is to lose 15 pounds to improve his health. Screencap this post.
>Being mad at the bantz
that's pretty sad excuse for "bantz"
I was just saying that the records for both candidates will be fraudulent so there's no value in seeing them. Hillary just collapsed into a heap and almost died and then claimed less than 24 hours later that she never fainted. You can't trust a word they say.
Nobody except the media cares
its going to be incomplete and she will claim its complete. shes half dead just let her die
>it's a picture of a closed pickle jar