You will never be a Bladerunner

>You will never be a Bladerunner

why live?

> you will never have to murder other sentient beings for a living in a dystopian hellscape

Thank god.

It doesn't sound fun at all.

You basically are some reclusive, mercenary dirtbag that everyone fucking hates as much as a lawyer or tax collector, who has to go around and basically murder people who just want to stay alive like everyone else.

You'd have to be a complete psycho to want to be one.

I don't think the blade runner unit is common knowledge.
At least, it wasn't in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep.

I wouldn't want to be a blade runner even if the salary allowed me my own apartment with A.I. waifu included.

the world is so pretty tho

you probably wouldn't be able to afford spinner rides that make the city look pretty

why is there a flying Nissan GTR in the middle of the frame?


Because you aren't a blade runner.

Statistically speaking anyway, that's why you'd live.

FUCK i wish the new one looked this good ;_;


Blade Runner and Blade Runner 2049 shows you that this job is physically exhausting and you will be guaranteed to have mental problems. Deckard is an alcoholic guy with violent abusive nature and K has obviously a drinking problem too and is emotionally almost completely dead, you can't have a private life and your jobs requires to mentally torture people and kill them, regardless what age they are, simply because they exist, not even because they did a crime.
Not even the payment is that good.

Honestly, a pretty shitty job if you ask me.

I'd do it just for the gun desu

Would you fall into the illusion Sup Forums?

It doesn't seem like a top secret outfit or anything. I'd imagine that they're common knowledge but because most people likely never run into them, they don't have a huge reputation and most people don't care

That's a shitty job in a shitty world, son

I want the exact opposite, blade runners are the example of a society divebombing because even though we reached the stars (at least in BR we did, since rutger hauer speaks of seeing attack ships on fire and whatnot) this didnt help one bit and we have all kinds of synthethic stuff to make up for all the natural stuff we lost.
If I want to be something, I wanna be an astronaut. Not the epic and dangerous 70's kind, but a passenger in a secure,reliable ship traveling to, dunno, a moon base. I can only hope we get to that (and make it cheap and affordable enough) before I die or I'm 95 years old and can't enjoy it fully. I doubt it, but it would be cool.

FPBP. Only a total psychopath would want this job.

better than shelf stocker in Walmart desu

why are they called blade runners? they dont even use swords.

>you'll never like artificial owl

What is the best version to watch?

Im a licensed private investigator, so thats pretty close

I can't disagree

So long as I got to rape sexy female replicants before taking them out, it could be fun.

>In the film, the term "Blade Runner" is used to describe police detectives who specifically hunt replicants. In reality, the term is not used in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?, Deckard is referred to simply as a bounty hunter. It originated in the 1974 Alan Nourse novel The Bladerunner, where a blade runner is a person who sells illegal surgical instruments. In 1979, William S. Burroughs was commissioned to write a screenplay based on the Nourse book. The script was not picked up, but it was published as a novella entitled Blade Runner (a movie). Hampton Fancher was familiar with Blade Runner (a movie), and suggested the title to director Ridley Scott who loved it and who purchased the rights to the phrase.

In short, Ridly Scott used Blade Runner only because it sounded cool. The fucking autist.

>muh edge
Probably you missed the "kill sentient beings" part, or you don't care.. wait..
>Only a total psychopath
Et voila