Movies too painful to finish.
Movies too painful to finish
>most attractive asian males and females all look Caucasian as fuck.
Are asian men the ultimate cuckolds?
you're thread is to painful to start
nice dubs you tremendous faggit
All chads and staceys look the same you retard.
Not true
Reqiuem for a Dream
I've never actually seen this. Always wanted to.
Not saying they don't, but at least are handsome standards donde involve looking like other races
Its fucking great mate, a long, slow, painful burn to an amazing finish. I think everyone in the military should have to watch it.
How does it feel to die for Jew profits?
You’re retarded. Beauty is standardized. Unless you can prove white chads were the first people on earth, then you can’t say everyone is trying to look white. This is WE WUZ tier of stupidity. Look at chads and staceys from all races. They all look the same except with the characteristics of their race plugged in.
>tfw I've only just now realized it's not Mifune
But you're wrong OP. Your post lessens this board's quality.
I can't blame the men who are unaware of the Jewish motives behind American exceptionalism in the Middle East, but then again too many join the military for self advancement. I just think the way Hara Kiri exposes the falsity of institutions.
This is actually the best Samurai movie.
Ran comes in second. Followed by the dollars trilogy with Mifune. And then Zatoichi series.
The remake sucks btw.
Sorry mate but you only need room for one Trek or Who or R&M general.
*the the way it exposes falsity would be beneficial. It also encourages pause for introspection.
Not everyone fucking brainlet, at least try to comprehend the words you read before replying.
Asians standard of beauty is "look as Caucasian as possible" probably due to our influence mostly after ww2. Just Google "handsome asian people" and you'll see they all like the most caucasian out of any other asian.
because your dick is in pain from jerking off to that long lesbian scene?
The was my first truly kino movie. Stuck with me for days. I have a real autistic problem though, it's hard for me to watch old movies.
Attractive people from different races look more similar to each other than the average individuals from different races
It's like watching all hope for a better world die.
Google handsome black people. They look like black “white chads and staceys.” Google arab, indian. Same shit. You have a special type of autism. Beauty is universal
>symmetry check
>defined jawline and cheekbones check
>good proprotions check
Biologically, it’s signs that you had good nutrition growing up and your genes are strong. They all have a certain “look.” To claim that is solely a white look, then how the fuck are other races born this way? Are you claiming that asians started chasing this “western” look recently and these people were not considered good looking before? Keep in mind the movie in the OP was made 50 years ago. That’s some fast evolution and selective breeding there. This is WE WUZ tier of retard.
>google handsome asian people
>get results of what western media thinks are handsome
>omg they look so white
Probably have Ainu admixture, especially considering that full beard.
It's an amazing film but man if anyone else is in the house I need to turn it down to near mute
It's like the ultimate arthouse troll: explicit lesbian fucking that's loud af
like don't get me wrong it's nice and all but man i blush like a chucklefucker if im watching this
great film though genuinely it is
Is that Hana-Bi?
Also I enjoyed the Zatoichi remake, it was playful and had a good sense for rhythm in its sound. Saying that, I haven't seen the originals and I refuse to have anything less than that criterion boxset with all of them.
Nope it's Sonatine
Oh fair enough, need to see that one
Do it, it's great