Haha this swedish site offers free copies of the quran.
So just order your copy, burn it, order 100's, order for a politians or what ever you want!
Haha this swedish site offers free copies of the quran.
So just order your copy, burn it, order 100's, order for a politians or what ever you want!
make sure to take screenshots
Swedish nationalists have already ordered hundreds of copies to burn, but also to make them run out.
Wait - does this mean that you can just send hundreds of copies to some random adress?
Yeah. Not sure if it works outside sweden but you can use random swedish adresses.
Seems so.
Our leaving (p)resident will get a batch if kek wills it.
>book-burning again
Reminds me of something, except this time it's a good thing.
Burning a single book is not book burning schlomo.
the Quran was written by jews
You're not going to fucking burn them one at a time, Carlos. It's not a small furnace.
We also caused the black plague.
and invented smallpox
and blew up a space shuttle
I suppose there is a special item in the Swedish budget just for free Qurans, right?
you can write whatever the fuck you want in the fields. put some violent quran verses in them or something like "fuck mohammad", doesn't realy matter
I wish I could have gotten a free koran when I converted.
Do they ship to America?
Also, would this make me look bad on a background check, even if I'm white?
oy vey
You would know a lot about furnaces, eh?
I've ordered one. That will be some fine firewood.
>Mohammed Knut Bernström
My dad is installing a new hearth, he would like this.
Epic bantz, greatest ally.
Brilliant idea here, send one to EVERY SINGLE ONE of your government MP's / Representatives / Congressional members..
I'd order a batch for my MP's & MLA's.. but they don't know Swedish.
I'm going to have to see if there is a Canadian version of this.
(PS: This is how the USA declared it's first war.. Thomas Jefferson (I think) got the Congress to read the Quran, to have them vote for war against the Barbary Pirates.)
HAHAHAHA, it costs the mudshits $10 to deliver ONE piece of firewood!
With the blessings of Kek, we shall deplete the mudslimes of all their resources!
I will spread the word to Sverigetråden.
He's going to need a third hearth after the heart attack he will get when he gets redpilled on islam.
Surely no-one would think about mass ordering these for every synagogue in Sweden?
Surely not, there can't be shitlords that bad.
I found one for us here in America.
Please read it and do not deface it. I would not deface a bible.
So was the Bible
Fucking do it!
(and this.. everyone gets a Quran!)
Going to send one to EVERY member of the Federal & State governments user?
I already own a Koran, but I ordered a second one so that my wife can read along as I recite.
>but I ordered a second one so that my wife can read along
Your most bestest, favouritest wife, right?
Lies, females can't learn, that's haram!
Thanks for the link user. Just placed an order
>Your most bestest, favouritest wife, right?
She is the best, most loyal, and most loving of wives.
Mashallah brother.
I have now done it with Stefan Löfven and Fredrik Reinfeldt.
GREAT TOOL TO DOX SWEDES ---->>>> ratsit.se
I promise to use mine as toilet paper.
I don't know them.. which party(ies)?
I can't stop you, but I can warn you that you are damning yourself to the Janna.
I want to cover the whole world in pig blood so everything becomes haram!
source for this interdasting historical fact?
You're damning yourself to a noose.
That's going to require a lot of pigs. Better move to Denmark first.
Here's a link for leafs.
Sending my buddy one right now.
Actually, for every page from the Koran you use to wipe shit off your ass, another muslim dies.
Send me a dozen copies, pronto.
I won't go down without taking at least a few of the kufar with me.
Sweden is so cucked its beyond belief
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
With his passing let the unravelling of worlds commence!
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
May we fill many fertile Deer with our tadpoles.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts.
Let Kek be known, let Kek be shown.
Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!
this is really messed up...
gratiskoran dot nu
even in NL you can order a free koran,
does every western country have something like this?
I can also get a free bible,so much free stuff
can someone translate it so i can order some random swede one
I doubt you know how to make a bomb for suicide vest, Mohammed.
The path to paradise is open to you for free brother, and it is the only thing of value you can attain on this Earth. Will you waste your chance?
I live in a country where I can carry a gun with me at all times.
Wait i thought the Nazis burned kikes? Get your people's story staright shlomo..
Here: sv.wikipedia.org
Mail everyone except SD's MPs.
As email, one can write "[email protected]".
Get addresses from Ratsit.
It should be possible to make this into a script.
Jesus will send you to hell anyways, so I don't give a fuck.
If they give them away for free, who pays for the production of them?
If it's not that one, it's one of the Barbary Wars, you guys did more than one.
>for free
the moment I open one of those books I have bend the knee & sell my soul to a greater power that is uncomprehensible unseen unknowing & whose benefits I would potentially see only after death, no thanks
They need $10 to send a single firewood copy and they ask for donations to cover the costs.
Rich Saudis actually fund a lot of mosques and koran distribution sites probably to atone for all the slaves they worked to death
Jesus (pbuh) does not have power over anyone to send them to Janna.
I'm sorry for you.
No no no, the SD must be included, or the others will think they did it.
Unless... that's what you want them to think?
I used to do this with Ubuntu discs, I sent like 500 to a guy who pissed me off one time. I guess it's probably the same.
The others already hates them and sending a copy to everyone but SD would be a great meme.
Well, Donald Trump will soon have the power to send you back to shitholeistan.
>Haha this swedish site offers free copies of the quran.
Born and raised here :^)
user can u get some addresses, im having trouble with this
They dont have it in spanish???
Search for any Swede and his or her address will appear.
has appeared
Do they ship to the UK? And if so will I get them before the 5th of November? I think I could put them to good use for once.
This is shit. Why the fuck would they do this now? Why now..?
Why not earlier? I have already bought the same book like a year or two ago and now I can get it for free? This sucks!
swede, here is an address
Timmermansgatan 1 lgh 0001 802 66 Gävle
which part goes in what box
>offer free copies of the quran
>islamophobes order it to burn
>some of them get curious and read it before burning
>they realize islam is the one true religion and convert
Everything goes according to the plan
Insh'Allah, brother. Insh'Allah. The kufar fight a tide they cannot hope to swim against.
disgusting pedophile worshiping cockroach
And the Spanish flu.
You evil niggers are going to get exactly what you deserve soon
Jesus is coming back soon
Seems like they are going to pay for everything.
plz help
what goes where
>book burning
you people are scum. if you really don't like a book throw it in the recycling bin instead.
>don't be a crook, bin that book
>Full name
>Postal code and city
>Email address
In that order.
Timmermansgatan 1 lgh 0001 802 66 Gävle
what part of this address is what
it begins
Address: Timmermansgatan 1 lgh 0001
postal code and city: 802 66 Gävle
I think
thank you based swede
Gävle = ort (City)
802 66 = post kod (Postal code)
Timmermansgatan 1 = gatuadress (street adress)
lgh 0001 = apartement number
There are tons of places that will send uou free bibles, books of mormon, koran. Not sure about the torah. Most countries will have ministries that do that.
Over here we rather cum on it
>Implying burning communist literature was a bad thing
can some swede make a thread and a guide for spamming swede politicians with these stupid books
Burning Qurans is the way to dispose of them for Muslims, you're doing nothing offensive. You lot are fucking dumb.
t. Ahmed
Don't worry, you better stick to your dirty sand nigger friends, cause we gonna get you soon
I attend the one mosque in South Bend, Indiana every Friday. Come and get me, kufar.
Only prime bantz from the chosen noses
Ok, I actually made a thread: