why don't millennials smoke more?
Why don't millennials smoke more?
Why should they?
Does smoking cock count?
Too busy rotting their minds smoking the herbal jew.
only in canada
Because it's harder than ever to market to kids when most are aware from a young age how shitty smoking is and how much a waste of time, money and hygiene it is.
Weed is easier for them to obtain.
You have to be a special kind of retard to smoke this day and age
>smoking the nicotine Jew
Good Goy. Don't smoke. We don't want you suppressing your estrogen
Now show the line with the added taxation cost per annum, and you have your answer.
Cigs have at least doubled in price since the blue line started.
Because they've been effectively brainwashed by anti-smoking campaigns and pharma companies. Smoking's link to cardiac problems has been disproven and the lung disease and cancer links are both extraordinarily weak, perhaps even nonexistent. It's fine not to smoke as a personal choice, but I bet a ton of people are just scared to do it.
Also, it's a lot of money nowadays and indoor smoking is nearly impossible. I guess there isn't really a point anymore.
>Smoking's link to cardiac problems has been disproven and the lung disease and cancer links are both extraordinarily weak
hello yes source?
They can't afford it.
$6 every other day really adds up.
why can't they afford it?
>smoking is good for you
try again schlomo
even if smoking wasn't inherently bad, it would still be degenerate
They can barely afford rent.
The tobacco industry was largely owned by whites. Unlike the herbal Jew.
It's mostly the taxed price of tobacco that turns them of and they are scared dying from cancer. Can you believe it? People who are scared of tiny insects are scare off by lung cancer?
Because 6 dollars every other day really adds up
>consuming the cocktail of drugs in the cigarette jew
>getting lung cancer
Yeah, not falling into that Semitic scheme. If you're going to smoke, grow and roll your own tobacco. Even then it's pretty retarded, but at least you aren't bowing down to the Jews.
Because decades of telling people to not inhale carcinogenic hot smoke into your lugs has worked.
Vaping and cannabis use will kill off regular smoking
It's expensive, waste of time and it doesen't even make you feel good. Basically you risk getting cancer without any positive effects.
they arent cool enough
They either roll their cigarettes or were spineless enough to fall for the anti-tobacco campaigns. Not to decide not to smoke, but to follow what they are told. There is an important difference here.
I smoke tobacco pipes.
>Pipe tobacco is cheap.
>Lasts longer.
>Smells good.
>Tastes good.
>Isn't addictive.
>Few (if any) adverse effects on health.
Why don't you smoke pipes Sup Forums?
Mouth fedor-- I mean, e-cigs are what's "in" now.
>regularly using a stimulant doesn't cause cardiac problems
>smoke inhalation doesn't cause lung problems
definitely gonna pick up pipes again soon, much better than shelling out $10 a pack
Jesus christ what the fuck
>isn't addictive
False. All tobacco and tobacco-based products are addictive because nicotine itself is addictive.
But pipe and cigars (actual cigars made of rolled leaves, not crappy cigarillos/brown cigarettes) are less addictive due to the lack of added substances.
They say due to "education", but my guess is probably due to price.
Millennials are broke these days, and smokes ain't cheap unless you roll your own. You think those lazy bastards are going to put forth that much effort? No way.
Ad Council working, less cool smokers in media, taxes making it too expensive.
Yea, I was thinking about trying cigars but you still increase your risk of certain types of cancers and its addictive. So I think I'll pass.
Honestly, feel free to give it a try. It can be pretty tasty, and very varied.
Not to mention, the prices are a good way to avoid addiction. When you pay that much for a box or a cigar, you smoke them only when you take your time to enjoy them. You make that a special occasion instead of chain-smoking like a 'tard.
cigars are a once every 3 months at most type of thing
Cheers, I'll keep it in mind.
No jobs
They cant afford it
This confirms that class of 1997 was indeed the coolest niggers around
> as addictive as caffeine
Doesn't count
no monies
I think the anti-smoking campaign was pretty effective and how pristine and healthy the average millenial is trying to be.
Because you must pay the government about $7 per pack for the privilege of smoking. Millennials are dumb, but they aren't THAT dumb.
Because I live in NYC and a pack of American Spirits are $14 you richfag cunt
Fucking infuriates me when old baby boomers say "saving money is easy, just stop buying your $6 coffees everyday and make it at home instead!" Well, I WASN'T having $6 coffees in the first place you old, deteriorating fucking warmongering cunts of a generation. Fuck off