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That's what she gets for being a Drumpfkin bigot

So just don't use Twitter.

Is this for speaking out against the Hollywood overlords? Shouldn't this be worrying?

Twitter is controlled by Clinton cronies. Rose had to be silenced for the good of the Democrat party.

THIS is now the new face of Feminism?!?

...Emma Watson what have you done!!! Why Emma, why!!!

Did Weinstein plow any Jewish broads or just shiksas?

I'd still have sex with that if she promised to shut the fuck up for 5 minutes

**Rose McGowan speaks out on Weinstein rapes**

Twitter: suspends her account

**Trump threatens nuclear war**

Twitter: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>private platform
>freedom of speech

pick one kuks. you dont get both.

Which side do I align on this matter, team jew or team crazy feminist? I don't even know, I guess adding fuel to the fire is the only option.

It's like you think the 2016 election is still happening.

Did you see her fappening videos?
Chick is freaky-deaky in he sack m8

It's not about the election. There's a civil war going on between factions in the Democrat party and the Clintonite old guard is losing.

Are we suppose to take #donniedaycare tweets seriously?

>Which side do I align on this matter
Just like with Israel vs. Palestine, whoever wins, we lose.
Mutually assured destruction is the best outcome ;)

>its like you think hes goibg to fuck you

oh wait he is
enjoy tax breaks for the rich! oh wait.. youre poors.... so SAD

don't you realize he's going to be impeached any day now

..but the middle class is literally getting a raise of $4000 thanks to his tax plan...
stop lying

>rose: a washed up nobody skank

>trump: just the president of the united states with 40 million followers

>twitter : a company that is still losing money every year

you: stupid

>ten ways Bernie can still win!

>happened hours ago

damnit OP.....

I like when she gagged on that jew chode so hard that it made a tear roll down her cheek. Very symbolic to what she is doing in the media right now...

What were her last tweets? Rose has clearly been fucked up by Hollywood

>picking a side

Shit on them both you dickhead.

Throw gas on them both and hope they destroy each other.

both reddit and twitter cannot ban trump, even if their CEOs are super-liberals who hate him. He drives a huge portion of their daily traffic and without him their services slide into the zone of irrelevant echo chamber.

Maybe she's been ranting about the Jews in DMs
The TOS doesn't only extend to what you write publicly in tweets

>Delete the tweets
>But we won't tell you which ones

Why the fuck does Twitter do this?


>Former Republican member of congress: 'Trump is unhinged. We are waiting to get tax bill through before impeachment'
>'He’s not listening to anyone. Not a soul. He’s got the nuclear codes and, well, it scares the hell out of me. It’s starting to scare all of them'

based trump going to kill us all as a result of his mental retardation

Do you think political parties deactivate between elections? Americans really are stupid.

So you don't screencap it and show people how fucking arbitrary and inconstant Twitter's censorship policy is.

8 years kiddos

BTW which one of these prototypes do you think should be the Wall?

Literally hasn't done on single illegal thing as president.

8 years, baby ;*

The white one

Enjoy having this screencapped when he's impeached.

the one with the tunnel under it

You're gonna have to dig pretty deep, sweetie

>a former Republican member of Congress reportedly told a former US labour secretary.
>people not in power say drumpf is finished
do you even know who Robert Reich is? Honest question.

Look up the Forward and Tablet articles about Weinstein, they were all goyim bar one (the potted plant girl).

>pretty deep
lmao fucking hell

You can't impeach a president just cuz you don't like him, that's blatantly unconstitutional

>Robert Reich

Next you'll quote McCain at me.

I don't like the 3rd one at all unless those bars are going underground. I don't want shitskins to even be able to SEE our blessed country.

you have to go back

I'm sure you know all about digging tunnels under border walls, you obese virgin



>cant argue his country will be spending billions on a useless wall
didn't you kiddies watch sicario?

Death by a thousand cuts.

Don't use this, don't use that, don't say this or that, until you're all alone and no-one can help you.

Good luck swimming past the alligator infested moat, and avoiding the sentry guns

>useless wall

um sweetie

>a wall in the middle of a conflict is the same as a border wall for mexicans sneaking in
Do you understand how arguments work?

>can't argue his country will be saving tens of billions by keeping free loaders out of the country

2002 was a good year

I forgot that Mexicans can vibrate through solid objects, sorry

>Mexican rapist sneaking in doesn't lead to conflict

>trump threatens nuclear war
>twitter does nothing
>rose calls out pedowood
fucking hell, twitter

>can't argue without referencing pop fiction
oh, sweetie :)

What videos?

>literally hasn't done one single thing as president

yeah, its not hard dumbass. mexicans have been tunnelling through mountains forever, you think some shoddy trump built wall will stop them? haha

you stupid fucking republicuck, go neck yourself

I like 3 or 4

They look less prisony, and remember, good, honest US citizens are going to have to be looking at the other side of this wall, it's not just about the mexicans

they'll be digging under it. people were doing in centuries ago, Im sure mexicans can figure it out
it doesn't. you americans bend over and accept other races taking over

Fake News

search on any porn site, there are at least 4 of them

>the side facing the us must blend in with surroundings
>"hey guys, lets paint this building sky blue!"

>conveniently ignores this post
Keep screaming sweeties

Travel ban
Pulled out of Paris accords

Stick to using turbotax, kid.

What I'd do is sink seismic sensors every 2 feet or so, that way you could just get a ping when anyone was digging under and be waiting for them when they burrowed out

>dude vote for bernie who will only raise your taxes by $8000 to pay for the trillions in new programs and gibs!
sure thing, sport

Retarded libshit, I thought "what do we need a wall for when they fly over?" And now they're expert diggers? Kill yourself you anti-American fuck


Pick one, Canuck

I already replied, dopey. I dont see how a wall in a war zone and its death count has to do with a border wall where the illegals dont even climb what is existing.
typical dotard followers though being proisrael

Sup Forums really needs to have geolocation flags so we can know a dumb foreigner post when we see one

Why didn't the Muslims all just tunnel under the Israel wall?

>where the illegals dont even climb what is existing
fucking idiot, there's footage of this all over the internet

Reminds me of this

More illegal Mexicans kill Americans than Palestinians kill Israelis, but keep valuing votes over lives you piece of shit

Or this

>i'll ignore the other ways they sneak in because Im stupid

You don't need a flag to know it's a Canadian

>moving the goalposts

>having a whiney old man who cries about news as your leader

>implying they'd pay coyotes to get them across the border if they could simply fly

>Several months ago, former chief strategist Steve Bannon told Trump that the risk to his presidency wasn’t impeachment, but the 25th Amendment—the provision by which a majority of the Cabinet can vote to remove the president. When Bannon mentioned the 25th Amendment, Trump said, “What’s that?” Bannon has told people he thinks Trump has only a 30 percent chance of making it the full term.

When even Bannon's lost faith in Trump, you know he's fucked.

>his country will be saving tens of billions
>mexican immigrants cost the economy tens of billions
Jesus christ are Americans really this retarded? The wall will cost anywhere between 10 and 70 billion, depending on which source you take the numbers from, so regardless of who you believe its not gonna save any money whatsoever.

See for reference: politifact.com/california/statements/2017/apr/28/scott-peters/would-trumps-border-wall-cost-same-one-and-half-us/

youre probably not far off though. how much money do they get per head?


Whatever, I'll just keep fapping to her fappening leaks.

Let's take a look at the top 10 most dangerous criminal gangs in America by nature & ethnicity

You've got

>black lads

>white lads
Aryan Brotherhood

>lads of disputable ethnicity
Hell's Angels
Mongols MC

>brown lads
Latin Kings
Barrio 18
Mexican Mafia
Nuestra Familia

That's exactly half of the total number of gangs on the list, sprung from a demographic that represents only 17% of the US population.

These brown gangs are fueled primarily by illicit cross-border activity, both in terms of their recruitment and their revenue stream (i.e. smuggling people, guns, drugs). It's not just about Pablo who wants a better life mowing lawns and picking oranges.

>having a whiney old tv station who cries about the President as your source off information

Bannon's a bloviating idiot, did you read those leaked Breitbart emails?

Illegals cost the US over 100 billion EVERY YEAR. A wall is a one time purchase.


the election cycle never ends.

politifact is literally owned by a big-time Cinton donor. Don't take anything they publish seriously.

the source of the information is Trumps twitter. What are you on about?

Why do countless walls built in the past few years actually keep people out of countries?
Look at israel's wall.