i'm half shit skin and I've only ever dated white women throughout my life and want to have a large family with one some day.
Does Sup Forums frown upon this? Pic unrelated
i'm half shit skin and I've only ever dated white women throughout my life and want to have a large family with one some day.
Does Sup Forums frown upon this? Pic unrelated
Do what you want.
>seeking validation from Sup Forums
Kill yourself familia
I'm not the most confident person in the world
Depends. Are you the kind of man who will raise that family to include many strong, honest, upright sons who will themselves become productive members of society and fathers of strong, honest, upright sons? If so, you're doing things right and should continue wholeheartedly.
>i'm half shit skin.
whats your other half?
Sup Forums's anger literally means next to nothing.
Date whoever you want, but know this - you aren't white so kill yourself.
I'm from a conservative background and my biggest goal in life is to have a healthy, hardworking family.
German and Dutch
You can do anything you want to do.
Basically this yeah
I dont think it would be you Sup Forums would frown upon, but the hypothetic race traitor whore.
I see it as a 100% win. You can piss off the stormfags since you're racemixing, and have (hopefully) politically right wing, 1/4 Hispanic children to piss off La Raza and libtards. Go for it, OP.
As long as you aren't a muzzie or a nigger than its fine.
you should kill your parents (for race mixing) and all your mongrel siblings... and then kill yourself.
That's the only way you can become an honorary aryan and get an afterlife in valhalla.
If I were you, which I am since I'm also half Mexican, then I'd white women because I want my children to be white rather than shitskins. Chances are you're genetically 3/4 European anyways.
Sup bro?
Same boat,except my mom is Costa Rican and was a race mix of a pure blood Spaniard and a
>Turkish Jew
I feel like a mutt since my dad is Italian/German/Irish. Feels bad mang.
That's how I feel about it too, honestly. Call me a "self hating mexican" but I just don't want my kids to have dark skin. My dad had blue eyes and blonde hair, I wish I would have gotten the dark hair/blue eyes combo. Oh well.
>half white
No such thing. You're either all white, or not white at all.
>asking for approval from racist neckbeards on Sup Forums for marrying who you want
You are a pathetic fucking cuck, fuck you, leave and never return.
Not sure I follow what you're saying
Alrighty then
There is no such thing as half Mexican and half white. Mexican is not a racial category. White is. Stop being a moron. I don't know if this describes you, but usually people who say stupid shit like this just was Affirmative Action. So, someone who has a pure white Argentinian grandma suddenly feels like they are hispanic when applying to colleges/jobs. It is disgusting.