new 100 million dollar epic to be directed and lead by black cast!

NOW THIS IS WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! Finally we invest in people of color!

Other urls found in this thread:

We got confirmed news last night that Storm Reid has been cast in the lead role of Meg Murry in Ava DuVernay’s A Wrinkle in Time. The young actress, best known for supporting roles in 12 Years A Slave and An American Girl: Lea to the Rescue, will anchor Walt Disney’s adaptation of the classic Madeleine L’Engle fantasy adventure, alongside a cast that will also Oprah Winfrey, Reese Witherspoon and Mindy Kaling. The film will have an adapted screenplay courtesy of Frozen writer/director Jennifer Lee, and everyone is expecting a 2018 release date. If all goes well, this could be one of the “one we’ve been waiting for.”

>Meg Murry
>daughter of two scientists
>a nigger

Niggers don't even know what a tesseract is!!!!

Not one (maybe NdGT, but that is pretty much it).

Niggers will steal your bike or jack your car, but no nigger can be Meg or Calvin or anyone else from the book.

>tfw I wanted to be Meg and marry Calvin.

And people wonder why I haven't paid for a movie in 5 years...

>movie no one has heard of starring people no one cares about

Fucking hell.

I give even odds Hamarabe gets into the cast.

Black annie was not enough?

They make black movies all the time and they fail.

I don't think they are going to be able to shame audiences into watching nigger movies.

Time to remake Spike Lee movies with white people.

That book was complete and total dogshit anyway. Fucking hated it in grade school.

> Evil Villain is defeated by repeating "I love you, I love you"

Fucking repulsive.

Here is our glowing young star! So proud of her!

>pandering to declining demographics

I thought jews were supposed to be smart.

White people don't have enough depth to play black characters.

Not Jungle Fever, though.

That is just making the nigger a woman and the victim a white man.

I absolutely hated that book in 4th grade

Before it is over they will make black Gone With The Wind.

With White slaves.

And Hollywood is suffering its worst profits ever

In their Ivory Towers, they don't know shit

Because you don't have any money, and because you don't leave the house.

Makes you wonder what is next.

Must be opposite day in the land of maple flavored heroin.

Me too. Can totally see the stupid protagonist cunt being played by a sheboon.

Kek and they think ending piracy will fix the problem.

you have to go back

They will remake 300 with all nigger Spartans vs white Persians first.

>black people
>can't do anything that makes money without it being about: the hood, nigger culture, slavery or a remake of a white cast (where they will almost always be much less successful than the original, and likely lose money)

It is interesting to see how much money (((they))) will throw away to push their 'diversity' bullshit while being entirely hypercritical in their approach.

It'll flop like every other movie (((Hollywood))) tries to culturally enrich

Agreed. I absolutely hate that meme. It's so fucking cringeworthy

Meg is not a nigger.

She just isn't.

So Charles Wallace is a little nigger, too?

How many babydaddies does Mom have, though?

>I mean, if they are going to make it realistic

I just thought of this - there is one thing going for it - at the beginning of the book, there is no father in the house.

>Muppet Christmas Carol
>Muppet Treasure Island

>Muppet Wizard of Oz
>with Black Dorothy
>make my 10 year old self watch the trailer, might be fine
>my reaction after the trailer:

>blacks are so lacking in personality they can't create an original movie idea
wow i love black people now

black dorothy?

>want to maximize profits on movie
>know that dumb white people will watch remake of classic movie
>know that dumb black people will watch a movie if its got a lot of black actors in it
>win-win situation for the studio

its not a conspiracy, its just marketing at work.

A Wrinkle in Colored People Time

>make all female ghostbusters that flops
>blame stupid sexist males
>make all black adaptation of books

hmmm I wonder whats going to happen

MFW Pepe gets blame for this movie bombing badly.

What... so they arrive even later than normal?

They isnt sassy enough and all in yo face an sheeit.


Why have I never heard of this book before?

Because it is a "beloved classic" and that stuff is being removed from the mainstream as we speak.

They will and the 3 nigger witches will all be full of attitude instead of being helpful old white ladies.

And Dad will be all like, "Damn. Y'all niggers came all this way and didn't bring a thirsty nigga a 40?"

This is gonna be the biggest blockbuster since Ghostbusters : the Wimmins"!!

Don't give them too much credit. These young, hip, cuck-loving, faggot/feminazi Jews are running these multi-billion dollar movie studios into the ground with this crap. It's only a matter of time until Grandpa Irving and Grandma Mimi get tired of losing hundreds of millions of dollars on poor investments and terrible ideas, and they pull the plug on the whole operation. Then the (((SJWs))) will realize the new trend is the so-called "alt-right" and they will jump on its coat tails, make money any way they can, and run THAT into the ground as well, repeating the cycle endlessly for all time until Armageddon.

TLDR: Jews fuck everything up; even for themselves.

>Unattractive, unintelligent Black woman makes a shitty movie

>Black woman gets butthurt because Milo said her movie was not good

>Strong empowered Black woman who don't need no man gets Milo banned from Twitter

>Backlash on Twitter


RAMZPAUL video about it. Funny and insightful.

Also, pic related is old news. She seems to have allowed herself to be coaxed back into the Twitter-sphere.

I never watched her shitty movie.

Twitter not doing so great after censoring Milo for essentially nothing.

If there were a decent alternative to Twitter (and Assange is talking about creating one), then the best people will leave Twitter, turning Twitter into a pitiful SJW circle jerk

So again I feel compelled to ask this question:

Why can't blacks make up their own stories?


You can read up on their stories at They usually involve someone dying or someone getting robbed, these are timeless classics that are always a good read.

This is very triggering for me. Wrinkle in Time was my shit.

I get that, but I mean why can't they just create their own stories or creative or innovative ideas in the arts or other fields?

Everything they do siphons off of whites and sometimes Asians.

lol 'investing in people of color' = smearing money in shit

Niggers have never made a good movie, the best they can ever hope for is if Jews and whites recruit Wesley Snipes for another Blade.


Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!

With his passing let the unravelling of worlds commence!

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!

May we fill many fertile Deer with our tadpoles.

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts.

Let Kek be known, let Kek be shown.

Shadilay! Shadilay! Hail the Green Frog of the Nile with a Thousand Shitposts!

>Everything they do siphons off of whites and sometimes Asians.

And then they turn around and say that everything whites do is siphoned off them.

they can, they are published at worldstar hiphop


Niggers are quite creative immediately prior to the application of handcuffs.

Their stories usually start with, "Man I aint did nuffin."

And then segue to, "Ahhh ite. I fiddin to tell you what happened."

And then finally, when caught in a lie they smile and say, "What I meant was, Shaniqua did the robbery while I watched the car."

Or something inventive.

In niggertown, the above is what is called a 3 act breakdown.

I get what you're saying and agree.

Sometimes I'd still like a good reason why blacks can't make their own culture.

As far as I'm concerned, at least Chinks have no souls and simply steal everything from whites. Japs do though, they're creative enough to make anime and pretty cool technological advancements.

Chinks are the niggers of Asia, not Flips. They stole trade secrets from one of our crown companies, Nortel. After they bankrupted Nortel, they created a new company, you'll recognize it as Huawei.

If you ever use a Huawei phone or something like that, all of that technology originally came from Canada. I absolutely refuse to buy any of their products.

Game changer? May be another box office loss like Ben Hur.

They dig up a really old book series for some "Black Harry Potter-ish" action?

I remember reading these books, a long time ago.

Disney fucked up Narnia. Will likely fuck this up, too.

I meant to say crown jewel, not Crown. The Crown didn't own Nortel.

That's why I said sometimes Asians.

I'm curious as to why blacks feel the need to steal white culture while making none of their own.

They had a hundred thousand years, there in Africa. Never invented the wheel.

The ancestors of whites fled that dismal shithole for icy Europe.

Had to learn to cooperate; to work together to fish and protect the harvests and the villages.

Whites became based.

Many millennia later we return to Africa, expecting them to have carved out a civilization. Niggers are still lazy and on BPT.

No wheel.

No waterwheel.

No farms to speak of.

No nothing.

>Not even peanut butter.

Shut the fuck up, nigger lover.


See Pic.

No nigger can play this character convincingly. Not even fat old Oprah.

Meet little Sandy and Dennys, the genius boys who could play baseball and were beloved of the teachers also.

Forgets Egypt, the cradle civilization...

Too bad the first choice for Charles Wallace was not available.

Pic related.


Niggers didn't have anything to do with Egypt.

Also, you ignored the Indus River Valley and Mesopotamia (no niggers there either).

Forgets UR oldest city state.

Civilization sprang up in multiple locations independent of each other.

Nobody will pay to watch it. Niggers will just bootleg the movie anyway. Happy to watch another nig movie bomb like Annie.


>"He Got Game," starring Jimmer Fredette

>bad guys live underground
>will almost definitely be pale and white
Yep, see why they picked this one, bravo, kikes.


Ghostbusters lost 75 million dollars, I guess they want to try losing 100 million

>disable Adblock to view this site
Nah, I'm good.

Anyways, this movie is going to bomb ridiculously hard. I consider myself relatively well informed, and I have no idea what this source material is.

People also don't want to watch movies starring black people. No overseas market for this either.

I'm convinced that Hollywood has just become some money laundering scheme. The amount of shitty movies they continue to throw hundreds of millions of dollars at is astounding.

More like A Wrinkle in Crime.

I didn't love that book or anything but thanks to it I still remember that the square root of 5 is 2.236067978


I can't wait till they release 'The Life and Times of Adolph Hitler' starring Denzel Washington.

Dr. James Gates Jr would like a word with you ;^)
